International Workshop on Big Data Processing in Online Social Network (BOSON)

In Conjunction with

The 35th International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications

Ryerson University, Toronto Canada

May 12 - 14, 2021


Flora Amato, University of Naples Federico II,
Walter Balzano, University of Naples Federico II,
Francesco Moscato, University of Salerno,
Giovanni Cozzolino, University of Naples Federico II,
Antonino Ferraro, University of Naples Federico II,


The  International Workshop on Big data processing in Online Social Network (BOSON)

has the aim to bring together scientists, engineers and students with  the purpose of sharing experiences, ideas, and research results about Big Data Processing and  Online Social Network.

Authors are invited to submit original contribution on the  following Topics:

- Big data processing
- Online Social Network
- Distributed Computing Methods and Applications
- Ubiquitous positioning methods
- Topologies for distributed Computing
- Modeling and Simulation of Big data processing/span>
- Modeling and Simulation of Distributed System
- Distributed Knowledge Management
- Systems and algorithms for social search
- Collaborative Platforms
- Distributed Computing for Smart Cities
- Distributed Computing for E-Health
- Smart Grid Modelling
- Quality Evaluation of Distributed Services
- Semantic Technologies
- Modeling Social Networks and behavior
- Management of social network data
- Information propagation in social networks
- Data mining and machine learning in social systems
- Sentiment analysis on OSNs
- Privacy and security in social systems
- Trust and reputations in social systems