I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Ph.D. candidate at the University of Naples, Italy
and Early Stage Researcher at the PERSEO project.

Affiliated with the Interdepartmental Center for Advances in Robotic Surgery.

Student of Silvia Rossi and of Alessandra Rossi.


My interests lie at the intersection of human-robot interaction, and artificial intelligence. My research aims to demystify robotic processes, paving the way for improved understanding and collaboration in the robotics realm.

Recent News

January, 2024: I am a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology at Bielefeld University.

January, 2024: Our LBR paper titled 'Human-Robot Dialogue that Elicits The Alignment of Moral Principles For Driverless Vehicles' has been accepted to HRI 2024.

October, 2023: Our paper investigating the use of Theory of Mind in Explanations for Fostering Transparency in HRI has been accepted to ICSR 2023.

July, 2023: I am co-organizing the RoboLetics workshop at CoRL 2023.

June, 2023: Our paper investigating transparency during robot's learning has been accepted to RO-MAN 2023.

April, 2023: I am a Visiting Researcher at the Cognitive Robotics Lab of the University of Manchester.

March, 2023: I am co-organizing the CONCATENATE workshop at HRI 2023.