Giancarlo Sperlì


Giancarlo Sperlì is a Tenured Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the University of Naples Federico II, where he is a member of the Pattern analysis, Intelligent Computation and mUltimedia Systems (PICUS) research group of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI). Furthermore, he collaborates actively as researcher with Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica (CINI). In particular, he hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, both from the University of Naples Federico II and in 2018 he received the Ph.D degree in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of University of Naples Federico II.
He served as guest editor of three Special Issues on International Journals (Elsevier Computers & Security on “Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems”, MDPI Future Internet on “Intelligent Innovations in Multimedia Data” and MDPI Big Data and Cognitive Computing "Graph-Based Data Mining and Social Network Analysis"), an international conference special session ("Anomaly Detection" in Cyber Physical Systems in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering) and three workshops hosted in international conferences (1st International Workshop on Election Infrastructure Security (EIS 2022) in conjunction with the 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2022), The 2nd International Workshop on Social Media Networks Analytics and Applications (SMA2) in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) and “1st International Workshop on eHealth in the Big Data and Deep Learning Era” workshop in 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2019)).

Research Fellow.

  • Age: 35
  • City: Naples, Italy

My current research interests lie in the area of multimedia, knowledge management, Big Data analytics and cyber-security. In particular, main research are focused on:

  • Big Data Analytics;
  • Influence Analysis in Multimedia Social Networks;
  • Community detection in Multimedia Social Networks;
  • eXplainable Artificial Intelligence;
  • Predictive Maintenance;
  • Deception Analysis.
  • Resume

    The main personal educational and work experiences are detailed below.


    Giancarlo Sperlì

    Research Fellow @ University of Naples Federico II.

    • Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy


    PhD in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering


    University of Naples Federico II

    Thesis: Multimedia Social Network.

    Master Degree of Computer Engineering

    2009 - 2012

    University of Naples Federico II

    Thesis: Recognizing Unexplained Behavior in Network Intrusions.

    Bachelor Degree of Computer Engineering

    2005 - 2009

    University of Naples Federico II

    Thesis: Development of a framework for the management and monitoring of environments.

    Professional Experience

    Assistant Professor (RTD-B)

    2021 - now

    University of Naples Federico II, Italy, IT

    • Research activity about Big Data Architecture and Analytics and Artificial Intelligence models for supporting several industrial and real-world applications.

    Research fellow

    2019 - 2020

    University of Naples Federico II, Italy, IT

    • Analysis and design of Big Data techniques and Data Mining models to deal with Cyberbullying problem.

    Senior Researcher

    2018 - 2019

    Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica (CINI), Italy, IT

    • Analysis and design of Big Data techniques and Data Mining models to support e-health applications.

    Research Assistant

    2016 - 2016

    University of Maryland, Maryland, MD, USA

    • Research activities on cyber-security topics, focusing in particular on cyber-deception.

    IT Architect

    2012 - 2014

    Accenture S.P.A., Italy, IT

    • Design and delivery of storage and backup scalable solutions, with a focus on virtualization solutions.
    • Delivery of IT transformation programs (such as Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI) or Datacenter Consolidation) or initiatives to align IT infrastructure costs to the information business value by means of storage efficiency techniques and ILM solutions.
    • Technical feasibility analysis (POC) of solutions in the field of Data Management.
    • Scouting of main market trends and technological solutions for the different components of the IT infrastructure to identify the most appropriate technological solution.


    Giancarlo Sperlì has published 120 journal papers, conference proceedings and book chapters, whose lastest publications are listed below:

  • Grasso, B., La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2024). KERMIT: Knowledge-EmpoweRed Model In harmful meme deTection. Information Fusion, 106, 102269, doi:

  • La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., & Sperlì, G. (2024). An eXplainable Artificial Intelligence Methodology on Big Data Architecture. Cognitive Computation, 1-18, doi:

  • Galli, A., La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., & Sperlì, G. (2024). Explainability in AI-based Behavioral Malware Detection Systems. Computers & Security, 103842, doi:

  • Carandente, V., & Sperlí, G. (2024). Harnessing Cognitively Inspired Predictive Models to Improve Investment Decision-Making. Cognitive Computation, 1-16, doi:

  • Canonico, R., & Sperlì, G. (2023). Industrial cyber-physical systems protection: A methodological review. Computers & Security, 135, 103531, doi: 10.1016/j.cose.2023.103531.

  • Chakraborty, T., La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2023). Information retrieval algorithms and neural ranking models to detect previously fact-checked information. Neurocomputing, 557, 126680, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2023.126680.

  • Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., & Sperlí, G. (2023). Few-shot Named Entity Recognition: definition, taxonomy and research directions. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 14(5), 1-46, doi: 10.1145/3609483.

  • Bartolini, I., Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., Sperlì, G., & Vignali, A. (2023). Data augmentation via context similarity: An application to biomedical Named Entity Recognition. Information Systems, 119, 102291, doi: 10.1016/

  • Galli, A., Moscato, V., Romano, S. P., & Sperlì "Playing With a Multi Armed Bandit to Optimize Resource Allocation in Satellite-Enabled 5G Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3302064.

  • Esposito, C., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G., "Detecting malicious reviews and users affecting social reviewing systems: A survey", Computer & Security 2023, 103407, doi:

  • La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., & Sperlı, G. Covid-19 sentiment analysis based on Tweets. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 37, 3, doi:

  • Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., Sansone, C., & Sperli, G. (2023). TaughtNet: Learning Multi-Task Biomedical Named Entity Recognition From Single-Task Teachers. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, doi:

  • De Luca, M., Fasolino, A. R., Ferraro, A., Moscato, V., Sperlì, G., Tramontana, P. "A community detection approach based on network representation learning for repository mining" Expert Systems with Applications, 120597, doi:

  • De Luca, R., Ferraro, A., Galli, A., Gallo, M., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2023). A deep attention based approach for predictive maintenance applications in IoT scenarios. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, doi:

  • De Santo, A., Ferraro, A., Moscato, V., & Sperlí, G. (2023). An action–reaction influence model relying on OSN user-generated content. Knowledge and Information Systems, 1-30, doi:

  • Ferraro, A., Galli, A., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2022). Evaluating eXplainable artificial intelligence tools for hard disk drive predictive maintenance. Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-36,

  • D'Auria, D., Moscato, V., Postiglione, M., Romito, G., & Sperlí, G. (2022). Improving graph embeddings via entity linking: a case study on Italian clinical notes. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 200161,

  • Barducci, A. , Iannaccone, S., La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Sperlì, G., & Zavota, S. (2022). An end-to-end framework for information extraction from Italian resumes. Expert Systems with Applications, 118487,

  • De Santo, A., Ferraro, A., Galli, A., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2022). Evaluating time series encoding techniques for Predictive Maintenance. Expert Systems with Applications, 118435,

  • Di Fiore, E., Ferraro, A., Galli, A., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2022). An anomalous sound detection methodology for predictive maintenance. Expert Systems with Applications, 118324,

  • Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G. (2022). Community detection over feature-rich information networks: An eHealth case study. Information Systems,

  • La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Pennone, M., Postiglione, M., & Sperlí, G. (2022). Music Recommendation via Hypergraph Embedding. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,

  • Delli Veneri, M., Cavuoti, S., Abbruzzese, R., Brescia, M., Sperlì, G., Moscato, V., & Longo, G. (2022). HyCASTLE: A Hybrid ClAssification System based on Typicality, Labels and Entropy. Knowledge-Based Systems, 108566,

  • Galli, A., Masciari, E., Moscato, V., & Sperlí, G. (2022). A comprehensive Benchmark for fake news detection. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1-25,

  • Moscato, V., & Sperlì G., (2022) "A novel influence diffusion model under temporal and content constraints on Business Social Network", Telematics and Informatics,

  • Sansone, C., & Sperlì G., (2021) "Legal Information Retrieval Systems: State-of-the-art and open issues", Information Systems,

  • Esposito C., Galli A., Moscato V., & Sperlì G., (2021) "Multi-criteria assessment of user trust in Social Reviewing Systems with subjective logic fusion", Information Fusion,

  • De Santo A., Galli A., Moscato V., & Sperlì G., (2021) "A deep learning approach for semi-supervised community detection in Online Social Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems,

  • La Gatta V., Moscato V., Postiglione M., & Sperlì G., (2021) "CASTLE: Cluster-aided space transformation for local explanations", Expert Systems With Applications,

  • La Gatta V., Moscato V., Postiglione M., & Sperlì G., (2021) "PASTLE: Pivot-aided space transformation for local explanations", Pattern Recognition Letters,

  • Moscato V., & Sperlì G. (2021) "A survey about community detection over On-line Social and Heterogeneous Information Networks", Knowledge-Based Systems,

  • Han Q., Molinaro C., Picariello A., Sperlì G., Subrahmanian V.S., & Xiong Y. (2021) "Generating Fake Documents using Probabilistic Logic Graphs", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,

  • Esposito, C., Moscato, V., & Sperlì, G., (2021) "Trustworthiness Assessment of Users in Social Reviewing Systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,

  • Cinque, M., Della Corte, R., Moscato, V. & Sperlì G., (2021) “A Graph-based approach to detect Unexplained Sequences in a Log”, Expert Systems with Applications, doi:

  • Moscato, V., Picariello, A., & Sperlí, G., (2021) "A benchmark of machine learning approaches for credit score prediction", Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 165, 2021, 113986, ISSN 0957-4174, doi:

