Hi, I'm a PhD student in Information Technology and Eletrical Engineering (ITEE) at Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (DIETI), Federico II University of Naples. My research is focused on real-time edge-cloud for mission-critical systems. In particular, I deal with the resilience and timeliness assessment of modern container orchestration systems for emerging scenarios like Industry 4.0, 5G networks, and Software Defined Vehicles. My keywords are integrate and automate, and my vision is to seamlessly manage critical applications and standard containers, together. I am a member of DESSERT (DEpendable and Secure Software Engineering and Real-Time Systems) research group.
Orchestrate services with different criticalities, guaranteeing their SLOs.
Integrate critical applications designed for real-time processors into orchestration tools.
Evaluate and imrove the resilience of cloud orchestrators.
Real-time systems, real-time containers and orchestration, operating systems
Real-time systems, embedded systems, distributed systems, dependability assessment
IT Engineering skills, image and sound processing