Sample menu:
- T. Cerciello, Bifulco P, Cesarelli, L. Paura, M.
Romano, G. Pasquariello, R. Allen,"Noise reduction in
fluoroscopic image sequences for joint kinematics analysis", Proc. of IFMBE: 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and ComputingIn(MEDICON), Chalkidiki, Greece, May 27-30, p. 323-326, 2010.
- M. Cinotti, P. Orefice, L. Paura, A. Scarpiello,"Performance analysis of a QoS management architecture for
an emergency scenario", Proc. of
IWCMC'10: 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, pp 514-518, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2010.
- A.S. Cacciapuoti, M. Caleffi, L. Paura, M. A.
Rahman, "Performance Analysis of Link Quality Estimators for an
802.11b Mesh Network", Proc. of Informatica Quantitativa, Pisa, 7-9 July 2010, p. 1-6.
- M. Caleffi, G. Ferraiuolo, L. Paura, "On
Reliability of Dynamic Addressing Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks Conference", Proc. of WRECOM '07: Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications Conference, Roma (Italy), October 2007.
- D. Darsena, G. Gelli, L. Paura, F. Verde,
"Constrained maximum-SINR equalization with channel estimation
capabilities for NBI-corrupted OFDM systems", Proc. of ICASSP'06: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, p.IV, 14-19 May 2006.
- M. Caleffi, G. Ferraiuolo, L. Paura, "A
Bayesian location estimation technique for mobile ad hoc networks", Proc. of MSPE '06: First International Workshop on Mobile Services and Personalized Environments, Aachen (Germany), November 2006.
G. Massei, Paura L, A. Scarpiello, "NeBULA (Network-Based
User-Location Aware): a novel location sensing system within a WLAN
environment", In: Tyrhenian International Workshop on Digital
Communications. Sorrento (Italy), vol. 1, p. 511-526, NEW
YORK:Springer, July 2005.
- D. Mattera, L. Paura, F. Sterle, "Widely
linear MMSE transceiver for real-valued sequences over MIMO channel", Proc. EUSIPCO'06: 14th European Signal Processing Conference, Florence, Italy, September 4-8, 2006.
- F. Sterle, D. Mattera, L. Paura, "Two
nonequivalent structures for widely-linear decision-feedback MMSE
equalization over MIMO channels", Proc. of 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006), Firenze (Italy), September 2006.
- A.S. Cacciapuoti, G. Gelli, L. Paura, F. Verde, "Widely-linear fractionally-spaced blind equalization of
frequency-selective channels", Proc. of 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2006). Florence (Italy), September 2006.
- G. Massei, Paura L, A. Scarpiello, "Packet
Reservation Multiple Access with Hindering States Operating in TD/CDMA
terrestrial Networks" In: Proceeding of the World Wireless Congress. San
Francisco (USA), May 2004, vol. 1, p. 1, Cupertino:Delson Group.
- G. Ferraiuolo, G. Massei, L. Paura, A. Scarpiello, "Access Control for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks: An adaptive
Distributed PRMA Scheme", Proc. of WWC/WMC: World Wireless Congress/World Mobile Congress, San Francisco
(USA), May 2004, p. 1
- Gelli G, L. Paura, F. Verde, "Linearly and
quadratically constrained blind multiuser detection for
quasi-synchronous MC-CDMA uplink", In: 5th IEEE Workshop on Signal
Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC-2004). Lisbona
(Portogallo), p. 596-600, Luglio 2004.
- D. Darsena, Gelli G, L. Paura, F. Verde,
"Subspace-based blind channel identification for noncircular multicarrier
transmissions", In: 5th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in
Wireless Communications (SPAWC-2004). Lisbona (Portogallo),
p. 601-605, July 2004.
- Mattera D, L. Paura, Sterle F, "Widely Linear
MMSE Equalizer for MIMO Linear Time-dispersive channels", Proc. of 3rd
Intemational Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA
'03), vol. 2, p. 1176-1180, SEPTEMBER 2003.
