Luigi M. Ricciardi


(Updated October 04, 2004)




Ricciardi L.M. and Esposito F. (1966) On some distribution functions for non linear switching elements. Kybernetik 3, 148-152.


Ricciardi L.M. (1967) Analysis of spike trains in terms of delayed coincidences. Exp. Brain Res. 3, 1-11.


De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1967) Formalized neuron: probabilistic description and asymptotic theorems. J. Theor. Biol. 14, 206-217.


De Raffaele T. and Ricciardi L.M. (1967) Codificatore elettronico di forme bidimensionali. Alta Frequenza 36, 220-224.


Caianiello E.R., De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1967) Reverberations and control of neural networks. Kybernetik 4, 10-18.


De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1968) Probabilistic description of neurons. In Neural Networks (E.R. Caianiello, ed.) 100-109. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


Ricciardi L.M. and Umezawa H. (1967) Brain and physics of many body problems. Kybernetik 4, 44-48.


De Luca A., Levialdi S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1968) Progettazione e controllo di una rete di elementi a soglia lineari. Alta Frequenza 37, 1-9.


Caianiello E.R. De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1968) Neural networks: reverberations, constants of motion and general behavior. In Neural Networks (E.R. Caianiello, ed.) 92-99. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


De Luca A. Ricciardi L.M. and Umezawa H. (1968) Self-consistent treatment of a crystal-like model. Physica 40, 61-76.


De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1969) Decomposition of a matrix as sums of direct products. Applications to neural networks. Calcolo 6, 225-237.


De Luca A., Ricciardi L.M. and Vasudevan R. (1970) Note on relating pfaffians with hafnians and determinants with permanents. J. Math. Physics 11, 530-535.


De Luca A., Ricciardi L.M. and Vasudevan R. (1970) Random matrices and neural networks. Kybernetik 6,163-167.


Ricciardi L.M. and Ventriglia F. (1970) Probabilistic models for determining the input-output relationship in formalized neurons. I. A theoretical approach. Kybernetik 7, 175-183.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1971) Diffusion approximation and first passage time problem for a model neuron. Kybernetik 8, 214-223.


Ricciardi L.M. (1971) Formalized neurons and neural networks. In Proc. 1st European Biophysics Congress, 14-17 Sept. 1971, Baden, Austria (E. Broda, A. Locker and H. Sprin-Lederer, eds.) 297-315. Verlag der Wiener Medizinische Akademie, Vienna.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1971) Diffusion models for formalized neurons activity. In Atti del Congresso di Cibernetica, Casciana Terme (Italy), 11-13 October 1971 (M. A. Baldocchi and F. Lenci, eds.), 818-836, Lito Felici, Pisa.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1971) Population growth as a diffusion model. In Atti del Congresso di Cibernetica, Casciana Terme (Italy), 11-13 October 1971 (M. A. Baldocchi and F. Lenci, eds.),837-854, Lito Felici, Pisa.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1972) On the inverse of the first passage time probability problem. J. Appl. Prob. 9, 270-287.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1972) Population growth in the presence of regulation. In Atti del II Congresso di Cibernetica, Casciana Terme (Italy), 25-27 October 1972 (M. A. Baldocchi, ed.), 301-308, Lito Felici, Pisa.


Ricciardi L.M. (1972) Diffusion approximations in neuronal modelling and population growth. In Atti del II Congresso di Cibernetica, Casciana Terme (Italy), 25-27 October 1972 (M. A. Baldocchi, ed.), 43-60, Lito Felici, Pisa.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1973) A continuous Markovian model for neuronal activity. J. Theor. Biol. 40, 369-387.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1974) A diffusion model for population growth in random environment. Theor. Population Biol. 5, 28-41.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1974) Growth with regulation in random environment. Kybernetik 15, 147-157.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1974) Continuous models for frequency-density dependent selection. Math. Biosciences 22, 197-209.


Ricciardi L.M. (1975) Stochastic equations in ecology and neurobiology. In Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research (R. Trappl and F. Pichler, eds.) 183-188. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1975) A note on growth processes in random environment. Biol.Cybernetics 18, 105-109.


Ricciardi L.M. (1976) Diffusion approximation for a multi-input neuron. Biol. Cybernetics 24, 237-240.


