Curriculum Vitae

Personal data   torna su

Silvia Bolgherini, Ph.D.
born in Piombino (Livorno) 01 June 1973; Italian; married; two daughters (2008 and 2011)


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Perugia

National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor conferred by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (since 2017)


Education, academic cursus and awards   torna su

2021 Associate Professor for Political Science, University of Perugia, Departiment of Political Science

2020 Best Paper Award SISP Conference 2019 for the best presented paper co-authored by a young scholar (paper: Assessing Voting Multi-level Congruence in Italy and Spain, co-authored with S. Grimaldi and A. Paparo)

2020-2021 Senior Researcher EURAC- Accademia Europea Bolzano/Bozen, Institute Comparative Federalism

2017 Una tantum Bonus Grant for research activity of the Univ. of Naples Federico II

2017 National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor conferred by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes

2014 National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor conferred by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes

2007  Winner of the DAAD/DIH research prize Ladislao Mittner for Political Science                 

2005  Assistant professor for Political Science, Faculty of Sociology, University of Naples Federico II

2004/2005  Fellowship at the Department of Political Science and Sociology, University of Florence

2003/2004  Post-doc fellowship at the Fondation Robert Schuman in Paris (France)

2003   PhD Thesis defense, Department of Political Science and Sociology, University of Florence. Thesis (En. title): Activation of Regions in Europe. A Comparative Analysis of 8 Mediterreanan Cases

2001 Summer School for Comparative Politics, Oslo (Norway)
- Fellowship at the Observatoire Interrégionale du Politique (OIP), Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques (IEP), Paris (France)        
- Intensive Doctoral Seminar at the University of Naples Federico II

2000   SPEC International seminar for PhD students at Sciences-Po Paris (France)
- Admission (by examination) to the PhD Program for Political Science, University of Florence

1999   Graduate Thesis defense (110cum laude/110), Faculty of Political Science, University of Florence. Thesis (En. title): Regional Policies in a Federal State. Institutional Policy and Economic Policy in Baden-Württemberg

1997/1998  Erasmus Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg (Germany)

1992  Secundary school diploma (60/60) at the Liceo statale G. Marconi in Piombino (LI)

Languages   torna su

Mother tongue: 
Very good knowledge (spoken, written):
    English; French; German; Spanish; Modern Greek
Good knowledge (reading):
    Portuguese; Catalan

Research periods abroad / Visiting Positions  torna su

2018  Visiting Professor at the University of Granada (Spain)
2017  Visiting Professor (Erasmus Teaching Programme) at the University of Giessen (Germany)

2016 Visiting Professor at the Center for European Studies, University of Texas at Austin (USA)

2015    Visiting Professor (Erasmus Teaching Programme) at the University of Giessen (Germany)
- Visiting Professor (Erasmus Teaching Programme) at the University of Granada (Spain)

2013    Visiting Professor (Erasmus Teaching Programme) at the University of Granada (Spain)

2012    Visiting Professor at the University of Granada (Spain)
- Visiting Professor at the University of Potsdam  (Germany)

2008    Visiting scholar at the Freie Universität Berlin and University of Potsdam (Germany)  
2006    Visiting scholar at the Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP) Sciences-PO/ CNRS, Paris (France)

2005    Visiting scholar at the Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP) Sciences-PO/ CNRS, Paris (France)

2004    Research fellow at the Observatoire Interrégionale du Politique (OIP), Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques (FNSP/IEP), Paris (France)

2002    Visiting student at the Institut de Ciencies Politics i Socials (ICPS), Barcelona (Spain)
- Visiting student at the University of Athens (Greece)
- Visiting student at the Department of Government, Cornell University, Ithaca (USA)

2001  Research fellow at the Observatoire Interrégionale du Politique (OIP), Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques (FNSP/IEP), Paris (France)

1999  Visiting student at the Faculdad de Ciencia Politica y de la Administracion, University of Granada (Spain)

1997/1998  Erasmus Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Conferences, seminars and meetings  torna su