- Darsena D, Gelli G, L. Paura, Verde F,
"Widely-linear receivers for multicarrier transmission", Proc. of 6th Baiona
Workshop on Signal Processing in Communications. Baiona (E), September
- Darsena D, Gelli G, L. Paura, Verde F,"Widely
linear subspace-based blind identification of single-input single-output
FIR systems with improper random inputs", Proc. of 6th Baiona Workshop on
Signal Processing in Communications. Baiona (E), September 2003.
- D. Mattera, L. Paura, F. Sterle, "Widely
linear MMSE equalizer for MIMO linear time-dispersive channel", ISPA, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on
Image and Signal Processing and Analysis. Roma, 18-20, p.
1176-1180, Sept. 2003.
- Darsena D, G. Gelli, Paura L, Verde F, "Widely-linear receivers for multicarrier transmission systems", Proc. of Baiona Workshop on Signal Processing in Communications.
Baiona (Spagna), September 2003, p. 91-96.
- Darsena D, G. Gelli, Paura L, Verde F, "Widely
linear subspace-based blind identification of SISO FIR systems with
improper random inputs" Proce. of Baiona Workshop on Signal
Processing in Communications. Baiona (Spagna), September 2003, p.
- G. Gelli, Milano S, Paura L, Verde F, "Direct
group-blind multiuser detection for DS-CDMA systems in dispersive
channels", Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Image
and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA'2003). Roma (Italia), September
2003, vol. 1, p. 375-380.
- Darsena D, Gelli G, L. Paura, Verde F, "Joint
equalization and interference suppression in OFDM systems", Proc. of 36th
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, November 2002, p.
- L. Paura, Vignola S, "Realizzazione di un
laboratorio per teleformazione ed esperimenti di misura su sistemi di
telecomunicazioni e reti di telecomunicazioni: l'esperienza CNIT nel
progetto LABNET", DIDAMATICA. Naples (Italy), February 2002
- Darsena D, Gelli G, L. Paura, Verdoliva L, "Performance analysis of LCL-PTV narrowband interference suppression
algorithms", Proc. of 14th International Conference on Digital Signal
Processing (DSP 2002). Santorini (Greece), July 2002, p. 643-646.
- Darsena D, Gelli G, L. Paura, Verde F, "Blind
multiuser detection for MC-CDMA systems", Proc. of 36th Asilomar Conference
on Signals, Systems, and Computers. Pacific Grove (USA), November 2002,
vol. 2, p. 1419-1423.
- Darsena D, G. Gelli, Paura L, Verdoliva L,
"Performance analysis of LCL-PTV narrowband interference suppression
algorithms", Proc. of 14th International Conference on
Digital Signal Processing (DSP'2002). Santorini (Grecia), July 2002, p.
- Gelli G, Mattera D, L. Paura, "Blind wideband
spatial filtering based on higher-order cyclostationarity properties",
Proc of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 01). Salt Lake City (USA), May 2001.
- G. Gelli, D. Mattera, L. Paura, "Blind
wideband spatial filtering based on higher-order cyclostationarity
properties" Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Salt Lake City (UT, USA), 7-11
May 2001, vol. 5, p. 2933-2936.
- G. Gelli, Paura L, Verdoliva L, "Adaptive
interference suppression in CDMA systems by LCL-PTV filtering", Proc. of 10th European Signal Processing Conference
(EUSIPCO'2000). Tampere (Finlandia), September 2000, p. 2325-2328.
- D. Mattera, L. Paura, "Exploitation of
cyclostationarity for identifying nonlinear Volterra systems by
input-output noisy measurements", In: A.SINGH. Conference Record of the
Thirtieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. Pacific
Grove (CA, USA), 3-6 Nov. 1996, vol. 1, p. 166-170, Los Alamitos (CA,
USA):IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Gelli G., Paura L, "Blind signal extraction
based on higher-order cyclostationarity properties. Proc. of
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
(ICASSP-1997). Munich (Germania), April, p. 3473-3476.
- Mattera D, Paura L, "Exploitation of
cyclostationarity for identifying nonlinear Volterra systems by
input-output noisy measurements", In: Conference Record of The Thirtieth
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. Pacific Grove
(CA), November 1996.