Ricciardi L.M. (1976) On the transformation of diffusion processes into the Wiener process. J. Math. Analysis Appl. 54,185-199.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1976) On the transformation of diffusion processes into the Feller process. Math. Biosciences 29, 219-234.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1978) On certain diffusion approximations to population growth in random environment. In Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research (R. Trappl, G.J. Klir and L.M. Ricciardi, eds.) 657-662. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Ricciardi L.M. (1978) Diffusion approximations to neuronal activity and to the time-dependent threshold problem. In Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research (R. Trappl, G.J. Klir and L.M.Ricciardi, eds.) 570-579. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1978) A heuristic approach to feature extraction and compression for written languages: a. Pubblicazioni IAC, Serie III, No. 125, 3-12; b. In Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, 364-368.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1978) On the role of noise in systems dynamics. In Proc. Int. Conf.  on Cybernetics and Society, Tokyo, Japan, 1058-1060.


Ricciardi L.M. (1979) Processi di diffusione e problemi di primo passaggio in biomatematica. Boll. UMI 16 A, 427-440.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1979) A cybernetic approach to population dynamics modeling. J. Cybernetics 9, 297-312.


Ricciardi L.M. (1979) On a conjecture concerning population growth in random environment. Biol.Cybernetics 32, 95-99.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1979) The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a model for neuronal activity. Biol. Cybernetics 35, 1-9.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1980) The first passage time problem with applications to neuronal modelling. In Applications of Information and Control Systems (D.G. Lainiotis and N.S Tzannes, eds.) 226-236. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht.


Nobile A. G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1980) Growth and extinction in random environment. In Applications of Information and Control Systems (D.G. Lainiotis and N.S. Tzannes, eds.) 455-465. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht.


Capocelli R.M. and Ricciardi L.M. (1980) The entropy of written Italian. In Advances in Communications (D.G. Lainiotis and N.S. Tzannes, eds.) 96-99. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht.


Ricciardi L.M. (1980) Stochastic equations in neurobiology and population biology. In Vito Volterra Symposium on Mathematical Models in Biology (C. Barigozzi, ed.) 248-263. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Vol. 39. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


Cerbone G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1981) Mean, variance and skewness for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Cybernetics and Systems 12, 395-429.


Favella L., Reineri M.T., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1982) First passage time problems and related computational methods. Cybernetics and Systems 13, 95-128.


Nobile A. G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1982) On Gompertz growth model and related difference equations. Biol. Cybernetics 42, 221-229.


Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1982) On a class of difference equations modeling growth processes. In Biomathematics in 1980 (L.M. Ricciardi and A.C. Scott, eds.) 217-244. Mathematical Studies, Vol. 58. North Holland, Amsterdam.


Ricciardi L.M. (1982) Diffusion approximation and computational problems for single neurons activity. In Competition and Cooperation in Neural Networks (S. Amari and M.C. Arbib, eds.). Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Vol. 45. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


Ricciardi L.M. (1983) Cybernetics and biology: classical attempts at neuronal modelling. In Cybernetics: Theory and Applications (R. Trappl, ed.) 141-158. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Ricciardi L.M., Sacerdote L. and Sato S. (1983) Diffusion approximation and first passage time problem for a model neuron. II. Outline of a computational method. Math. Biosciences 64, 29- 44.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1983) A note on first passage time problems for Gaussian processes and varying boundaries. IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT 29, 454-457.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1983) On the evaluation of first passage time probability densities. J. Appl. Prob. 20, 197-201.


Ricciardi L.M., Sacerdote L. and Sato S. (1984) On an integral equation for first-passage-time probability densities. J. Appl. Prob. 21, 302-314.


Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1984) Growth with regulation in fluctuating environments. I. Alternative logistic-like diffusion models. Biol. Cybernetics 49, 179-188.


Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1984) On a class of discrete models for regulated growth with intrinsic lower bounds. In Cybernetics and Systems Research 2 (R. Trappl, ed.) 281-291. North Holland, Amsterdam.


Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1984) Growth with regulation in fluctuating environments. II. Intrinsic lower bounds to population size. Biol. Cybernetics 50, 285-299.


Ricciardi L.M. (1984) Diffusion approximations and first passage time problems in population biology and neurobiology. In Mathematics in Biology and Medicine (V. Capasso, E. Grosso and S. Paveri-Fontana, eds.) 455-468. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Vol. 57. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1985) A note on first-passage time and some related problems. J. Appl. Prob. 22, 346-359.


Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1985) Exponential trends of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck first-passage-time densities. J. Appl. Prob. 22, 360-369.


Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1985) Exponential trends of first-passage-time densities for a class of diffusion processes with steady-state distribution. J. Appl. Prob. 22, 611-618.


Balossino N, Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1985) On the evaluation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes. Cybernetics and Systems 16, 325-339.


Giorno V, Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1986) Some remarks on the Rayleigh process. J. Appl. Prob. 23, 398-408.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1986) On some diffusion approximations to queueing systems. Adv. Appl. Prob. 18, 991-1014.


Buonocore A., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1986) A new algorithmic approach to first-passage-time problems. In Cybernetics and Systems '86 (R. Trappl, ed.) 359-366. D. Reidel, Amsterdam.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1986) On the probability densities of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with reflecting boundaries. In Cybernetics and Systems '86 (R. Trappl, ed.) 359-366. D. Reidel, Amsterdam.


Matsuda H., Kawasaki K., Shigesada N., Teramoto E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1986) Switching effect on the stability of the prey-predator system with three trophic levels. J. Theor. Biol. 122, 251-262.


Ricciardi L.M. (1986) Stochastic population theories: birth and death processes. In Mathematical Ecology (T.G. Hallam and S. Levin, eds.) Biomathematics, Vol. 17, 155-190. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Ricciardi L.M. (1986) Stochastic population theories: diffusion processes. In Mathematical Ecology (T.G. Hallam and S. Levin, eds.) Biomathematics, Vol. 17, 191-238. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1986) On the evaluation of first passage time densities for Gaussian processes. Signal Processing 11, 339-357.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1986) First passage time p.d.f. and moments for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In Giapponese. IT86-58, 53-58.


Matsuda H., Kawasaki K., Shigesada N., Teramoto E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1987) Evolutionary and ecological stability of prey-predator systems with predator switching. In Mathematical Topics in Population Biology, Morphogenesis and Neurosciences. Proceedings, Kyoto 1985 (E. Teramoto and M. Yamaguti, eds.) 172-181. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sacerdote L. (1987) On the probability densities of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with reflecting boundaries. J. Appl. Prob. 24, 355-369.


Buonocore A., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1987) A new integral equation for the evaluation of first-passage-time probability densities. Adv. Appl. Prob. 19, 784-800.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1987) On some time non-homogeneous diffusion approximations to queueing systems. Adv. Appl. Prob. 19, 974-994.


Ricciardi L.M. (1987) Outline of some recent results on the first-passage-time problem in biological modeling. In Mathematical Topics in Population Biology, Morphogenesis and Neurosciences. Proceedings, Kyoto 1985 (E. Teramoto and M. Yamaguti, eds.) 322-328. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1987) On the range of a one-dimensional asymmetric random walk. Ricerche di Matematica 36, 153-160.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1987) Probability density functions and moments of the first passage time of diffusion processes through a constant boundary. In Giapponese. IT87-75, 1-6.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1988) First-passage-time density and moments of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. J. Appl. Prob. 1, 43-57.


Giorno V., Lánsky P., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1988) Diffusion approximation and first-passage-time problem for a model neuron. III A birth-and-death approach. Biol. Cybernetics 58, 387-404


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1988). A birth-and-death model for single neuron's activity. In Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems (L.M. Ricciardi, ed.), 27-37. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1988). A new approach to the construction of first-passage-time densities. In Proc. 9th European Congress on Cybernetics and Systems Research (R. Trappl, ed.), 375-381. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.


Lánsky P., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1988). A diffusion neuronal model and its parameters. In Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems (L.M. Ricciardi, ed.), 55-63. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1988) A computational method for the first passage time p.d.f. of diffusion processes. In Giapponese. IT88-54, 61-67.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1989) On the evaluation of first-passage-time densities via nonsingular integral equations. Adv. Appl. Prob. 21, 20-36.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1989) A symmetry-based constructive approach to probability densities for one dimensional diffusion processes. J. Appl. Prob. 27, 707-721.


Giorno V., Di Crescenzo A., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1989) First-crossing time problems for diffusion processes in R2 through particular closed curves. In Proc. 6-th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 21-25 August 1989, (M. Hála and M. Malí, eds.), Prague, 112-119.


