WiMesh, the software tool I have been developing and using in the last years of
research conducted in the field of multi-radio wireless mesh networks, has been
released and made available to the public
Short biography
Since December 2014, I am an Associate Professor at the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione) of the University of Naples “Federico II”. Here I received the M.S. degree in Telecommunications Engineering (2001) and the PhD degree in Computer Engineering (2005).
I am a member of the COMICS (COMputers for Interaction and CommunicationS) Group, one the research groups inside the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione.
I was a visiting researcher at the Delft University of Technology (2003-2004), collaborating with the NAS (Network Architectures and Services) group, led by Prof. Piet Van Mieghem.
I was a visiting researcher at the BWN (Broadband Wireless Networking) laboratory of the Georgia Institute of Technology (2005). The BWN lab is headed by Prof. Ian Akyildiz.
In 2004 I was awarded a research funding from the European Doctoral School of Advanced Topics in Networking (SATIN), the instrument employed by E-NEXT (an EU FP6 Network of Excellence) to invest in education of researchers for the European Research Area.
My research interests include:
- Wireless mesh networks
- MPLS Traffic Engineering
- Intra-domain QoS routing