·       30 August- 3 September 2021 (paper accepted) ECPR General Conference (online), Innsbruck University

·      10-15 July 2021 (paper accepted) IPSA World Congress (online), Lisbon (Portugal)

·       27-30 March 2021 (paper accepted)  PSA Annual International Conference (online), Belfast University

·      12-14 September 2019 Annual Conference SISP, Univ. Lecce

·       8-10 April 2019 ECPR Joint Session, Mons (Belgium)

·       6-8 September 2018 Annual Conference SISP, Univ. Torino

·       21-26 July 2018  IPSA World Congress, Brisbane (Australia)

·       23-26 March 2018 PSA Annual International Conference, Cardiff (UK)

·       12-16 September2017 Annual Conference SISP, Univ. Urbino

·       6-9 September 2017 ECPR General Conference, Oslo (Norway)

·       23-28 lJuly 2016 IPSA World Congress, Poznan (Polonia)

·       24-28 April 2016) ECPR Joint Session, Univ. Pisa

·       10-12 September 2015 Annual Conference SISP, Univ. della Calabria

·       11-13 September 2014 Annual Conference SISP, Univ. Perugia

·       3-6 September 2014 ECPR General Conference, Univ. Glasgow (UK)

·       30 November 2013 International Workshop Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna

·       13-14 June 2013 International Workshop Univ. Siena


European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Session: Nicosia 2006, Helsinki 2007
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference: Budapest 2005, Pisa 2007, Potsdam 2009
International Political Science Association (IPSA): 2006 Fukuoka
Italian Political Science Association (SISP): Florence 2013, Rome 2012, Venice 2010, Rome 2009, Pavia 2008, Catania 2007, Bologna 2006, Cagliari 2005, Padova 2004, Trento 2003, Genova 2002
Italian Association Electoral Studies (SISE): Turin 2009
Others: International Symposium “Comparing Web Portals for the Social Sciences” Univ. Naples 2005; International Workshop “Europeanization and Democratization” SUM/Univ. Florence 2005; International Workshop “L'action extérieure des collectivités décentralisées ou fédérée” Univ. Louvaine (Belgium) 2004


•  Nov 28-29, 2019 Conference La social-démocratie et l’Europe/Die Sozialdemokratie und Europa (Speech title: Italien: die Demokratische Partei (PD) in der Krise der Sozialdemokratie in Europa) Uni Freiburg/Fribourg (CH)
•  Oct 24, 2019 CISE Fall Seminars (Speech title: Too small (not) to fail? Testing the Effects of Municipal Amalgamations on Electoral Participation), Uni LUISS Rome
•    June 13, 2019 Research Seminar Does voting congruence match party system change? FreieUni Bozen
•    May 3-4, 2019 Conference Diritto UE e Regioni: tra vincoli e opportunità (EU law and Regions: constraints and opportunities)(Speech title: Still Bypassing the Nation-State: EU regional mobilization two decades later), Freie Uni Bozen
•    November 22-24, 2018 Conference Ripensare i fascismi / Neue Analysen zu Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus (Speech title: Radical Right, Protest and Euroskepticism: Alternative für Deutschland in Germany), Freie Uni Bozen
•    Oct 2-3, 2018 II Congreso Argentino de Control Interno (Argentin National Congress on Internal Auditing) (Speech title: Internal Auditing in Italian Municipalities. Development and Challenges), Buenos Aires (Argentina)
•    May 23, 2018 Conference La Germania nell’Unione Europea. Il ruolo storico e l’immagine (Germany in the EU. Historical Role and Image) (Speech title: Germany between continuity and new scenarios), Univ. Siena
•    March 23, 2018 invited as Keynote Speaker by the Political Studies Association (Keynote title: “Half-Way Rescaling? Idea(l)s and Reality in Italian Local Government”), De Montfort University Leicester (UK)
•    Dec 8, 2017 Conference Europa 2017: Una rivoluzione elettorale (Europe 2017: an electoral revolution) (Speech title: A suspended Germany), ISIG - Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento
•    Nov 17, 2017 Seminar Germania ed Europa oggi: le ragioni di una crisi (Germany and Europe today: the Reasons of a Crisis), Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Bologna
•    Nov 8, 2017 Conference Parties and Party Systems. Crisis and perspectives after the latest electoral cycle (Speech title: Germany 2017: Six Parties and a Challenge), Univ. Roma Sapienza
•    Oct 20, 2017 Seminar La Germania dopo le elezioni (Germany after the Elections), Univ. Bologna
•    June 24, 2017 Lecture Consolidation measures in Italian public sector. A one-fits-all solution, Univ. Hamburg (Germany)
•    May 2, 2017 Seminar RoundTable Angela Forever? On the forthcoming German elections, Univ. Bologna
•    July 2, 2015 Seminar Politische und institutionelle Reformen in Italien: Die dritte Republik?
Univ. Giessen (Germany)

