..::.. Publications ..::..

G. De Tommasi on IEEE Xplore
G. De Tommasi on Google Scholar
G. De Tommasi on Scopus
G. De Tommasi on DBLP

Books International Journals International Conferences Book Chapters
National Journals National Conferences

..::.. Books ..::..

Finite-Time Stability and Control F. Amato, G. De Tommasi, A. Pironti, Finite-Time Stability: An Input-Output Approach, Wiley, 2018.
Finite-Time Stability and Control F. Amato, R. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, C. Cosentino, G. De Tommasi, Finite-Time Stability and Control, Lectures Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 453, Springer, 2014.

..::.. Journals ..::..

A. Antonione, R. Bertazzoni, G. Carannante, K. Cindric, M. G. Ferrari, A. Leggieri, F. A. Sanchez, G. De Tommasi, "Development and benchmarking of a thermal lumped model for the Magnetron Injection Gun of the MW-power ITER European gyrotron", Nuclear Fusion, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 036034 , March 2025.
F. Basile, G. De Tommasi, C. Motta, Corrigendum to "Assessment of initial-state-opacity in live and bounded labeled Petri net Systems via optimization techniques", Automatica, vol. 171, pp. 111958, January 2025.
2024 [#7 items]
2023 [#7 items]
2022 [#11 items]
2021 [#5 items]
2020 [#5 items]
2019 [#9 items]
2018 [#7 items]
2017 [#11 items]
2016 [#2 items]
2015 [#12 items]
2014 [#12 items]
2013 [#6 items]
2012 [#5 items]
2011 [#16 items]
2010 [#7 items]
2009 [#4 items]
2008 [#4 items]
2007 [#2 items]
2006 [#2 items]
2005 [#5 items]

..::.. Conferences ..::..