- Izzo L, Napolitano A, L. Paura, "MIMO Volterra
system input/output relations for cyclic higher-order statistics", Proc. of 7th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1994). Edinburgh
(Scotland), September 1994.
- Gelli G, Izzo L, L. Paura, "A cyclic method
for signal-selective DOA estimation", Proc. of Seventh European Signal
Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1994). Edinburgh (Scotland), September
1994, p. 752-755.
- Izzo L, Paura L, Tanda M, "Performance of a
square-law combiner for reception of Nakagami fading orthogonal signals
in Spherically invariant noise", In: IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory. Trondheim (Norway), June 1994.
- Izzo L., Paura L., Tanda M, "Performance of a
square-law combiner for reception of Nakagami fading signals in
sphericaaly invariant noise", Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 27 June - 1
July 1994, p. 91.
- Izzo L,
Napolitano A, L. Paura, "MIMO linear system input/output relations
for cyclic higher-order statistics", Proc. of Fourteenth GRETSI Symposium
on Signal and Image Processing. Juan-Les-Pins (France), September 1993.
- Izzo L., Paura L., Tanda M, "Array detection
of weak signals with drifting phase in non-Gaussian noise. 14° Colloque sur le traitement du signal et des images, France, 13-16 September, p. 145-148.
- Napolitano A, Paura L, "A cyclic Prony
algorithm with automatic bandwidth selection for multipath channel
identification", In: Workshop on Cyclostationary Signals. Yountville
(California), August 1992.
- Gelli G, L. Paura, "Parameter estimation of
multiple signals by exploitation of cyclic correlation properties", Proc. of International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics (ISSSE
1992). Paris (France), September 1992, p. 505-508.
- Gelli G, Paura L, Tanda M,"Optimum signal
detection in multivariate non-Gaussian noise", In: International AMSE
Conference on Signals, Data and Systems. Djerba (Tunisia), November
1991, p. 63-72.
- Gelli G, Izzo L, Napolitano A, Paura L,
"Spectral-coherence based Prony algorithm for multipath channel
identification", Florence (Italy), September 1991, p. 255-259.
- Izzo L, Paura L, Tanda M, "Locally optimum array detection in spatially correlated non-Gaussian noise", In: Symposium on
Information Theory and Its Applications (SITA 1991). Ibusuki (
Kagoshima),p. 751-754, December 1991.
- Gelli G, Izzo L, L. Paura, Poggi G, "A cyclic
SVD-based algorithm for multiple source localization", Proc. of Treizième
Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI 1991).
Juan-Les-Pins (France), September 1991, p. 669-672.
- Gelli G, Napolitano A, L. Paura,
"Spectral-correlation based estimation of channel parameters by
noncoherent data processing", Proc. of China 1991 International Conference
on Circuits and Systems. Shenzhen (China), June 1991, p. 354-357.
- Gelli G., Paura L., Tanda M., "Optimum
detection of a known signal in multivariate non-Gaussian noise", Djerba, Tunisia , 11-13 Novembre, p. 63-72.
- Izzo L, Napolitano A, Paura L,
"Interference-tolerant estimation of amplitude and time-delay parameters
of a composite signal", Proc. of Fifth European SignalProcessing Conference (EUSIPCO '90), Barcelona, 18-21 September 1990, pp. 103-106.
- Izzo L., Paura L., Tanda M, "Signal detection
in partially known cyclostationary non-Gaussian noise", Proc. of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON),USA, 21-25 May 1990, p. 116-119.
- Izzo L., Napolitano A., Paura L., Tanda M.,
"Estimation of multipath-signal parameters by exploitation of spectral
coherence", Singapore, 5-9 September , p. 19.11.1-19.11.5.
- Izzo L., Paura L., Tanda M., "Signal detection
in cyclostationary non-Gaussian noise", Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium, Kyoto, Giappone, 14-16
Novembre , p. 455-460.
