In many technological applications, where the size of the magnetic
media has reached the nanometric scale, it is reasonable to assume
that the exchange interaction is prevalent with respect to the
others and, therefore, that the particle tends to be uniformly
magnetized. In other words, the uniform mode is energy-favored
with respect to disuniformities as soon as the characteristic
dimension of the body is comparable or even smaller than the
exchange length. In this framework, it does make sense to neglect
non-uniform modes and consider the particle as uniformly
magnetized. This has considerable simplifications as far as the
mathematical model is concerned, but nevertheless the uniform mode
analysis can give, in certain applications, very interesting
analytical indications and, in some cases, the predictions are
also very accurate with respect to non-uniform micromagnetic
simulations, as we will see in the following chapter. Last but not
least, the uniform mode analysis has been used for long time in
the design of magnetic recording devices.
In our analysis we will use quite extensively the tools provided
by dynamical systems theory [43], since in the case of
single domain particle we deal with low dimensional systems (2D
and 3D).
Next:2.2 The static model. Up:2. Uniformly magnetized particles Previous:2. Uniformly magnetized particlesContents
Massimiliano d'Aquino