The Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Group



Plant growth modeling and vegetation dynamics: System dynamic modelling is a very important research area in ecology. We consider different spatial and temporal scales of modelling simulations.....more »
Web-based learning tool: The aim of this work is to present SIRMM (Searchable Information Repository of Mathematical Models), an interactive environment for mathematical teaching and learning within scientific disciplines.....more »

Modelling software development:

The functional description of natural systems requires the representation of different classes of processes including chemical, biochemical, and physical functions, with o without their spatial representation. In some cases, for example in biological population dynamics, a “compartment-flow” approach is a very powerful and efficient way to implement simulation models, eventually within new object oriented modeling environments. On the other hand, there are several cases where a realistic representation of the process dynamics needs a spatial explicit implementation of the model (e.g hydrological flows, fire propagation, pollution diffusion, etc.).
Along this line, a new raster-based spatial modelling system named “5D environment” has been implemented and it is presented here. The system is characterised by an user-friendly graphical interface and includes some innovative features and modelling concepts. The software is structured in a highly modular way according to three main layers: user interface, simulation engine, models. The modelling interface has been designed in such a way to be very easily linked to other possible modelling tools (e.g. Simile, Matlab and any generic programming languages such as C, C++, Fortran, Basic).
Different classes of models are considered in order to allow simulation of a wide range of problems. It is possible to apply a model to every pixel of the raster grid, with or without information about neighbouring cells, or to consider the model as a single entity which relates to group of pixels of the map.
Applications to different scientific and technical contexts are presented in the fields of integrated ecological and hydrological dynamics and of simulation of interactions between vegetation and landslides dynamics.

Francesco GIANNINO

PON 2004/06 - Petit-Osa "Piattaforme Evolute di Telecomunicazioni e di Information Technology per l'Offerta di Servizi al settore Ambiente"
Regione Campania Legge 5 - SimArc "Integration of system dynamics models and geographic information systems for the management of the environmental system"
FIRB - MESCOSAGR "Metodi Sostenibili per il sequestro del carbonio organico nei suoli agrari. Valutazione degli effetti sulla qualità chimica, fisica, biologica ed agronomica dei suoli"
PRIN 2005 - C-Cycle "Effects of species diversity on litter production and decomposition in Mediterranean maquis: modelling analysis"
EU VI Framework - FIRE PARADOX "An innovative approach of integrated wildland fire management regulating the wildfire problem by the wise use of fire: solving the fire paradox"

- S. Mazzoleni, F. Giannino, M. Colandrea, M. Nicolazzo, J. Massheder, Integration of System Dynamics Models and Geography Information Systems, in Modelling and Simulation '2003, B. Di Martino, L.T. Yang, C. Bobeanu (eds), Eurosis-Eti, 2003, 304-306
- S. Mazzoleni, F. Giannino, M. Colandrea, M. Nicolazzo, D. Heathfield, M Mulligan, A new raster-based spatial modelling system: 5D environment, sottomesso alla rivista Environmental Modelling & Software


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