Personal Profile
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           I am a 2nd year Ph.D. Student at the Computer and Systems Engineering Department of
     the University of Naples "Federico II". There I work in the field of distributed and dependable
  systems under the supervision of my advisor, Prof. Stefano Russo, and of my advisor-in-second, Prof. Domenico Cotroneo.

Basically, I spent all my life in Naples. There I took my high school degree in 1997, and then my M.S. Degree in Computer Engineering in 2004. In the same year I started my Ph.D. Program. From February 2006 till August 2006 I spent a semester as a visiting research scholar at the University of Texas au Austin, working in the LASR laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Alvisi.

As a Ph.D. student:

  • I'm really interested in dependability modeling and evaluation
  • I'm interested in fault tolerance mechanisms based on rollback-recovery approaches
  • I'm trying to achieve a reasonable knwoledge of the theory of distributed systems
  • I cooperate with my advisors as a teaching assistant in the "distributed systems" class (graduate students) and as a student tutor in the "Programming 2" class (undergraduate/graduate students)
  • I drink more than 10 coffees (espresso, of course!) per day.
  • Instead, as a human being:

  • I Love travelling (Eventually, you'll be able to find on this pages some photos of my travels)
  • I Love Reggae and Rock Music (Ok, I love '80s disco too, but this is a bit insane...)
  • I Have a big concern about global warming
  • I am very happy to see Juventus in the Italian Second Division
  • I am still celebrating the victory of the Italian Team in the world cup