Alessandro De Luca
Alessandro De Luca
Characteristic Parameters and Special Trapezoidal Words
Characteristic Parameters and Special Trapezoidal Words
Markov numbers, Christoffel words, and the uniqueness conjecture
The Sequence of Open and Closed Prefixes of a Sturmian Word
The sequence of open and closed prefixes of a Sturmian word
On Christoffel and standard words and their derivatives
Aperiodic pseudorandom number generators based on infinite words
Sturmian words and the Stern sequence
Infinite Words with Well Distributed Occurrences
Open and Closed Prefixes of Sturmian Words
Reversible Christoffel factorizations
Enumeration and structure of trapezoidal words
A generalized palindromization map in free monoids
Some characterizations of Sturmian words in terms of the lexicographic order
Christoffel words and the Calkin-Wilf tree
On the number of episturmian palindromes
A new characteristic property of rich words
Characteristic morphisms of generalized episturmian words
Rich and Periodic-Like Words
On a Family of Morphic Images of Arnoux-Rauzy Words
On $\theta$-episturmian words
A connection between palindromic and factor complexity using return words
On some problems related to palindrome closure
On a Generalization of Standard Episturmian Morphisms
Special factors and images of Arnoux-Rauzy words
Combinatorial aspects of Sturmian sequences and their generalizations
On different generalizations of episturmian words
Some generalizations of episturmian words and morphisms
Pseudopalindrome closure operators in free monoids
Combinatorial properties of Sturmian palindromes
Some characterizations of finite Sturmian words
Palindromes in Sturmian Words