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Next: Discussion about the Up: 2.6.2 Discussion about units Previous: 2.6.2 Discussion about units   Contents Fundamental constants and value of characteristic current density $ J_p$

One of the fundamental constant of the LLG equation is the electron gyromagnetic ratio which, in SI units, is generally given as the ratio between electron charge $ e$ and mass $ m_e$:

$\displaystyle \gamma_e=\frac{e}{m_e}=\frac{1.602 \cdot 10^{-19} \text{C}}{9.109 \cdot 10^{-31} \text{kg} }=1.7587 \cdot 10^{11}   
 \text{s}^{-1} \text{T}^{-1}$ (2.98)

where it has been used the fact that $ (1$    C$ )/(1$    kg$ )=1/(1$    T$ \times 1$    s$ )$. The gyromagnetic ratio $ \gamma$ appearing in Eq. (2.91) (and previous equations) is measured in such units that $ \gamma M_s$ should have the dimension of a frequency. We will use the MKSA system and measure magnetization in A/m. To have the corresponding measure in Tesla we have to multiply magnetization by $ \mu_0=4\pi \cdot
10^{-7}$ F/m, i.e. the magnetic permeability of vacuum. Therefore the value of $ \gamma$ to be used in Eq. (2.91) is

$\displaystyle \gamma=\gamma_e \cdot \mu_0 = 2.21 \cdot 10^5   $   s$\displaystyle ^{-1}
 ($A/m$\displaystyle )^{-1}   .$ (2.99)

As far as the value of $ M_s$, if we assume that the free layer is constituted by cobalt, we have

$\displaystyle M_s=1.42 \cdot 10^6   $   A/m$\displaystyle    $   (Cobalt)$\displaystyle \quad \longrightarrow \quad \gamma M_s= 3.14 \cdot 10^{11}$    s$\displaystyle ^{-1}   .$ (2.100)

This means that the unit time in the normalized equation (2.91) correspond to

$\displaystyle \tau=\frac{1}{\gamma M_s}=3.2   $   ps$\displaystyle   = 3.2    10^{-12}$    s$\displaystyle     .$ (2.101)

Another fundamental constant involved in the characteristic current density (2.90) is the Bhor magneton $ \mu_B$ which, in SI units, has the following value

$\displaystyle \mu_B=927.4 \cdot 10^{-26}   $   A m$\displaystyle ^2   = 9.274 \cdot 10^{-24}    ($A/m$\displaystyle ) \cdot$   m$\displaystyle ^3   ,$ (2.102)

namely, it has the physical dimension of a magnetic moment. In addition to $ \mu_B$, it is necessary to specify the Landè factor $ g_e$ which is a pure number very close to 2. Finally, the characteristic current $ J_p$ is proportional to the thickness $ d$ of the free layer. A sensible choice of this parameter should be in the range of the nanometers. Let us choose $ d=3$ nm. Now, we can compute $ J_p$ :

$\displaystyle J_p={\gamma M_s}\frac{e \text{M}_s d}{g_e \mu_\text{B}}   \approx 1.15 \cdot 10^{13} A  m^{-2}
 = 1.15 \cdot 10^{9} \text{A cm}^{-2}   .$ (2.103)

This value of current is reference to establish if a current is small or big as far as current induced spin torque is concerned. In this respect, it is useful to mention that in most reported experiment in Co-Cu-Co pillars the largest injected current densities are in the order of $ 10^{7}$   A m$ ^{-2}$. Thus the factor $ \beta$ in Eq. (2.94) is at most in the order of $ 10^{-2}$.
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Massimiliano d'Aquino 2005-11-26