Android GUI Ripper Demo: a Video




Minimal requirements for the execution of the GUI Ripping Toolset


1.       Windows XP or better (a Linux version of the GUI Ripping Toolset will be published soon);

2.       JDK v.1.6 (downloadable here)

3.       Android sdk v.18 or better (downloadable here)

4.       Libraries for Android 2.3.3 or better (downloadable via the Android SDK Manager included in the Android sdk)


Base Demo: User Guide


The Ripping process consists of three steps:

1.       The Deploy step is devoted to setting up the testing environment.

2.       The Ripping step carries out the GUI ripping process automatically and accomplishes the crash testing activity.

3.       The Post-elaboration step analyses the crash testing results to produce test reports and GUI models.


Preliminary Step


Creating the AVD


In order to carry out the GUI Ripping activities, a virtual Android device is needed. An Android Virtual Device (AVD) can be created via the android utility of the SDK (see here how it is possible).

Warning: it is strongly advised to create a new avd for any ripper execution without reusing already used AVDs.

The reference configuration for the AVD to be created is the following:

a.       Target: Android 2.3.3 - API Level 10 (or better)

b.      SD Card: Size 10 MB (or better)

c.       Snapshot: Enabled

d.      Max VM Application Header 128

e.      Device Ram size: 512 (or better)

Once the AVD has been created, the following five steps have to be carried out.



Unzipping the package

The demo_APPNAME.rar file has to be unzipped in a folder of your choice. Rar files can be opened with WinRAR.

The package contains four batch files (init.bat, install.bat, execute.bat and postproc.bat) that will be directly used during the process and a folder called batch with all the needed tools. Do not move or modify the content of this folder!


Editing init.bat


The file init.bat has to be edited by indicating:

  1. -       The path of the Android SDK (e.g. C:\android\android-sdk)

  2. -       The name of the AVD that has been created (or the name of the device as reported by the adb Android utility tool)

  3. -       The path where the snapshot image are stored by Android (usually this path has a format similar to C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\avd\%AVDNAME%.avd\snapshots.img)

  4. -       The path where temporary files are stored (usually it is %TEMP%\AndroidEmulator)

  5. -       The package of the application under test 

An example of init.bat (the highlighted items should be edited):

set ANDROID_SDK=C:\android\android-sdk

set AVDNAME=avd_tomdroid

set SNAPSHOTPATH="C:\Users\mm\.android\avd\%AVDNAME%.avd\snapshots.img"

set TEMPORARYPATH=%TEMP%\AndroidEmulator

set APPPACKAGE=org.tomdroid


After you have edited the init.bat file, save it and continue. 


1. Deploy Step


The Deploy Step is automatically carried out by the install.bat shell script.

In the Deploy step, the code of the Android application under test is instrumented by the Emma library (for code coverage assessment) and deployed into the AVD emulator tool together with the GUI Ripper itself. Successively, an image of the Android system, called Snapshot image, is created, in order to be restored after each ripping step execution. It is recommended that the AVD has just be created for this execution.

When the installation is terminated, the user has to close the emulator window. The install step lasts about two minutes for the TomDroid case study on a Windows 7 PC.


2. Ripper Execution Step


The Ripper Execution Step is executed by the execute.bat shell script.

In the Ripping step, the application's GUI is iteratively ripped and the GUI Tree model is incrementally built. The Ripping is started by calling execute.bat. During the execution, the emulator window will be opened and closed many times, as well as some other command line windows. The user has to wait until the emulator stops it (it is possible that the emulator window remains opened: in this case you can check that exists a closed.txt file in the subfolder .\files)

Warning: the ripping execution can last several hours, depending on the complexity of the application under ripping and of the performances of the machine.


3. Post-processing Step


The Post-processing Step is executed by the postproc.bat shell script.

A post-elaboration of  the raw outputs of the Ripper is needed. In order to carry out the post-elaboration, you have to execute postproc.bat: its execution lasts few seconds. The following artifacts will then be produced and stored in the .\output folder:

-          Execution Report (report.txt)

An aggregate report including some metrics related to the structure of the discovered GUIs and the number of found crashes

-         Executable Junit tests (

This set of test cases can easily be inserted in an Android JUnit Test project and re-executed (e.g. for regression testing purposes)

-          Gui Tree XML model (guitree.xml) and graph (, in .dot format)

The XML model contains also information about the executions that causes crashes (find for the word crash in the XML document.).

The graph is viewable with Graphviz.

-          Source code coverage report generated by EMMA




Application Description Specific Settings Rar package Output
TomDroid An open source note-taking application with online synchronization compatible with Tomboy Set SD Card Size = 10 MB or better


Set package to org.tomdroid

Execution Report

Generated Test cases

GUI Tree (XML - dot - jpeg)

Coverage report

AardDict An open source port of Aard Dictionary to Android Set SD Card Size = 256 MB or better


Set package to

Execution Report

Generated Test cases

GUI Tree (XML - dot - jpeg)

Coverage report