Nobile A.G., Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V. and Ricciardi L.M. (1989) On some probability densities and symmetry properties of two-dimensional diffusion processes. In Proc. 6-th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 21-25 August 1989, (M. Hála and M. Malí, eds.), Prague, 216-223.


Ricciardi L.M. (1989) Informazione, Teoria della. In Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico, Vol. X, IV Edizione, 893-898. UTET, Torino.


Buonocore A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) On the two-boundary first-crossing-time problem for diffusion processes. J. Appl. Prob. 27, 102-114.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) On the transition densities of diffusion processes with reflecting boundaries. In Cybernetics and Systems '90 (R. Trappl, ed.), 383-390. World Scientific, Singapore.


Buonocore A., Iardino F., Nakamura A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) First passage time trends for normal B-2 covariances processes. In Cybernetics and Systems '90 (R. Trappl, ed.), 405-412. World Scientific, Singapore.


Lánsky P. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) An outline of some one-dimensional diffusion neuronal models. In Cybernetics and Systems '90 (R. Trappl, ed.), 413-418. World Scientific, Singapore.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) Some preliminary results on first crossing time densities for two-dimensional diffusion processes. In Cybernetics and Systems '90 (R. Trappl, ed.), 427-433. World Scientific, Singapore.


Ricciardi L.M., Giorno V. and Nobile A.G. (1990) On the asymptotics of first passage time densities. In White Noise Analysis (T. Hida, H.H. Kuo, J. Potthoff and L. Streit, eds.), 344-359. World Scientific, Singapore.


Lánsky P., Smith C.E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) One-dimensional stochastic diffusion models of neuronal activity and related first passage time problems. In Trends in Biological Cybernetics (J. Menon, ed.) 1, 153-162. Research Trends, Trivandrum in Kerala State of India.


Iardino F., Di Crescenzo A., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (1990) Vectorized simulations of normal processes for first passage time densities evaluation. In Proceedings of the 1990 UKSC Conference on Computer Simulation, Brighton 5-7th September 1990 (K.G. Nock, ed.) 102-107. UKSC.


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1990) Diffusion processes and first-passage-time problems. In Lectures in Applied Mathematics and Informatics (L.M. Ricciardi, ed.) 206-285. Manchester University Press, Manchester.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1990) On the asymptotic behaviour of first-passage-time densities for one-dimensional diffusion processes and varying boundaries. Adv. Appl. Prob. 22, 883-914.


Di Crescenzo A., Iardino F., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (1990) Simulation of normal processes for first-crossing densities evaluation. In Proceedings of the Italian Society for Computer Simulation 1990, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Aula Gismondi, 14 December 1990 (S. Tucci, Chairman), 110-119.


Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Ricciardi L.M., Rinaldi S. and Iardino F. (1991) Simulazione di processi normali per la valutazione di densità di tempi di primo passaggio. In Scienza e Supercalcolo al CINECA, Rapporto 1991 (S. Bassini, G. Erbacci, G. Paruolo, M. Voli, eds.), 277-279.


Ricciardi L.M., Di Crescenzo A., Iardino F. and Rinaldi S. (1991) Vectorized simulations of normal processes and the first passage time probability problem. In Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations (T. Musha, S. Sato and M. Yamamoto, eds.). Ohmsha Ltd. Tokyo, 383-388.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1991) On the reduction to one dimension of first-passage-time problems for diffusion processes. J. Math. Phys. Sc. (Volume in honour of Professor S.K. Srinivasan) Vol. 25, No. 6, 599-611.


Ricciardi L.M., Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V. and Nobile A.G. (1992) On the instantaneous return process for neuronal diffusion models. In Structure: from Physics to General Systems (M. Marinaro and G. Scarpetta, eds.), Vol. 2, 78-94. World Scientific, Singapore.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1992) Instantaneous return processes and neuronal firings. In Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. 1 (R. Trappl, ed.), 829-836. World Scientific, Singapore.


Sacerdote L. and Ricciardi L.M. (1992) On the transformation of diffusion equations and boundaries into the Kolmogorov equation for the Wiener process. Ricerche di Matematica, 123-135.


Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Iardino F., Nakamura A., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (1993) A vectorized simulation procedure for computations of first crossing time densities of normal processes with oscillatory covariances. Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo, Sottoprogetto 1 (Calcolo Scientifico per grandi Sistemi). N.1/93.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1994) On some algorithmic and computational problems for neuronal diffusion models. In Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST '93 (F. Pichler and R. Moreno-Diaz, eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 763. Springer, 293-313.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1994) Some computational problems in biocybernetical modelling. In Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. 1 (R. Trappl, ed.). World Scientific, Singapore, 831-838


Ricciardi L.M. and Sato S. (1994) On some computational problems for diffusion processes. IEICE, IT 93-125, 31-38


Ricciardi L.M. (1994) Diffusion models of single neurones activity. In Neural Modeling and Neural Networks (F. Ventriglia, ed.), 129-162. Pergamon Press, Oxford.


Inoue J., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1994) Parameter estimation of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process from first-passage-time data (in Japanese). In Proc. 17th Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (SITA '94), Hiroshima, Japan, December 6-9, pages 747-750


Inoue J., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1994). A diffusion process model of the stochastic activity of a single neuron cell with synaptic reversal potentials - The first passage time distribution of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with a reflecting boundary (in Japanese) In Analysis of Random Phenomena in Engineering and Science (Edited by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo) Vol. 64, 65-74.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1994) On the first passage time problem for certain diffusion processes. In Analysis of Random Phenomena in Engineering and Science (Edited by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo) Vol. 64, 75-82.


Ricciardi L.M. (1994) Su alcuni problemi computazionali in biomatematica. Nuova Civiltà delle Macchine 4, 76-88.


Tateno T, Doi S., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1995) Stochastic phase lockings in a relaxation oscillator forced by a periodic input with additive noise: a first-passage-time approach. J. Stat. Phys. 78, 917-936.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1995) On a symmetry-based constructive approach to probability densities for two-dimensional diffusion processes. J. Appl. Prob. 32, 316-336.


Ricciardi L.M. (1995) Diffusion models of neuron activity. In The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (M.A. Arbib, ed.). ISBN: 0-262-01148-4. The MIT Press, Cambridge, 299-304.


Ricciardi L.M. (1995) On some mathematical and computatinal problems in biology.. In Notes of Las Palmas Seminars on Comp. Science, Vol II "Mathematical Biology" (R. Moreno-Diaz, ed.). ISBN: 84-88912-02-1, Printed in Spain (Legal Reg. GC412-1995), 1-42.


Ricciardi L.M. (1995) Modelling single neurons' activity by diffusion processes. In Mathematical Physics. Professor R. Vasudevan Memorial Volume. (R. Sridhar, K. Srinivasa Rao and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan eds.). Allied Publishers Ltd, Madras, 353-377.


Tateno T, Doi S., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1995) A note on stochastic phase lockings in a relaxation oscillator forced by a sine input with additive noise. Il Nuovo Cimento 17D, 949-958.


Inoue J., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1995) On the parameter estimation for diffusion models of single neuron's activity. I. Application to spontaneous activity of mesencephalic reticular formation cells in sleep and waking states. Biol. Cybernetics 73, 209-221.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1995) An outline of theoretical and algorithmic approaches to first passage time problems for systems dynamics modeling. Österreichische Studiengesellschaft für Kybernetik Berichte (R. Trappl and W. Horn, eds.), Wien 1995. ISBN 3 85206 130 X.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1996) On asymptotic behaviors of stochastic models for single neuron activity In Cybernetics and Systems'96, Vol. 1 (R. Trappl, ed.). Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, 524-529. ISBN 3 85206 133 4


Di Crescenzo A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1996) Comparing failure times via diffusion models and likelihood ratio ordering. IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E79-A, no. 9, 1429-1432


Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L. M. and Rinaldi S. (1996) Evaluation of first passage time densities for normal processes via a simulation procedure. Atti del Convegno ISCS’96, 55-60.


Di Crescenzo A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1996) Comparing first-passage times for semi-Markov skip-free processes. Statistics and Probability Letters 30, 247-256.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1997) Single neuron's activity: on certain problems of modeling and interpretation. BioSystems 40, 65-74.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1997) On first-passage-time and transition densities for strongly symmetric diffusion processes. Nagoya Math. J. 145, 143-161.


Inoue J., Sato S. and Ricciardi L.M. (1997) A note on the moments of the first-passage-time of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with a reflecting boundary. Ricerche di Matematica, Vol. XLVI, fasc. 1, 87-99.


Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (1997) Vectorized simulations of normal processes for first-crossing-time problems. In Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST'97 (F. Pichler and R. Moreno-Díaz, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1333. Springer 177-188.


Ricciardi L.M. (1997) On diffusion models of single neuron activity. In Fuzzy Sets, Entropy and Information. In memory of Renato Capocelli. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza". Rapporto di Ricerca SI-97/01, February 1997.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1997) Estimating upcrossing FPT densities via simulation of Gaussian processes. In Atti del Convegno ISCS'97, Italian Society for Computer Simulation, 107-114, ISBN 88-87429-02-2.


Gutiérrez R., Ricciardi L.M., Román P. and Torres F. (1997) First-passage-time densities for time-non-homogeneous diffusion processes. J. Appl. Prob. 34, 623-631.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1998) Remarks on survival for a stochastic model of competing populations. In Cybernetics and Systems'98, Vol. 1 (R. Trappl, ed.). Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, 368-373. ISBN 3 85206 139 3.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (1998) On species diversity for a stochastic population model in the presence of competition. In Advanced Topics in Biomathematics (Lansun Chen, Shigui Ruan and Jun Zhu, eds.). World Scientific , 21-28.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1998) On a non-Markov neuronal model and its approximations. BioSystems 48, 29-35.


Ricciardi L.M., Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. (1999) An outline of theoretical and algorithmic approaches to first passage time problems with applications to biological modeling.  Math. Japonica 50, 247-322.


Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (1999) Simulation of Gaussian processes and first passage time densities evaluation. In Eurocast '99: 7th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory and Technology, September 29-October 2. 1999. Vienna University of Technology, pp. 141-144.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1999) Evaluation of upcrossing first passage time densities for Gaussian processes via a simulation procedure. In Atti del Convegno ISCS'99. Italian Society for Computer Simulation (Conferenza Annuale, Roma, 15 Giugno 1999), pp 95-102, ISBN 88-87429-03-0.


Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (1999) On some computational results for single neurons' activity modeling. Abstract in Neuronal Coding '99: The 3rd International Workshop on Neuronal Coding '99, October 11-15, 1999. Osaka, Japan, pp. 9-10.


Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2000) On some computational results for single neurons' activity modeling. BioSystems 58, 19-26.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. and S. Rinaldi (2000) Simulation of Gaussian processes and first passage time densities evaluation. In Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST ’99, Lectures Notes in Computer Science (F. Pichler, R. Moreno Diaz, P. Kopacek, eds), Vol. 1798, pp. 319-333, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-67822-0.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2000) On the first passage time moments for a class of specially confined diffusion processes. In Cybernetics and Systems 2000, Vol. 1 (Trappl R., ed.) Proceedings of the 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, pp. 312-317, ISBN 3-85206-151-2.


Di Nardo E., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. and Rinaldi S. (2000) First passage time densities evaluation for simulated Gaussian process. In Cybernetics and Systems 2000, Vol. 1 (Trappl. R., ed.) Proceedings of the 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, April 25-28, 2000, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna. pp. 301-306, ISBN 3-85206-151-2.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2001) Stochastic population models with interacting species. J. Math. Biol. 42, 1-25.


Buonocore A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2001) Upward first crossing problems for neuronal modeling's paradigm. In Abstract Book of 4th International Workshop Neural Coding 2001 (Bugmann G., ed.), Plymouth, UK 10-14 September 2001, 141-144.


Di Crescenzo A. and Ricciardi L.M. (2001) On a discrimination problem for a class of stochastic processes with ordered first-passage times. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 17, 205-219.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2001) Computer-aided simulations of Gaussian processes and related asymptotic properties. In Formal Methods and Tools for Computer Science (R. Moreno Diaz and A. Quesada-Arencibia, Eds), Eurocast 2001, 3-6, ISBN 84-699-3971-8.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2001) A computational approach to first-passage-time problems for Gauss-Markov processes. Adv. Appl. Prob. 33, 453-482.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. (2001). Parallel Simulations In FPT Problems For Gaussian Processes. In Science and Supercomputing at CINECA CINECA - Report 2001 (Garofalo F., Moretti M., Voli M., eds.), pp. 405-412. ISBN: 88-86037-07-4.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M. (2001). Computer-aided simulations of Gaussian processes and related asymptotic properties. In Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast 2001 (Moreno-Diaz R., Buchberger B., Freire J.L., eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2178, pp. 67-78. Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 3-540-42959-X.


