Download the latest version of WiMesh:


Previous versions can be found here

Currently, Linux is the only supported operating system.

Installation instructions

  1. Install the required build tools (pkg-config, cmake, make, gcc, g++)

  2. Install the required libraries:
    • libxml++
    • COIN-OR libraries (webpage:<libname> - download from:<libname>):
      • CoinUtils
      • Osi
      • Clp
      • Cgl
      • Cbc
      • Vol
      • IpOpt (only required if you want to run calcMplsRatios)

  3. Download and extract WiMesh into your preferred location
    • cd /your/preferred/location
    • wget<version>.tar.bz2
    • tar xjf WiMesh-<version>.tar.bz2

  4. If you want to perform network simulations, install ns-3 (if you have not already done so)
    • download and extract ns-3 sources or clone ns-3-dev repository
    • cd into ns-allinone-3.XX/ns-3.XX or ns-3-allinone/ns-3-dev
    • patch -p1 < /path/to/WiMesh/ns3-wimesh.patch (if you want to add support for mpls and layer-2.5 to ns-3)
    • [/usr/bin/python2] ./waf [--prefix=<ns-3_install_dir>] [-d optimized] configure
      • the default installation directory is /usr/local/
    • [/usr/bin/python2] ./waf
    • [sudo] [/usr/bin/python2] ./waf install
      • libraries, binaries and header files are installed, respectively, to <ns-3_install_dir>/lib, <ns-3_install_dir>/bin and <ns-3_install_dir>/include

  5. Build WiMesh
    • cd /your/preferred/build/location
    • mkdir build
    • cd build
    • [env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<pkg_path1>:<pkg_path2>...] cmake [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<wimesh_install_dir>] [-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=<c++_flags>] /path/to/WiMesh/sources
      • PKG_CONFIG_PATH is a list of non standard directories where to search for the required libraries (e.g., <ns-3_install_dir>/lib/pkgconfig)
      • the default installation directory for WiMesh binaries and libraries is the WiMesh source directory (lib and bin subdirectories are made therein)
      • use -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to pass C++ flags to the compiler (e.g. "-march=native -O3")
    • make [VERBOSE=1]
    • [sudo] make install

Getting started

The utilities provided by WiMesh are installed in the bin directory (under the specified install prefix). The complete list of utilities follows: