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CORE-Net: Convex Optimization algorithm for Reverse–Engineering biological interaction Networks |
CORE-Net is an algorithm for reverse engineering biological interaction networks from both steady-state and time-course experimental data, based on dynamical systems and convex optimization. It was developed by Francesco Montefusco and Carlo Cosentino in the Biomechatronics Laboratory, directed by Prof. Francesco Amato, at the Magna Græcia University of Catanzaro, Italy.
The distinctive feature of this method is that it enables to straightforwardly exploit qualitative prior knowledge available from the biological domain, thus significantly increasing the inference performance. CORE-Net is specifically suited to infer gene regulatory networks exhibiting scale-free topology: the iterative reconstruction algorithm, indeed, is based on growth and preferential attachment, which are the same basic mechanisms underlying the model of scale-free networks proposed by Albert and Barabási. Moreover, many biological networks have been demonstrated to exhibit this kind of topology. In order to cope also with non-scale-free networks, an alternative version, named CORE-NetnoPA is also available: it is based on the same convex optimization algorithm, however it does not implement the preferential attachment rule, thus resulting better suited for inferring networks with random Erdős–Rényi topology. All the softwares provided on this page are free for non commercial use and the source code can be downloaded here. DocumentationThe software documentation is included in the source code packages in the download section. Relevant PublicationsThe CORE-Net algorithm is described in the following companion paper [1] F. Montefusco, C. Cosentino, F. Amato, CORE–Net: Exploiting Prior Knowledge and Preferential Attachment to Infer Biological Interaction Networks, submitted to IET Syst. Biol. (Aug. 2009) Other publications by our group regarding convex optimization and regression methods to infer biological networks
Application ExamplesCORE-Net has been statistically validated by testing it over a large number of in silico networks, using both random Erdős–Rényi and scale—free topologies. The numerical dataset and the code for generating and simulating the in silico networks are available in the dowload section. A biological case-study is presented in [1], dealing with the reconstruction of a cell cycle gene regulatory subnetwork in S. cerevisiae. The dataset and the gold-standard network to be inferred are available in the download section. The results of CORE-Net and CORE-NetnoPA have been compared with those obtained by two well assessed reverse engineering algorithm, which are freely available from the authors' websites:
More information about these tests are reported in [1]. RequirementsCORE-Net has been developed in Matlab® R2007b and needs some routines included in the Control System, Robust Control and Spline Toolboxes. DownloadImportant: This software is distributed only for non-commercial purposes and only for academic use - Commercial users please contact us.
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ContactsIf you have questions/comments/suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Dr. Carlo Cosentino Assistant Professor of Systems and Control Theory Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro v.le Europa, Campus Salvatore Venuta 88100 Catanzaro Italy Tel: +39-0961-369-4051 Fax: +39-0961-369-4090 e-mail: carlo.cosentino at unicz.it |