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ICRA 2024, Yokohama, May 2024

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Coordinator of PRISMA Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Chair of Scientific Council of ICAROS Center
University of Naples Federico II
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Tel: +39 368605665
E-mail: bruno.siciliano(at)unina.it
Skype: bsiciliano

  Full CV
  Research Activities  (link to PRISMA Lab)
  Publications  (link to PRISMA Lab)
  Personal Page  (restricted access: request password)
  Personal Press Club  (click here for the professional clippings)

May 2014 Yokohama, 16 May 2024
At the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Professor Siciliano receives the 2024 IEEE RAS Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award "for fundamental contributions to robotics research in the areas of manipulation and control, human–robot cooperation, and service robotics"
Click here to read more

October 2013 Brussels, 26 October 2023
Professor Siciliano receives a prestigious Synergy Grant from the European Research Council. The project "EndoTheranostics — Multi-sensor Eversion Robot Towards Intelligent Endoscopic Diagnosis and Therapy" is focused on a theranostic robotic colonoscopy. It will be kicked off in 2024 for a duration of 6 years and a total funding of 10 million Euro
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25 August 2023 Hong Kong, 25 August 2023
Professor Siciliano is elected to Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

20 February 2023 Vatican, 20 February 2023
Great emotion for Professor Bruno Siciliano to shake hands with the Holy Father Pope Francis on the occasion of the Workshop Converging on the Person. Emerging Technologies for the Common Good organized by the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita on new technologies and the profound changes in human life

20 June 2022 Munich, 20 June 2022
During the gala dinner of the 54th International Symposium on Robotics in Munich, Professor Bruno Siciliano receives the Engelberger Award for Education "for contributing to the advancement of the Science of Robotics in the Service of Mankind"
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26 November 2021 Giugliano, 26 November 2021
During the 19th edition of the San Giuliano Culture Award organized by Pro Loco Cittŕ di Giugliano, in the Collegiate Church of Santa Sofia, Professor Bruno Siciliano receives the Giovan Battista Basile Special Career Award "for his very high merits in the field of automation studies, thanks to which he has given new luster to the centuries-old tradition of excellence of scientific research in Campania"
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9 March 2021 9 March 2021
Professor Siciliano is invited to the Nature Italy Board of Trustees

13 November 2020 13 November 2020
Professor Siciliano is appointed IFAC Pavel J. Nowacki Distinguished Lecturer for the 2020–2023 Triennium

10 June 2020 10 June 2020
Professor Siciliano's invited entry on Robotics (in Italian) for the Culture Dictionary of the prestigious Treccani Encyclopedia

30 August 2019 Budapest, 30 August 2019
During the Senate Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2019/2020 at the Palace of Arts (MÜPA) in Budapest, Professor Siciliano (Honorary Professor of Óbuda University) receives the prestigious "Rudolf Kálmán Professor Title" by the Rector and the President of IEEE Hungary Section
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10 July 2018 10 July 2018
Professor Siciliano shares his story about how sticking to his roots impacted his career as a roboticist in the podcast "From Pizza Making to Human Care: Robot’s Promising Skill" as part of the Springer Nature storytelling project "Before the Abstract"
Press coverage

7 February 2017 Barcelona, 7 February 2017
Professor Siciliano is a keynote speaker at the One Springer Nature event. Click here to watch his talk "Robotics & The Handbook" and the follow-up interview

24 September 2016 Napoli, 24 September 2016
Professor Siciliano is an invited speaker at the TEDx Napoli event held in the Court Theater of the Royal Palace in Napoli. Click here to watch his talk "Robotics & Napoli: The Art of Work & Play"
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5 September 2016 Budapest, 5 September 2016
During the inauguration of the academic year 2016/2017 at Liszt Academy in Budapest, Professor Siciliano receives the title of Honorary Professor of Óbuda University "for his outstanding achievements in improving and increasing the international quality of education, scientific research and academic activities of Óbuda University"
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15 October 2015 Roma, 15 October 2015
At Palazzo Giustiniani of the Senate of the Republic in Rome Professor Siciliano receives the 2015 Guido Dorso Prize for the "University" section from the Rector of University of Naples Federico II
Click here for the video of the award ceremony (min. 29). Click here to read more

28 May 2015 Seattle, 28 May 2015
At the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Professor Siciliano receives the 2015 IEEE RAS George Saridis Leadership Award in Robotics and Automation "for his outstanding leadership in the robotics and automation community as a research innovator, an inspired educator, a dedicated contributor of professional service, an ambassador of science and technology"
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March 2013 Brussels, March 2013
Professor Siciliano receives a prestigious Advanced Grant from the European Research Council. The project "Robotic Dynamic Manipulation (RoDyMan)" is focused on the mobile dynamic non-prehensile manipulation of deformable objects. It will be kicked off in June 2013 for a duration of 5 years and a funding of 2.5 million Euro
Press coverage

1 September 2011 Milano, 1 September 2011
At the 18th IFAC World Congress, Professor Siciliano receives the 2009 IFAC Fellow Certificate for outstanding contributions to research and education on theory and application of automatic control to robotic systems, and for professional leadership in the field

June 2011 June 2011
In Pietro Greco's book, Bruno Siciliano is a nephew of Galileo's
Press coverage

6 May 2010 Anchorage, 6 May 2010
At the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Professor Siciliano receives the 2010 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding leadership and commitment in promoting robotics and automation and RAS as the number one Society in the field
Press coverage

19 November 2009 Napoli, 19 November 2009
Professor Siciliano receives a glass of water from ASIMO at Futuro Remoto opening event
Click here for a video
Press coverage

February 2009 Washington, 5 February 2009
The PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics is given to the Springer Handbook of Robotics, which is also the winner in the subcategory Engineering & Technology. The Handbook was the Springer bestselling title in engineering in 2008
Press coverage

IEEERASMy 2008–2009 IEEE RAS President's messages

Created: 10 March 1998
Last modified: 15 July 2024