3.1.2 Hybrid Finite elements-Boundary elements
In this section we briefly describe a
numerical method for the evaluation of the demagnetizing field
which is commonly used when spatial discretization based on Finite
Elements (FE) Method is performed [52]. The main
advantage of FE discretization lies in the possibility of
simulating processes occurring in bodies with in principle
arbitrary geometry. This is crucial for the design of
technological devices, whose geometry is often very far from being
approximated with a 'staircase'. Nevertheless, as mentioned in
section 3.1, plain FE method would require
that the whole space was discretized. For this reason, many
researchers have dealt with the derivation of FE modifications to
take into account the open-boundary nature of the problem.
In fact, in order to impose the regularity condition at infinity,
Chen suggests that the FE mesh has to be extended over a large
region outside the magnetic particles (at least five times the
extension of the particle [54]). Various other techniques
have been proposed to reduce the size of the external mesh or to
avoid a discretization of the exterior space. The use of
asymptotic boundary conditions [55] reduces the size of the
external mesh as compared to truncation. At the external boundary,
Robbin conditions, which are derived from a series expansion of
the solution of the Laplace equation for outside the magnet and
give the decay rate of the potential at a certain distance from
the sample, are applied [56]. A similar technique that
considerably reduces the size of the external mesh is the use of
space transformations to evaluate the integral over the exterior
space. Among the various transformations proposed to treat the
open boundary problem, the parallelepipedic shell
transformation [57], which maps the external space into
shells enclosing the parallelepipedic interior domain, has proved
to be most suitable in micromagnetic calculations. The method can
be easily incorporated into standard FE programs transforming the
derivatives of the nodal shape functions. This method was applied
in static three-dimensional micromagnetic simulations of the
magnetic properties of nanocrystalline permanent magnets (see
Refs. [58] and [59]).
An alternative approach was proposed by Fredkin and
Koehler [70] in 1990. The main idea, due to the
linearity of Poisson problem, is to split the scalar potential
into and such that:
The boundary value problem for the potential can be
formulated as an internal Neumann problem in the following way:
By comparing the problem (3.14) with the original
problem (3.3), we can derive the boundary value
problem for :
indicates the internal layer of the
. The solution of the latter
boundary value problem is the well-known double layer
potential [13]:
Until now, it is not yet evident the advantage of the method,
since the evaluation of the potential
at each
is very expensive from computational
point of view. Indeed the situation seems more complicated with
respect to the direct evaluation of the original
integral (3.7), since now
operations ( is the number of boundary nodes) plus the
solution of boundary value problem (3.14) are
required in order to obtain .
The nice idea is to use Eq. (3.16) to evaluate
the potential only on the boundary
. In fact, it is known from potential
theory [66] that if
is sufficiently
smooth at location
, then
It can be shown [67] that the discretized version of
the latter equation is:
where is a suitable
boundary matrix and
are the vector containing the boundary nodal
values of the scalar potentials
. From the
knowledge of on the boundary
, which
now costs operations, then the boundary value
problem (3.15), now with Dirichlet boundary
conditions on
, can be solved with the usual FE
technique [52].
Let us summarize the costs of this hybrid technique. We assume
that the mesh (typically consisted of tetrahedrons) has nodes.
In most situations, one can think that the boundary nodes
are in the order
. In particular, this
happens when characteristic dimensions of the body, along the
coordinates axes, are of the same order of magnitude. We will
discuss remarkable exceptions after. Therefore,
at the preprocessing stage, the boundary matrix
has to be computed and stored. The storage
requirement is
In a single evaluation of the demagnetizing field:
the internal Neumann problem (3.14) has to
be solved with the usual FE technique to find . This
implies that it costs the inversion of an linear
The value of on the boundary has to be computed
by means of Eq. (3.18), which costs
The internal Dirichlet problem, given by
Eq. (3.15) with boundary conditions obtained at
step 2, has to be solved with FE technique, which costs another
linear system inversion, but with same stiffness matrix
used at step 1.
Finally, the demagnetizing field
has to be evaluated.
We observe that this method has the advantage to manage
arbitrarily complicated geometries, whereas the FFT convolution
method is optimal with a structured mesh. Nevertheless, if one
deals with somehow ``flat'' magnetic bodies, like for instance
thin-films, the assumption
fails, since it happens instead
, unless than one
performs additional (and maybe useless) refinement along the
``small'' dimension. Thus, one can conclude that the hybrid FE-BE
method is not optimal for thin-film geometries.
In the sequel, this method will be used in full micromagnetic
simulations of damping and precessional switching processes to
investigate how far they can be treated within the framework of
the uniform mode approximation analyzed in chapter 2. The FFT
convolution method described in section 3.1.1 will be
used in chapter 4 where the solution of micromagnetic standard
problem no. 4 [79] will be addressed.
Next:3.2 Comparison between Damping Up:3.1 Magnetostatic field computation Previous:3.1.1 FFT Discrete convolutionContents
Massimiliano d'Aquino