We start our discussion from the static model proposed by Stoner
and Wohlfarth [77] in 1948. Basically it can be obtained
from the study of the Brown's equations in the case of appropriate
single domain particle. Below we summarize the basic hypotheses of
this model:
Single domain particle
Spheroidal geometry
Uniaxial anisotropy along the rotational-symmetry axis.
First, assuming uniform magnetization within the body, the
exchange energy (1.38) gives zero contribution to
the free energy. Next, the ellipsoidal geometry permits a
significant simplification in the computation of magnetostatic
field, since it can be shown that it can be expressed by a
straightforward tensorial relationship with
magnetization [12]:
is the so-called demagnetizing tensor which
is always positive semidefinite. By expressing
respect to its principal axes , which coincide with the
principal axes of the ellipsoid, one can rewrite
Eq. (2.1) in the following way:
are the demagnetizing factors such that
. Then, the assumption of uniaxial anisotropy
implies that the corresponding energy term is quadratic. For
instance, if the easy axis is the axis, then
an and the anisotropy energy
(1.43) becomes:
where is the volume of the spheroidal particle. Finally, the
hypothesis of rotational symmetry implies that
Under these assumptions, the expression of the free energy is the
From now on, we will carry out the derivation with dimensionless
quantities. Thus, by dividing both sides by
remembering that
, one obtains:
where the expression of magnetostatic energy has been explicitly
developed. By collecting terms in one ends up with:
By neglecting constant terms (which disappear in a minimization
procedure) and by factorizing the expression in parenthesis we end
up with:
With the position:
the latter equation assumes the simple form:
It is important to notice that, in the case of
rotationally-symmetric ellipsoidal particle, magnetostatic
interaction energy is a quadratic form in as uniaxial
anisotropy energy. For this reason it is often said in literature
that the quantity
eff takes into account shape
and crystalline anisotropy, although they have very different
physical meanings2.1. We observe that, for symmetry
reasons, at the equilibrium the magnetization lies in the plane
defined by the easy axis
and the applied field
a. At
this point, it is useful to introduce the spherical angles
, between
a and
respectively. In this respect, one has:
By using these expressions in Eq. (2.10) one
Free energy as a function of angle ,
eff. (a) for two minima
two maxima
exist. (b) for small with given
there still exist two minima and two maxima. (c)
a critical value
SW of exist such that
a saddle point appears in place of one minimum and one maximum.
(d) for
SW only one minimum and one
maximum remain.
where and are respectively the parallel and
perpendicular component of the applied field with respect to
axis. Let us now suppose that no field is applied and that the
particle is initially magnetized along the positive axis
(). In this situation, the particle minimizes its energy
and therefore this is an equilibrium position, as well as the
reversed orientation
Fig. 2.1a). The energy is instead maximum for
. Now, if we apply a small external field,
opposite to the initial magnetization (
), the free
energy (2.10) will still have two minima and two
maxima. By further increasing we arrive at a critical
configuration for which one minimum and one maximum disappear. We
SW the applied field value corresponding to this
critical situation. If we increase
SW only one
minimum and one maximum of the free energy will exist. This means
that for fields
SW the particle will remain in the
initial configuration along , whereas as soon as
SW the magnetization will switch to the only
remaining energy minimum, corresponding to the reversed
It is important to underline that, in the general case (see
Fig. 2.1), the critical field
will be a function of . Thus, the idea of
Stoner-Wohlfarth model, is to represent, in the control plane
in polar coordinates, or equivalently
in cartesian coordinates), the separating curve
between the region where two minima exist and the region where
only one minimum remains. This bifurcation line justifies the
switching behavior. It can be found analytically by means of the
following relationship:
which determines the saddle points of the free energy in the
plane. By imposing the above conditions, one
ends up with the following equations:
The Stoner-Wohlfarth astroid in the
By solving these equations one ends up with the parametric
expression of the bifurcation line, which is referred to as the
Stoner-Wohlfarth astroid:
The curve defined by the latter equations is represented in
Fig. 2.2. The polar representation can be
also found:
In the particular case of
, one can easily verify that
Thus, when the external field has components such that the point
lies outside the astroid, only one minimum of
the free energy is present and magnetization will end up there.
For example, in the case of initial magnetization
the application of an external field along
amplitude greater than the critical value computed from
Eq. (2.17), the switching of the particle occurs.
In fact, the initial configuration is no longer stable and the
only minimum of the free energy (stable equilibrium) remains
Conversely, as soon as the field is such that the point
lies inside the astroid, the situation is
more complicated since there exist still two minima of the free
energy, namely two stable equilibria. Which one will be reached by
magnetization depends on the dynamics of magnetization motion,
which is not described by the Stoner-Wohlfarth model. In this
situation, one can say that the switching from one minimum to the
other is not precluded, but is not guaranteed. Recently, the
possibility to obtain magnetization switching with field
amplitudes below the Stoner-Wohlfarth limit has been investigated.
We will discuss this possibility in the following sections and in
chapter 3.
Stoner-Wohlfarth model. Picture of hysteresis loops from
the original paper [77] for different applied field
directions. The external field in abscissa is measured in units of
eff. Magnetization in ordinate is measured in units of