M-DART protocol
The Multi-Path Dynamic Addressing Routing (M-DART) is a routing protocol for ad hoc networks with the following features:
- proactive, every node keeps information about the available routes;
- multi-path, every node tracks redundant routes to face with topology changes;
- hierarchic, the routing overhead is reduced with a logarithmic factor;
- DHT-based, since a DHT is used at the network layer.
The M-DART extends the DART protocol, first proposed by J. Eriksson, M. Faloutsos and S. Krishnamurthy in DART: Dynamic Address RouTing for Scalable Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks.
For a description of the protocol, please refer to the research section or to the following references:
M. Caleffi, L. Paura, "M-DART: Multi-path Dynamic Address RouTing", accepted for publication in the special issue "Architectures and Protocols for Wireless Mesh, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks" of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010. |
M. Caleffi, G. Ferraiuolo, L. Paura, "Augmented Tree-based Routing Protocol for Scalable Ad Hoc Networks", Proc. of IEEE MASS '07: IEEE Internatonal Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, Pisa (Italy), October 8-11 2007. |
M. Caleffi, "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: the DHT Paradigm, Ph.D. Thesis", University of Naples Federico II, December 2008. |
M-DART code for Ns-2 release 2.34
You can patch Ns-2 version 2.34 daily snapshot 2009-01-06 (please note that the daily snapshot, available here, is not the official ns 2.34 distribution) as in the following:
Open a bash shell (click here to watch how) and type at prompt (assuming that ns-2 has been installed in /usr/share/ns-2.34 folder):
cd /usr/share/ns-2.34
make clean
wget http://wpage.unina.it/marcello.caleffi/ns2/mdart.diff
patch -p0 < ./mdart.diff
Then you have to recompile ns, opening the bash shell and typing at prompt:
cd /usr/share/ns-2.34/
make clean
make install
You could use the following tcl file in order to simulate a static network of 16 nodes with a random data pattern:
cd /usr/share/ns-2.34/tcl/ex/mdart
ns script.tcl
If you experience problems in patching Ns-2, please download the patched version of ns-2 2.34 daily snapshot 2009-01-06 from here.
Otherwise, please post your request to the ns-user mailing list!