First International Workshop on Semantic Robotics (SR ’17)

in conjunction with

The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

Jan 30-Feb 1, 2017 - San Diego, California, USA

San Diego
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Workshop Program

February 1, 2017 - Boardroom West -

15:30pm - 15:50pm “ Methodology for Improving Vegetation Representation and Health Exploiting a Semantic Robotic System. ”

15:50pm - 16:10pm “ Obstacle avoidance for low-cost UAVs. ”

16:10pm - 16:30pm “ Pedestrian detection for UAVs using HAAR-LBP with Meanshift. ”

16:30pm - 17:00pm “ Verbal corpus based on natural language processing for Ecuadorian dialect. ”

17:00pm - 17:30pm “ Overview of an Ontology-based Approach for Kit Building Applications. ”

17:30pm - 17:50pm “ Consistent Cuboid Detection for Semantic Mapping. ”