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M-DART protocol

The Multi-Path Dynamic Addressing Routing (M-DART) is a routing protocol for ad hoc networks with the following features:
- proactive, every node keeps information about the available routes;
- multi-path, every node tracks redundant routes to face with topology changes;
- hierarchic, the routing overhead is reduced with a logarithmic factor;
- DHT-based, since a DHT is used at the network layer.

The M-DART extends the DART protocol, first proposed by J. Eriksson, M. Faloutsos and S. Krishnamurthy in DART: Dynamic Address RouTing for Scalable Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks.

For a description of the protocol, please refer to the research section or to the following references:

M. Caleffi, L. Paura, "M-DART: Multi-path Dynamic Address RouTing", accepted for publication in the special issue "Architectures and Protocols for Wireless Mesh, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks" of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010.

M. Caleffi, G. Ferraiuolo, L. Paura, "Augmented Tree-based Routing Protocol for Scalable Ad Hoc Networks", Proc. of IEEE MASS '07: IEEE Internatonal Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, Pisa (Italy), October 8-11 2007.

M. Caleffi, "Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: the DHT Paradigm, Ph.D. Thesis", University of Naples Federico II, December 2008.

M-DART code for Ns-2 release 2.34

You can patch Ns-2 version 2.34 daily snapshot 2009-01-06 (please note that the daily snapshot, available here, is not the official ns 2.34 distribution) as in the following:

Open a bash shell (click here to watch how) and type at prompt (assuming that ns-2 has been installed in /usr/share/ns-2.34 folder):

cd /usr/share/ns-2.34
make clean
patch -p0 < ./mdart.diff

Then you have to recompile ns, opening the bash shell and typing at prompt:

cd /usr/share/ns-2.34/
make clean
make install

You could use the following tcl file in order to simulate a static network of 16 nodes with a random data pattern:

cd /usr/share/ns-2.34/tcl/ex/mdart
ns script.tcl

If you experience problems in patching Ns-2, please download the patched version of ns-2 2.34 daily snapshot 2009-01-06 from here.

Otherwise, please post your request to the ns-user mailing list!