Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Robotics
(SR 2020)

in conjunction with

The 14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

Feb 3-Feb 5, 2020 - Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina, San Diego, California, USA

San Diego
Home Important Dates Committees Submission Instructions Workshop Program

Submission Instructions

Manuscripts must be written (6 pages maximum, all included) in English and follow the instructions in the Manuscript Formatting and Templates page given in ICSC 2020 website at the "Submission" section.

Papers must be original and not be submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal.

Only electronic submission will be accepted. Technical paper authors MUST submit their manuscripts through Easychair.

Manuscripts may only be submitted in PDF format.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed. Papers accepted by the workshop will be published in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

For any question regarding the workshop please contact the organizer at