I've been awarded within the IEEE Communications Letters 2013 Exemplary Reviewer program.
The list of available degree theses is online.
Back to Georgia Institute of Technology for one month to visit Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz at the Broadband Wireless Networking Lab.
The slides of my invited talk "Unexpected Cleverness in Unicellular, Organisms: The Slime Mold Case" at the N3CAT are now on-line.
For the next nine months, I will work as visiting researcher at the Broadband Wireless Networking Lab of the Georgia Institute of Technology with Prof. Akyildiz.
Here further info.
The M-DART code for ns 2.34 (latest snapshot) has been accepted released. Enjoy it!
Here further info.
My AOMDV code has been merged in the official ns-2.34 release candidate 1.
Here you could download the ns-2.34-RC1 package .
I've been selected as a mentor for Google Summer of Code (SoC) by ns-3 organization.
Here you have the SoC flyer
Here you can find a brief descriprion about the SoC project I have to mentor.
Maniac Challenge '09: Best Strategy Award.
Here and also here you find the announcement, while here there are some photos.