
Enumeration and structure of trapezoidal words

Trapezoidal words are words having at most $n+1$ distinct factors of length $n$ for every $n\ge 0$. They therefore encompass finite Sturmian words. We give combinatorial characterizations of trapezoidal words and exhibit a formula for their …

On the number of episturmian palindromes

Episturmian words are a suitable generalization to arbitrary alphabets of Sturmian words. In this paper we are interested in the problem of enumerating the palindromes in all episturmian words over a $k$-letter alphabet $A\_k$. We give a formula for …

Combinatorial properties of Sturmian palindromes

We study some structural and combinatorial properties of Sturmian palindromes, i.e., palindromic finite factors of Sturmian words. In particular, we give a formula which permits to compute in an exact way the number of Sturmian palindromes of …

Palindromes in Sturmian Words

We study some structural and combinatorial properties of Sturmian palindromes, i.e., palindromic finite factors of Sturmian words. In particular, we give a formula which permits to compute in an exact way the number of Sturmian palindromes of …