Di Crescenzo A., Martinucci B. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) On modeling the rising phase of myosin head displacements in single molecules processes. In Cybernetics and Systems 2002, Vol 1 (Trappl R. ed.), Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol I, pp. 295-300. Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna , ISBN 3-85206-160-1.


Buonocore A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) Towards Modeling Refractoriness for Single Neuron's Activity. In Cybernetics and Systems 2002, Vol. 1 (Trappl R., ed.), Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, pp. 319-324, Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna, ISBN 3-85206-160-1.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M.(2002) Gaussian Processes and Neural Modeling: an Asymptotic Analysis. In Cybernetics and Systems 2002, Vol. 1 (Trappl R., ed.), Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, pp. 313-318, Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna, ISBN 3-85206-160-1.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) Computational Approaches to Neuronal Firing by Gaussian Processes. In Abstract of BIOCOMP2002 -Topics in Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems  at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (Ricciardi L.M., ed.), (Vietri sul Mare, June 3-9), 45-46.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) The First Passage Time Moments for a Class of Specially Confined Diffusions. In Abstract of BIOCOMP2002 - Topics in Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems  at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (Ricciardi L.M., ed.), (Vietri sul Mare, June 3-9), 53.


Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Martinucci B. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) A stochastic model for Brownian stepwise motion. In  Abstract of  BIOCOMP2002 - Topics in Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (Ricciardi L.M., ed.), (Vietri sul Mare, June 3-9), 42.


Ricciardi L.M. (2002) On some stochastic processes for single neuron activity modeling. In Abstract of BIOCOMP2002 - Topics in Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (Ricciardi L.M., ed.), (Vietri sul Mare, June 3-9), 32.


Buonocore A., Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2002) A neuronal modeling paradigm in the presence of refractoriness. BioSystems, 67, 35-43.


Ricciardi L.M. and Lánsky P. (2002) Diffusion models of neuron activity. In The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (M.A. Arbib, ed.), pp. 343-348. The MIT Press, Cambridge, ISBN 0-262-01197-2.


Ricciardi L.M. and Lánsky P. (2002) Diffusion models and neural activity. In Enciclopedia of Cognitive Sciences (Lynn Nadel, ed.). Vol. I,  pp. 968-972, Nature Publishing Group, London. ISBN: 0-333-79261-0.


Di Crescenzo A., Giorno V. Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) On the M/M/1 queue with catastrophes and its continuous approximation. Queueing Systems  43, 329-347.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) On the asymptotic behavior of first passage time densities for stationary Gaussian processes and varying boundaries. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 5, 211-233.


Buonocore A. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Exploiting thermal noise for an efficient actomyosin sliding mechanism. Mathematical Biosciences 182, 135-149.


Ricciardi L.M., Esposito G., Giorno V. and Valerio C. (2003) Modeling Neuronal Firing in the Presence of Refractoriness. In Computational Methods in Neural Modeling (J. Mira, J.R. Alvarez Eds.) Proceeding of 7th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2003. (Mao, Menorca, Spain, June 2003). Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Vol. 2686, 1-8, Springer.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Computational methods for the evaluation of neuron's firing densities. In Cast and Tools for Complexity in Biological, Phisical and Engineering Systems (R. Moreno-Diaz jr., A. Quesada-Arencibia, J.C. Rodriguez, eds.) Extended Abstracts of Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST 2003.  IUCTC Universidad de Gran Canaria, ISBN 84-688-0820-2, 163-166.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Computational Problems in Biological Modeling. In  Cast and Tools for Complexity in Biological, Phisical and Engineering Systems (R. Moreno-Diaz jr., A. Quesada-Arencibia, J.C. Rodriguez, eds.) Extended Abstracts of Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST 2003.  IUCTC Universidad de Gran Canaria, ISBN 84-688-0820-2, 152-155.


Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Martinucci B. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) A stochastic model for the stepwise motion in actomyosin dynamics. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 58, No. 2, 245-254 (e8, 387-396).


Giorno V., Nobile A.G. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) On Neuronal Firing via Specially Confined Diffusions. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 58, No. 2, 265-294 (e8, 433-462).