•    June 16, 2015 Conference Le autonomie locali ai tempi della crisi tra razionalizzazione territoriale e associazionismo (Local Authorities in Times of Rationalization) (Speech title: Municipal Amalgamations and Intermunicipal Cooperation in Italy and Abroad) Univ. Calabria

•    June 10, 2015
Seminar Sostenibilidad institucional. Un marco para las reformas del gobierno local (Institutional Sustainability. A Framework for local government reforms)
Univ. Granada (Spagna)

•    Nov 30, 2013 Workshop Germany after the 2013 elections (Speech title,
with G. Baldini: So similar, yet so different: Alternative für Deutschland and the Pirate Party),Johns Hopkins University Bologna
•    Oct 7, 2013
Roundtable Dopo le elezioni in Germania (After the federal election in Germany),
Univ. L'Orientale di Napoli

•    May 2-4, 2013 Conference Governance e sviluppo territoriale. Attori, Strategie, Strumenti (Governance and Local Development: Actors, Strategies and Tools) (Speech title: Institutions and Institutional reforms in Andalusia (Spain) and Brandenburg (Germany),
Univ. Lecce

•    March 4, 2013
Workshop Forme associative fra Comuni: politiche e strumenti (Municipal Cooperations: Policies and Tools) (Speech Title: Municipal Unions in the Spanish and German experience),Univ. Padova

•    Jan 24-25, 2013 Winter School Nuove forme di governance locale come strumento di sviluppo strategico territoriale (New local governance forms as tools for territorial development) (Speech titles: Verwaltungsgemeinschften in Brandenburg: governance in small rural municipalities; Mancomunidades in Spain and Andalusia); Roundtable Politiche europee per lo sviluppo e nuovi scenari del governo locale (European Policies for Local Development and new scenarios for local government) (Speech title: Territorial reforms in Germany and Spain: different paths?),Univ. Catania
•    Nov 28-29, 2012 Roundtable Italien und der Reformprozess der Regierung Monti (Italy and the reform process of the Monti Government),Freie Univ. Berlin (Germany)
•    Sept 20, 2012 Workshop Nuove forme di governance locale per lo sviluppo strategico del territorio (New forms of governance for local development) (Speech title: A glimpse abroad: German and Spanish regions),Univ. Padova
•    May 16, 2012 Seminar Il sistema elettorale tedesco: la proporzionale personalizzata (The German Electoral System),Istituto De Gasperi, Bologna

•    July 9, 2008 Seminar Die Rolle der Regionen in der EU: Perspektiven aus dem Mittelmeer (The Role of Regions in the EU: perspective from the Mediterranean see) Univ. Osnabrück (Germany)

•    June 17, 2008 Seminar The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on Member States, Univ. Lüneburg (Germany)
•    March 8-9, 2007 Conference The governance of regional development and the new Structural Funds regulations in the old and new peripheries of Europe (Speech Title: The European Union and its Peripheries. Patterns of EU Impact in Representation and Administration), European University Institute, Firenze
SUM/Univ. Firenze