F. Basile, G. De Tommasi, S. Dubbioso, F. Fiorenza, "An optimization approach to current state opacity assessment," in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'24), Milano, Italy, December 2024, pp. 491-497.
M. Mattei, R. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, G. De Tommasi, P. de Vries, A. Pironti, L. Zabeo, "Recent Developments in ITER Magnetic Control Algorithms," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
S. Dubbioso, D. Ottaviano, F. Fiorenza, N. Ferron, G. Manduchi, R. Ambrosino, G. De Tommasi, "Rapid prototyping of control modules for the DTT Plasma Control System," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
F. Fiorenza, F. Frattolillo, G. De Tommasi, C. Ingesson, S. Inoue, M. Mattei, Y. Miyata, A. Neto, A. Pironti, M. Takechi, H. Urano, "Validation of ITER magnetic diagnostic algorithms by using JT-60SA magnetic measurements," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
S. Dubbioso, G. De Tommasi, C. Galperti, F. Felici, S. Marchioni, A. Mele, A. Merle, A. Tenaglia, "Simulation validation of an Extremum Seeking-based Vertical Stabilization system for TCV," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
T. Szepesi, A. Buzás, G. Cseh, G. Kocsis, Á. Kovácsik, D. I. Réfy, T. Szabolics, S. Zoletnik, H. Homma, K. Kamiya, T. Nakano, M. Yoshida, T. Wakatsuki, C. Biedermann, D. Hathiramani, M. Jakubowski, M. Krause, M. Otte, W. Bin, G. De Tommasi, F. Fiorenza, D. Frattolillo, M. Iafrati, M. Mattei, A. Pironti, D. Ricci, C. Sozzi, J. Svoboda, "Visible video diagnostics for the support of Wendelstein 7-X and JT-60SA commissioning and operation," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
A. T. Vu, P. De Vries, G. Carannante, I. S. Carvalho, M. Cinque, I. Gomez, O. Kudlacek, M. Mattei, P. Moreau, R. Nouailletas, L. Pangione, F. Pesamosca, L. Piron, A. Pironti, R. A. Pitts, M. Preynas, G. Raupp, T. Ravensbergen, M. Reich, S. Rosiello, G. De Tommasi, W. Treutterer, D. Weldon, D. Valcarcel, L. Zabeo, "Progress in the ITER Plasma Control System design," in 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT'24), Dublin, Ireland, September 2024.
G. De Tommasi, "Control of elongated plasmas in superconducting tokamaks in the absence of in-vessel coils," in 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on Plasma Disruptions and their Mitigation, ITER Headquarter, St. Paul-lez-Durance, France, September 2024.
ITER Newsline 9 Sep 2024
T. Szepesi, A. Buzás, G. Cseh, G. Kocsis, Á. Kovácsik, T. Szabolics, D. I. Réfy, H. Homma, K. Kamiya, T. Nakano, M. Yoshida, W. Bin, G. De Tommasi, F. Fiorenza, D. Frattolillo, M. Iafrati, M. Mattei, A. Pironti, D. Ricci, C. Sozzi, J. Svoboda, "Analysis of the first plasmas of JT-60SA using EDICAM," in 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca, Spain, July 2024.
C. Sozzi, G. De Tommasi, M. Iafrati, W. Bin, A. Buzás, L. Cordaro, L. E. DiGrazia, F. Fiorenza, D. Frattolillo, A. Gallo, L. Garzotti, G. Golluccio, G. Kocsis, Á. Kovácsik, L. Le Coz, P. J. Moreau, M. Mattei, L. Pigatto, A. Pironti, G. Pucella, D. I. Réfy, D. Ricci1, N. Richermoz, J. Svoboda, T. Szabolics, T. Szepesi, E. Tomasina, Y. Kazakov, L. Zani, G. Falchetto, F. Bonne, T. Bolzonella, J. Buermans, J. Cavalier, G. Cseh, S. Gerasimov, Q. Gorit, L. Figini, S. Nicollet, F. Villone, "The EUROfusion contribution to Operation 1 of JT-60SA," in 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca, Spain, July 2024.
2023 [#4 items]
2022 [#11 items]
2021 [#5 items]
2020 [#3 items]
2019 [#4 items]
2018 [#17 items]
2017 [#11 items]
2016 [#15 items]
2015 [#8 items]
2014 [#13 items]
2013 [#8 items]
2012 [#8 items]
2011 [#15 items]
2010 [#13 items]
2009 [#10 items]
2008 [#11 items]
2007 [#9 items]
2006 [#6 items]
2005 [#3 items]
2004 [#7 items]
2003 [#1 item]

..::.. Book Chapters ..::..

G. De Tommasi, C. Motta, A. Petrillo, S. Santini, "Optimization-based assessment of Initial-State Opacity in Petri Nets," AIRO Springer Series, vol. 6, pp. 127-138, 2021.
G. De Tommasi, A. C. Neto, A. Sforza, C. Sterle, "A Variant of the Generalized Assignment Problem for Reliable Allocation of Sensor Measurements in a Diagnostic System," AIRO Springer Series, vol. 2, pp. 71-83, 2019.
C. T. Abdallah, F. Amato, M. Ariola, G. De Tommasi, A. Pironti, "Input-Output Stability," Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2018.
G. De Tommasi, A. Mele, A. Pironti, "Robust Plasma Vertical Stabilization in Tokamak Devices via Multi-objective Optimization," Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 217, pp. 305-314, 2017.

..::.. National Journals ..::..

2006 [#1 item]

..::.. National Conferences ..::..

2017 [#1 item]
2016 [#1 item]
2014 [#1 item]
2013 [#1 item]
2011 [#2 items]
2010 [#1 item]
2007 [#1 item]
2005 [#2 items]
2004 [#1 item]

..::.. PhD Thesis ..::..

G. De Tommasi, "Plasma magnetic and kinetic control in a tokamak," Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", 2005 - advisor Prof. Alfredo Pironti.

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