  • De Santo, A., Galli, A., Gravina, M., Moscato, V., & Sperli, G., (2020) "Deep Learning for HDD health assessment: an application based on LSTM" in IEEE Transactions on Computers. doi:

  • La Gatta, V., Moscato, V., Postiglione M., & Sperli, G., (2020) "An Epidemiological Neural network exploiting Dynamic Graph Structured Data applied to the COVID-19 outbreak", in IEEE Transactions on Big Data, doi:

  • Moscato, V., Picariello, A., & Sperli, G., (2020) "An emotional recommender system for music", in IEEE Intelligent Systems, doi:

  • Di Girolamo, R., Esposito, C., Moscato, V., & Sperlí, G., (2020) "Evolutionary game theoretical on-line event detection over tweet streams", Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 211, 2021, 106563, ISSN 0950-7051, doi:

  • Ianni, M., Masciari, E. & Sperlí, G., (2020) A survey of Big Data dimensions vs Social Networks analysis. J Intell Inf Syst (2020), doi:

  • Su, X., Sperlì, G. Moscato, V., Picariello, A., Esposito, C. & Choi, C., (2019) "An Edge Intelligence Empowered Recommender System Enabling Cultural Heritage Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 4266-4275, July 2019, doi:

  • Chakraborty, T., Jajodia, S., Katz, J., Picariello, A., Sperli, G., & Subrahmanian, V. S., (2019). FORGE: A Fake Online Repository Generation Engine for Cyber Deception. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, doi:

  • Mercorio, F., Mezzanzanica, M., Moscato, V., Picariello, A., & Sperli, G., (2019) "DICO: A Graph-DB Framework for Community Detection on Big Scholarly Data", in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, doi:

  • Petrillo, A., Picariello, A., Santini, S., Scarciello, B., & Sperlí, G., (2019) “Model-based vehicular prognostics framework using Big Data architecture” Computers in Industry, Volume 115, 2020, 103177, ISSN 0166-3615, doi:

  • Moscato, V., Picariello, A., & Sperlí, G., (2019) "Community detection based on Game Theory", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 85, 2019, Pages 773-782, ISSN 0952-1976, doi:

  • Persico, V., Pescapé, A., Picariello, A., & Sperlí, G., (2018). Benchmarking big data architectures for social networks data processing using public cloud platforms. Future Generation Computer Systems, 89, 98–109, doi:

  • Amato, F., Castiglione, A., De Santo, A., Moscato, V., Picariello, A., Persia, F., & Sperlí, G., (2018). Recognizing human behaviours in online social networks. Computers & Security, 74, 355–370, doi:
  • Teaching

    The main teaching activities are detailed below.

    University course

    Machine Learning and Big Data


    Master degree in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani,70,80146,Naples,Italy.

    Hardware and Software for Big Data mod. A


    Master Degree in Data Science

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio 21,80125,Naples,Italy.



    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Applicazioni di Bioinformatica


    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Machine Learning for Health Data Analysis


    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Sistemi informativi per la telemedicina


    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Machine Learning for Engineering


    Master Degree in Ingegneria Meccanica per la progettazione e la produzione

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio 21,80125,Naples,Italy.

    Computer Science Laboratory


    Bachelor degree in Hospitality Management

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Vicinale Cupa Cintia,26,80126,Naples,Italy.

    Machine Learning and Big Data


    Master degree in Autonomous Vehicle Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani,70,80146,Naples,Italy.

    Electronic Calculators I


    Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani,70,80146,Naples,Italy.

    Machine Learning for Health Data Analysis


    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Sistemi informativi per la telemedicina


    Degree in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo Tecnologico

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Pansini, 5, 80131,Naples,Italy.

    Big Data Engineering


    Master degree in Computer Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Electronic Calculators I


    Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani,70,80146,Naples,Italy.

    Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence


    Master degree in Computer Engineering

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Informatica per l'edilizia


    Bachelor degree in Tecniche per l’Edilizia, il Territorio e l’Ambiente

    University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"

    Viale Abramo Lincoln, 5, 81100 Caserta, Italy.

    Information Systems


    Master degree in Ingegneria Gestionale

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    PhD Course

    Big Data Architecture and Analytics


    PhD Course

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Architecture for Big Data Processing


    PhD Course

    University of Milano-Bicocca

    Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126 Milano MI, Italy.

    Big Data Architecture and Analytics


    PhD Course

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Architecture for Big Data Processing


    PhD Course

    University of Milano-Bicocca

    Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126 Milano MI, Italy.

    Big Data Architecture and Analytics


    PhD Course

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Architecture for Big Data Processing


    PhD Course

    University of Milano-Bicocca

    Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126 Milano MI, Italy.