Workshop Organization and Panel Chairships   torna su

2021 ECPR Section Chair Local Government in a Challenged World - endorsed by the Standing Group Local Government and Politics - General Conference Innsbruck

2019 Panel Chair 12th International Conference Italian Association of Electoral Studies- SISE

2015-2017 Convenor (with P. Messina) of the Section Studi regionali e politiche locali (Regional studies and local policies) for  the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP)

Panel Chair Annual Conference Italian Political Scence Association SISP
Firenze 2013, Roma Tre 2012, Roma Luiss 2009, Catania 2007, Bologna 2006, Cagliari 2005

2015 Scientific Coordinator and Organizer (with C. Dallara) of the Workshop Gestione associata, esperienze di fusioni e fattore dimensionale: una prospettiva intersettoriale
Bologna, Scuola di Specializzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione (Spisa)

2012 Panel chair «L'approccio place-based e le politiche per lo sviluppo sostenibile» Univ. Padova e M.A.S.TER. School 2012

2006 Organizer (with L. Morlino) and co-ordinator of the Workshop «European Union and the Old Peripheries» Univ. Florence

2005 Co-coordinator of a research group at the conference «Europeanization and Democratization: The Southern European Experience and the Perspective for New Member States of the Enlarged Europe» Univ. Florence/SUM 

Professional activities and Membership   torna su

(2020- ) Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Quaderni del'Osservatorio elettorale - Italian Journal of Electoral Studies (QOE-IJES)

(2017- ) Associate Member of the Centre for Local Government - University of New England, Australia

(2016- ) Member of the editorial board of the Elections-Government-Democracy series (Il Mulino)

(2015- ) Member of the editorial board of the Italian Politics/Politica in Italia series (il Mulino/Berghahn books)

(2009- ) Member of the editorial board of the Journal Politische Italien-Forschung (PIFO) (Political Italian Studies)

(2007- ) Research fellow at the Istituto Carlo Cattaneo, Bologna

(2016 - 2021) Member (elected) of the Executive Committee of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP)
(2005-2021) Official Representative by the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) of the Department of Sociology, Univ. Naples Federico II
(2017 - 2020) Member (elected) of the Executive Committee of the Italian Society for Electoral Studies (SISE)(2002-2015) Editor of the section «Elezioni nel mondo» (Elections in the World) of the Journal Quaderni dell’Osservatorio elettorale (QOE) and (2014-2020) Member of the Editorial Board
(2005-2008) Editorial Assistant for the online publication «IPSAPortal» of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)

(2005- ) Member of the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP)
(2005 - ) of the Italian Association of Electoral Studies (SISE)
(2005-2008; 2016- ) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
(2018 - ) of the Political Studies Association (PSA)

Member of the Standing Groups of the Italian Association of Political Science (SISP):
(2005- ) Regional Studies and Local Policies; (2018 - ) Partiti, Public Opinion, Elections (POPE); (2018- ) Political Science and Public Policies (SPPP)

Member of the Standing Groups of the European Consortium on Political Research (ECPR):
(2009- ) Southern European Politics; (2009- ) Federalism and Regionalism; (2014- ) Local Government and Politics

Member of the Standing Groups of the Political Science Association (PSA):
(2013 - ) Local Politics; (2017 - ) Italian Politics; (2018 - ) German Politics

Referee for the journals: European Journal of Political Research (EJPR); Party Politics (PP); International Review Administrative Science (IRAS); Public Administration (PADM); Governance; South European Society and Politics (SESP); Urban Affairs Review (UAR); Participation and Conflict/Partecipazione e Conflitto (PACO); Modern Italy (MIT); Environment & Planning C; Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica (RISP/IPSR); Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche (RIPP); Contemporary Italian Politics (CIP); Quaderni di Scienza Politica (QUASP); Politics and Governance; Istituzioni del Federalismo (IdF); Polis; Espace Politique; Sociopedia.isa. Referee (books) for the publisher: Routledge.


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