Prof. Sergio della Valle got an university degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Naples in 1971. In 1974, after he had served in the Air Force Engineering, he became designer for Alfa Avio at the MTU of Munich (DE).
In the years 1974-1978 he was engaged with research work at the Applied Mechanics Institute of the Naples University Federico II; he was assistant professor from 1978, and in 1979 he became professor of Vehicle Mechanics, till 1983, when he became associated professor of Mechanical Vibrations. From 1986 he is full professor in Applied Mechanics at the DIME (Department of Mechanical Engineering for Energetics) of the Naples University "Federico II", and he holds the chair of Mechanical Vibrations.
In the years 1986-1989 he was dean of the course of study in Mechanical Engineering, and from 1991 to 2003 he has been the chairman of the PhD courses in Thermomechanical Systems Engineering, involving the departments DIME and DETEC of the Naples University Federico II. Since 2002, the new PhD course in Mechanical Systems Engineering (chairman: prof. Raffaele Tuccillo) is on.
He is fellow of the Tribology Italian Group, of AIMETA, of IFToMM, of EUROMECH. From October 2001 he is dean of the , Italian Group of Mechanics for Machines and Mechanical Systems (Gruppo nazionale di Meccanica applicata). He is member of the RC Napoli Flegreo, distretto 2100, Rotary International.
He carries out researches into linear and not linear dynamics of machines and mechanical systems. He was local or national chairman of some PRIN's (Project of Relevant National Interest), and has been chairman or session chairman of some national and international conferences.