- L. Izzo, L. Paura, G. Poggi, "Multiple- source
localization: a new method exploiting the cyclostationarity property", Proc. of Douzieme Colloque sur le Traitement duSignal et des Images, Juan-les-Pins, France, pp. 481-484.
- Fresa A, Izzo L, L. Paura, "Interception of FH
spread spectrum signals: performance advantages of cycles detectors", Proc. of IEEE National Aerospace and Electroniucs Conference (NAECON 1988).
Dayton (USA), May 1988.
- Izzo L., Paura L., Tanda M,"Interception of
cyclostationary signals by cycle detectors in non-Gaussian noise", Grenoble, France, 5-8 September, p. 675-678.
- Izzo L, L. Paura, "Optimum and suboptimum
detection of weak cyclostationary signals in non-Gaussian noise", Proc. of Eleventh Colloquium on Signal Processing and Applications. Nice
(France), June 1987.
- Gardner W.A, Paura L, "Signal
Interception:performance advantages of cycle detectors", In: Eleventh
Colloquium on Signal Processing and Applications. Nice (France), June
- Conte E, Izzo L, Longo M, L. Paura,
"Asymptotically optimum radar detection in sea clutter", Proc. of MELECON '85: Conf. Procs. 2, Digital Signal Processing, pp. 339-343, October 1985.
- Izzo L, L. Paura, "Optimum non-coherent
space-diversity detection of weak signals in non-Gaussian noise", Proc. of Tenth Colloquium on Signal Processing and Applications. Nice (France),
May 1985.
- Izzo L, L. Paura, "Multistatic radar detection
of fluctuating targets by binary integrators", Proc. of Sixth International
Symposium on Information Theory. Taskent (Uzbekistan), September 1984.
- Izzo L, Paura L, "Double-threshold detectors
for multistatic radar configuration: design and performance analysis", Tokyo (Japan), October 1984, p. 522-527.
- Izzo L, Paura L, "Optimum space diversità
detection of weak signals in non-Gaussain noise employing both time and
spatial sampling", Proc. of Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON
- L. Izzo, L. Paura, "Optimum space-diversity
detection of weak signals in non-gaussian noise" Proc. of the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton, OH, May 17-19, 1983. p. 506-512.
- L. Izzo, L. Paura, "Optimum detection of weak
signals in non-Gaussian noise employing both time and spatial sampling",
Atene, 24-26 May 1983, p. B 10.10 1-B 10.10 2
- G. Fedele, L. Izzo, L. Paura, "Decentralized
detection of weak signals in non-Gaussian noise. Nizza, 16-20
May 1983, p. 165-170.
- Fedele G, Izzo L, L. Paura, "Effects of
thermal noise and interference due to scatterers on VOR systems
accuracy. Proc. of IEEE National Aerospace and Electroniucs Conference
(NAECON 1982). Dayton (USA), May 1982.
- Izzo L, Paura L (1982), "Selection diversity
reception of multilevel NCFSK systems in impulsive noise environments",
In: Sixth Summer Symposium on Circuit Theory (SSCT 1982).
- Izzo L, L. Paura, "Selection diversity
reception of multilevel NCFSK in additive mixture of Gaussian and
impulsive noise", Proc. of IEEE International Symposium On Information
Theory. Les Arcs (France), June 1982.
- Fedele G, Izzo L, L. Paura, "Multipath
propagation and thermal noise effects on VOR accuracy", Proc. of Sixth
Summer Symposium on Circuit Theory (SSCT 1982). Prague (Czech Republic),
July 1982.
- L. Izzo, L. Paura, "Selection diversity
reception of NCFSK systems in impulsive noise environments",
Praga, 12-16 July 1982, p. 527-531.
- Izzo L, Panico L, L. Paura, "Additive misture
of Gaussian and impulsive noise in M-ary noncoherent digital systems",
Proc. of Eighth Colloquium on Signal Processing and Applications. Nice
(France), June 1981.
- Izzo L, Paura L, Reppucci G, "Sistema di
acquisizione dati per il rilevamento del diagramma d’antenna", Proc. of 27°
Congresso Scientifico Internazionale per l’Elettronica, 1980.