Research interest
Computing Science
Parallel , distributed and grid computing
Software environments for high performance computing
Parallel algorithms for integrals computation
Main projects
EGEE II and EGEE III. funded by the European Commission (2006-08 and 2008-10). The project has two clear objectives that are essential for European research infrastructures: to expand, optimize and simplify the use of Europe's largest production Grid by continuous operation of the infrastructure, support for more user communities, and addition of further computational and data resources; to prepare the migration of the existing Grid from a project-based model to a sustainable federated infrastructure based on National Grid Initiatives.
SCOPE funded by the MIUR - National Ministery of Education and Research (2005-2008). The aim is the development of a High Performance Computing system for the deployment of multidisciplinary grid aware applications.
GRID.IT funded by the MIUR - National Ministery of Education and Research (2002-2005).The goal of this project is to enable ICT platforms for distributed high-performance Computational Grids, oriented to the development of complex multidisciplinary applications and scalable Virtual Organizations in highly dynamic and heterogeneous context. The target technologies covers all the system levels: from the high-speed networks, to the Middleware services, to the programming tools and environment. The proposal contains the development of demonstrators in the fields of Astronomy, Earth Observation Systems, Biology, Computational Chemistry and Geophysics.
Contribution to the project: Definition and development of a Performance Contract System and development of distributed algorithms for linear algebra problems.
ASI-PQE2000 founded by the ASI - Italian Space Agency (2000-2002). The project is developed jointly to ASI, the department of computer science of University of Pisa, and several other italian universities and research center of the CNR - National Research Council. This is a joint effort among academic and industrial Italian partners . The project mainly aims at building ASSIST (A Software development System based on Integrated Skeleton Technology) . Main part of the work was targeted to specify how to extend ASSIST in order to address heterogeneous platforms (e.g., Grids).
Contribution to the project: integration of the MPI communication library into the programming environment and development of high performance software components for multidimensional quadrature and Fourier transform.
HPCFinance (High Performance Computing in Finance) funded by the European Union (1997-1999). This project is developed jointly to other european and italian universities such as the University of Cyprus, University of Cambridge and the Universities of Bergamo and Cosenza. The project is aimed to develope methods, algorithms and software for advanced architecture computers in the field of the Finance.
Contribution to the project: experiments with methods and parallel software for high dimension integrals related to problems of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations.
Pineaple (Parallel and Industrial NumErical Applications and Portable Libraries) funded by the Fourth Framework Program for the Information Technology of the European Union (1996-1998). This project is developed jointly to several european universities and research centers, such as NAG, IBM-ECSEC, and CERFACS and european industries such as Piaggio, British Aerospace, Danish Idraulic Institute and Thomson. The project is aimed to write parallel code for very large industrial applications and to develope a parallel library containing the computational kernels used to solve the previous applications.
Contribution to the project: development of the parallel mathematical software item D01FAFP for the computation of multidimensional integrals.
Computing systems and parallel computing funded by the Italian Ministery of Education and Research and the National Research Council (1988-1991).
Contribution to the project: development of the parallel mathematical software for the computation of multidimensional integrals.
updated 14-gen-2022