Authors of selected papers from SR '20 will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a special issue published on the International Journal of Semantic Computing.
Semantic Robotics aims to develop methods to build computer-based systems by exploiting robotic capabilities, such as robot vision, learning, language understanding, etc…
Robotics and Automation involve designing and implementing intelligent machines which can do work too dirty, too dangerous, too precise or too tedious for human beings.
Semantics is the study of meaning instead, and within computer science it is closely related to Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence.
The main topic of this workshop, ranging from mechatronics and control software to the semantic web technologies and natural language dialogs, deals with the field of Semantic Robotics.
Furthermore, most mobile robotic systems use internal representations of the gathered information that is not intuitively understandable by human beings and that is inadequate for learning from commonly available sources. The combination of object/place classification and common-sense knowledge to semantic maps found its way into indoor semantic mapping approaches, in order to improve human-robot interaction. The aim is to pass complex task settings to the robot, so that it guides the search for the solution itself.
Thus, this workshop aims at showing some concrete heterogeneous solutions applying semantic techniques in robotics and automation, in order both to facilitate high-level interfacing and/or to better support human-robot interaction.
The workshop seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research results in all practical and theoretical aspects of Semantic Robotics.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Semantic Maps for Robotics
- Semantic Robot Vision
- Artificial Intelligence
- Natural Language Processing
- Robotics and Automation Software
- Robot Navigation Framework
- Semantic Segmentation
- Object Recognition