The Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Group


Dr Francesco Giannino
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy
Via Università, 100 - 80055 Portici (Naples) - Italy

E-mail: giannino@unina.it


Born in Napoli on august 27, 1972
Current address home: Via G. Merliani, 138 - 80129, Napoli (Italy)


1997 - M.S. degree cum Laude in Mathematics. University of Naples Federico II
1988 - P.h.D in Applied Ecology. University of Naples Federico II thesis title: "Modelling of Plant System"


Since 2005 - Researcher of Numerical Analysis in the Dpt of Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy, University of Naples Federico II


  • 1999-2002 Laboratory of Applied Ecology. University of Naples, PhD Student

  • 2000-2001 ISPAIM (C.N.R.), “contratto di collaborazione

  • 2002-2005 Laboratory of Applied Ecology. University of Naples, “assegno di ricerca”.


Plant growth modeling and vegetation dynamics
Modelling software development
Fire Model Propagation
Carbon cycle Model


RESEARCH PROJECTS (last 2 years)

  • PON 2004/06 - Petit-Osa "Piattaforme Evolute di Telecomunicazioni e di Information Technology per l'Offerta di Servizi al settore Ambiente"

  • Regione Campania Legge 5 - SimArc "Integration of system dynamics models and geographic information systems for the management of the environmental system"

  • Regione Campania Legge 5 - Ecohydrology "Hydrological analysis of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system in Mediterranean ecosystems"

  • FIRB - MESCOSAGR "Metodi Sostenibili per il sequestro del carbonio organico nei suoli agrari. Valutazione degli effetti sulla qualità chimica, fisica, biologica ed agronomica dei suoli"

  • PRIN 2005 - C-Cycle "Effects of species diversity on litter production and decomposition in Mediterranean maquis: modelling analysis" -

  • EU VI Framework - FIRE PARADOX "An innovative approach of integrated wildland fire management regulating the wildfire problem by the wise use of fire: solving the fire paradox"

  • PON 2000/2006 - SIRMM "Formazione a distanza per la integrazione dei saperi nelle scienze della vita"


  • BONANOMI G., GIANNINO F., MAZZOLENI S. (2005). Plant-soil negative feedback and species coexistence. OIKOS. vol. 111, pp. 311-321 ISSN: 0030-1299.
  • MONETTI V.M., GUARRACINO M.R., GIANNINO F., TORALDO G., CHIRICO G. B., ROMANO N. (2005). SIRMM: un data base multidisciplinare interattivo per la matematica applicata. In GIANI U. Formazione a distanza per l’integrazione di saperi nelle scienze della vita. (pp. 293-318). NAPOLI: Ricerca Medica Editrice (ITALY).
  • ROMANO N., GIANNINO F., CHIRICO G.B., MIGLIOZZI A., MAZZOLENI S., MULLIGAN M. (2005). Dinamica del contenuto d'acqua nel suolo in ambienti mediterranei suscettibili di degrado. L'ingegneria agraria per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'area mediterranea. 27-30 giugno 2005. ISBN/ISSN: 88-901860-0-3. Catania, Italia.
  • GIANNINO F., GUARRACINO M.R., MONETTI V.M., ROMANO N., TORALDO G. (2004). SIRMM: Searchable Information Repository of Mathematical Models. EISTA 2004 – International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applica. July 21 -25. ISBN/ISSN: 980-6560-11-6. Orlando (Florida, USA).
  • GIANNINO F., GUARRACINO M.R., MONETTI V.M., ROMANO N., TORALDO, G. (2004). An Adaptable Learning Technology System for Mathematical Models. ICALT 2004 – The 4th IEEE International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies. 30 August- 1 September. (pp. 654-656). ISBN/ISSN: 0-7695-2181-9. Joensuu (Finland).
  • CAVELLA S., DE ROSA T., GIANNINO F., MARINO M., MASI P., TORALDO G. (2003). A linear model for the optimal management strategy in a food warehouse. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. vol. 5, pp. 1-10 ISSN: 1311-8080.
  • MAZZOLENI S., GIANNINO F., AMATO M., GUCCI R. AND TORALDO G. (2003). Individual based model of plant communities The MIRIAM Project Series, ESCULAPIO Pub. In CAPASSO V. Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine. (pp. 288-294). ISBN: 88-7488-055-3. MILANO: ESCULAPIO (ITALY).
  • MAZZOLENI S., REGO F., GIANNINO F. (2003). Ecosystem Modelling: Vegetation and Disturbance. In WAINWRIGHT J., MULLIGAN M. Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity. (pp. 171-186). ISBN: 0-471-49617-0. LONDON: John Wiley and Sons (UNITED KINGDOM).
  • MAZZOLENI S., GIANNINO F., COLANDREA M., NICOLAZZO M., MASSHEDER J. (2003). Integration of System Dynamics Models and Geography Information Systems. Modelling and Simulation '2003. (pp. 304-306). ISBN/ISSN: 90-77381-04-X.
  • CAVELLA S., GIANNINO F., SEVERINO G., MASI P., TORALDO G. (2002). Hydrodynamic computational analysis of pasta extrusion. In BALSA-CANTO E., MORA J., BANGA J.R. AND ONATE E. Computing Techniques in Food Technologies. (pp. 95-100). ISBN: 84-95999-13-7. BARCELONA: CIMNE (SPAIN).






















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