The Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Group



Plant growth modeling and vegetation dynamics: System dynamic modelling is a very important research area in ecology. We consider different spatial and temporal scales of modelling simulations.....more »

Web-based learning tool:

Recently, many efforts have been devoted to the implementation of web based learning tools, that have found widespread diffusion in high schools, graduate and undergraduate universities classes. They enable the fruition of educational materials through a web used user interface and they often implement the same cognitive model that is beyond a traditional course.
The aim of this work is to present SIRMM (Searchable Information Repository of Mathematical Models), an interactive environment for mathematical teaching and learning within scientific disciplines. It provides a mathematical common and unifying framework to teach scientific and technical disciplines such as physics, engineering, biology and finance, in which mathematical modeling and data analysis play a major role. It enables the development of training paths that are both interactive and multidisciplinary, in which mathematics is used to easier the understanding and analysis of scientific problems, building and solving ad hoc models.

Valeria M. MONETTI
Francesco GIANNINO

PON 2000/2006 - SIRMM "Formazione a distanza per la integrazione dei saperi nelle scienze della vita"

- Giannino, F., Guarracino, M.R., Monetti, V.M., Romano, N., & Toraldo, G. (2004). SIRMM: Searchable Information Repository of Mathematical Models. EISTA 2004 – International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Orlando (Florida, USA).
- Giannino, F., Guarracino, M.R., Monetti, V.M., Romano, N., & Toraldo, G. (2004). An Adaptable Learning Technology System for Mathematical Models, ICALT 2004 – The 4th IEEE International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies, Joensuu (Finland).
- V.M. Monetti, M.R. Guarracino, F. Giannino, G. Toraldo, G. B. Chirico, N. Romano (2005). SIRMM: un data base multidisciplinare interattivo per la matematica applicata, in Formazione a distanza per l'integrazione di saperi nelle scienze della vita U. Giani (ed), Ricerca Medica Editrice, Napoli
- V.M. Monetti, M.R. Guarracino, F. Giannino, & G. Toraldo (2005). A Web-based learning tool for applied mathematics disciplines, sottomesso per pubblicazione alla rivista Computer and Educational il 17/11/05

Modelling software development: Applications to different scientific and technical contexts are presented in the fields of integrated ecological and hydrological dynamics and of simulation of interactions between vegetation and landslides dynamics.....more »


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