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Towards the modeling of neuronal firing by Gaussian processes. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 58, No. 2, 255-264 (e8, 497-506).


Di Crescenzo, A., Giorno, V. Nobile, A.G. and Ricciardi, L.M. (2003) A stochastic model of competing populations. In 3rd International Congress Mathematics and Environment Proceeding (P. Fergola, ed.) Universita’ degli Studi di Napoli Federico II RISMA – Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni “R. Caccioppoli”, 95-102. 


Di Nardo, E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Simulations of Gaussian Processes for Neuronal Modeling. In Science and Supercomputing at CINECA - Report 2003 (Voli M. and Coluccia P., eds.), pp. 375-381. ISBN: 88-86037-13-9.


Di Nardo E., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) Computational Methods for the Evaluation of Neuron's Firing Densities. In Computer Aided Systems Theory- EUROCAST 2003 (R. Moreno-Diaz, F. Pichler), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.   2809, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-20221-8, 394-403.


Shimokawa T., Sato S., Buonocore A. and Ricciardi L.M. (2003) A chemically driven fluctuating ratchet model for actomyosin interaction. BioSystems 71, 179-187.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2004) Towards Some Computational Problems Arising in Biological Modeling.  In Computer Aided Systems Theory- EUROCAST 2003 (R. Moreno-Diaz, F. Pichler), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.  2809, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-20221-8, 360-371.


Di Crescenzo A., Martinucci B., Pirozzi E. e Ricciardi L.M. (2004) On the interaction between two Stein's neuronal units. In Cybernetics and Systems 2004, Vol. 1   (Trappl R., ed.). EMCSR 2004. Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna , ISBN 3 85206 169 5, 205-210.


Buonocore A., Caputo L. and Ricciardi L.M. (2004) On Myosin II Dynamics In Cybernetics and Systems 2004, Vol. 1 (Trappl R., ed.), EMCSR 2004 Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna , ISBN 3 85206 169 5, 139-141.


Esposito G., Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Ricciardi  L.M. and C. Valerio (2004) Interspike Analysis for single Neuron's Activity in the Presence of Refractoriness. In Cybernetics and Systems 2004, Vol. 1  (Trappl R., ed.). EMCSR 2004 Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna , ISBN 3 85206 169 5, 199-204.


Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2004) Non-stationary Gauss-Markov Processes and Neuronal Modeling. In Cybernetics and Systems 2004, Vol. 1  (Trappl R., ed.). EMCSR 2004 Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies, Vienna , ISBN 3 85206 169 5, 211-215.


Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E. and Ricciardi L.M. (2004) On the first-passage-time problem of Brownian motion with alternating drift. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop in Applied Probability, (M.V. Koutras Ed.), 119-122. March 22-25, 2004. University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece.





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Caianiello E.R. De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1970) Fisica II: Acustica, Termologia e Ottica, pp.280. Garzanti, Milano.


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De Luca A. and Ricciardi L.M. (1971) Introduzione alla Cibernetica, pp.460. Franco Angeli, Milano. 2nd Edition: 1981.


Ricciardi L.M. (1977) Diffusion Processes and Related Topics in Biology, pp. 200. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, Vol. 14. Springer Verlag, Berlin.


Trappl R., Klir G.J. and Ricciardi L.M. (eds., 1978) Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research , Vol. III, pp. 674. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Trappl R., Ricciardi L.M. and Pask G. (eds., 1982) Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research , Vol. IX, pp. 674. Hemisphere, Washington D.C.


Ricciardi L.M. and Scott A.C. eds. (1982) Biomathematics in 1980, pp. 297. Mathematical Studies, Vol. 58. North Holland, Amsterdam.


Ricciardi L.M. (ed., 1988) Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 760pp. Dordrecht.


Ricciardi L.M. (ed., 1990) Lectures in Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Manchester University Press, pp. 362, Manchester.


Ricciardi L.M., Rinaldi S. (1994) Esercizi di Calcolo delle Probabilità, pp. 321, Liguori Editore, Napoli. ISBN 88-207-2384-0.


Di Crescenzo A. and Ricciardi L.M. (2000) Elementi di Statistica. Liguori Editore. Napoli. ISBN 88-207-3052-9.

Dipartimento di Matematica ed Applicazioni "R. Caccioppoli"
Università di Napoli Federico II (Italian only)