    Big Data


    PhD Course

    University of Naples Federico II

    Via Claudio, 21, 80125, Naples, Italy.

    Other course

    Big Data Architecture and Analytics


    Assinter Accademy

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Naples, Italy.

    Database system


    Accademy “Ferrovie dello Stato” (FSAccademy)

    University of Naples Federico II

    Corso Nicolangelo Protopisani, 70, 80146 Naples, Italy.

    Fundamentals of Multimedia Social Networks and Cyber Security


    Course "Le tecnologie ICT al servizio della PA"

    University of Naples Federico II

    Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo Via Cintia, 21 80126 Naples, Italy.


    The main editoring activities are detailed below.

    Journal Editor

    Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems


    Associate Editor: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Expert Systems with Applications


    Associate Editor: Giancarlo Sperlì



    Associate Editor: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Computer Science


    Associate Editor: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Journal Special Issue

    Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems

    Elsevier Computers & Security (COSE)

    Guest Editors: Massimiliano Albanese, Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì

    Intelligent Innovations in Multimedia Data

    MDPI Future Internet

    Guest Editors: Stefano Marrone, Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì

    Graph-Based Data Mining and Social Network Analysis

    MDPI Big Data and Cognitive Computing

    Guest Editors: Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì

    Advances in Trusted Framework for Optimizing Privacy and Authentication in Online Social Network Security

    Hindawi Security and Communication Networks

    Guest Editors: Bogdan Ghita, N. Jeyanthi, Giancarlo Sperlì

    Conference Area Chair

    The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

    NLP Applications Track

    Senior Area Chair: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Conference Program Chairs

    13th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering (MEDI2024)


    Program Chair: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Artificial Intelligence for Financial Domain(AFID)

    The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing

    Program Chair: Giancarlo Sperlì

    Conference Special Session

    Anomaly Detection in Cyber Physical Systems

    2022 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering

    Chairs: Massimiliano Albanese, Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì


    3nd International Workshop on Social Media Networks Analytics and Applications (SMA2)

    27th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2023)

    Chairs: Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì, Fabio Persia and Anton Dignos.

    1st International Workshop on Election Infrastructure Security (EIS 2022)

    27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2022)

    Chairs: Massimiliano Albanese, Vincenzo Moscato, Giancarlo Sperlì

    1st International Workshop on eHealth in the Big Data and Deep Learning Era (e-BADLE)

    20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2019)

    Chairs: Tanmoy Chakraborty, Stefano Marrone and Giancarlo Sperlì

    2nd International Workshop on Social Media Networks Analytics and Applications (SMA2)

    2018 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2018)

    Chairs: Vincenzo Moscato and Giancarlo Sperlì


    University Trend Hackaton

    University of Naples Federico II

    Organizers: KPMG and Giancarlo Sperlì

    Program Committee

  • 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2024).

  • The 29th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems (NLDB 2024).

  • The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData-24).

  • The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24).

  • The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24) - Survey Track.

  • The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Generative, Incremental, Adversarial, Explainable AI/ML in Distributed Computing Systems (AI-DCS 2024).

  • Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24).

  • 27th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2024).

  • First IEEE International Conference on AI for Medicine, Health, and Care (AIMHC 2024).

  • The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23).

  • The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23) - Survey Track.

  • 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2023).

  • 7th IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA 2023).

  • 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2023).

  • 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2022) Applied Research Track.

  • Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23).

  • The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022) - Survey Track.

  • 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021) - Survey Track .

  • ECML PKDD 2021 Journal Track (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases).

  • IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) Survey Track.

  • ACM SAC 2020 (The 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing) - track SFECS – Sustainability of Fog/Edge Computing Systems.

  • IEEE EVOSTAR 2020 (The European Event on Bio Inspired Computation).

  • ACM SAC 2019 (The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing). - track SFECS – Sustainability of Fog/Edge Computing Systems.

  • IEEE I-SPAN 2019 (The 16th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks).

  • IEEE IRI/SMA2 2017 (The 1st International Workshop on Social Media Networks Analytics and Applications).
  • Awards

    Giancarlo Sperlì achieved several awards, whose main information are detailed below:

  • Runner up award for best paper in IEEE Intelligent Systems for 2021.

  • 1st place for the DisTEMIST task - Subtask DisTEMIST-Entities at the challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing released by BioASQ in 2022.

  • ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme released by Ministry of Education of India in 2022 to promote the exchange of professors between India and European countries.

  • 1st ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science and Big Data Fellowship released by ACM in 2017 to attend the 1st ACM Europe Summer School on Data Science.
  • Contact

    At room 3.13

    Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI), Via Claudio, 21 - 80125 - Naples, Italy

    Building 3/A, 3° floor, room 3.13.


    Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Campania, Italy


    (+39) 081 7683849