Luigi Paura received the Dr. Eng. degree summa cum laude in Electronic Engineering in 1974 from University of Napoli Federico II. From 1979 to 1984, he was with the Dept. of Biomedical, Electronic and Telecom. Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, first as an Assistant Professor and then as an Associate Professor. Since 1994, he has been a Full Professor of Telecom.: first, with the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Lecce, Italy; then, with the Dept. of Information Engineering, Second University of Naples; and, finally, from 1998 he has been with the Dept. of Biomedical, Electronic and Telecom. Engineering, University of Naples Federico II. He also held teaching positions at University of Salerno, at University of Sannio, and at University Parthenope of Naples. In 1985-86 and 1991 he was a visiting researcher at Signal and Image Processing Lab, University of California, Davis. His research interests are mainly in digital communication systems and cognitive radio networks.