Now we have to investigate how the exchange interactions play on a
larger spatial scale, namely how the elementary magnetic moments
exchange-interact with one another. We follow
the derivation proposed by Landau and Lifshitz in 1935, reported
by W.F. Brown Jr. in Ref [12]. In this respect, an energy
term which penalizes magnetization disuniformities is introduced
in the free energy. This term, in the isotropic case (i.e. cubic
cell) is consisted of an expansion in even power series of the
gradients of magnetization components [11].
If one stops the expansion to the first term, the disuniformity
penalization assumes the form:
where the constant , having dimension of [J/m], has to be
somehow determined. One way is to identify the exchange constant
from experiments, but it is also possible to estimate it with a
theoretical approach. In fact, let us consider a cubic lattice of
spins, with interaction energy given by the Heisenberg
where the sum is extended to the nearest neighbors only and
are the spin angular momenta, expressed in
units of , associated to sites and , and is the
nearest neighbor exchange integral. We assume that the forces
between spins are sufficiently strong to keep the neighbor spins
almost parallel. Thus, if
is the unit-vector in the
, such that
( is the
spin magnitude), and if
is the small angle between
the directions
, one can rewrite
Eq. (1.32) as
since for small
. We now assume that the
displacement vector
can be written in terms of a
continuous function
such that:
is the position vector of
neighbor with respect to site . Then, if
Now we sum over and multiply by the number of spins per unit
volume in order to obtain the energy per unit volume
ex. It is important to notice that, if
, due to the cubic
symmetry it happens that
, and
. By using these
properties and neglecting the constant term, one ends up with:
where is the exchange constant:
which can be particularized for different lattice geometries
(body-centered, face-centered cubic crystals). Typical values of
are in the order of J/m.
Finally, one can write the contribution of exchange interactions
to the free energy of the whole magnetic body by integrating
Eq. (1.36) over the region :
It is important to notice that, in this case, the exchange
interaction is isotropic in space, meaning that the exchange
energy of a given volume is the same for any
orientation of the magnetization vector, provided that its
strength remains the same. In this respect, the expression
(1.38) for the exchange energy puts this
consideration into evidence.
Next:1.1.4 Anisotropy Up:1.1.3 Exchange interaction and Previous: Ferromagnetism. Weiss molecularContents
Massimiliano d'Aquino