Discrete Event Systems and Supervisory Control
Prof. Gianmaria De Tommasi


    1 Introduction to DES (Chapter 1 in [1])

      1.1 Systems and models
      1.2 Discrete event systems
      1.3 Logic and timed models

    2 Languages and automata (mainly from Chapter 2 in [1])

      2.1 Languages
      2.2 Operations on languages
      2.3 Definition of (logic and deterministic) automata
      2.4 Generated and marked languages of an automata
      2.5 Operations on automata
      2.6 Canonical recognizer of a regular language
      2.7 State space minimization
      2.8 Non-deterministic (logic) automata
      2.9 Observers
      2.10 Fault diagnosis and diagnosers (from [2])
      2.11 Regular expressions
      2.12 The class of regular languages Reg(E) and recognizable languages. Kleene theorem (from [3])
      2.13 Pumping lemmas for regular and context free languages (from [3])
      2.14 Chomsky grammars (from [3])
      2.15 Decidability and complexity (from [3])
      2.16 Timed automata: the deterministic and the stochastic case (Section 3.1.1 in [1])

    3 Petri nets (mainly from [4] and [5])

      3.1 Petri nets and Petri net systems
      3.2 Petri net languages
      3.3 Reachability set
      3.4 Labeled net systems: generated and marked language
      3.5 Reachability and coverability graphs
      3.6 Behavioural properties: reachability, boundedness, conservativity, repeatibility, reversibility, liveness
      3.7 Structural properties: P- and T-invariants, siphons and traps.
      3.8 Estimation of the reachability set
      3.9 Classes of P/T nets and ordinary nets subclasses
      3.10 Observability of net systems with uncertain marking: the observer coverability graph (from [6])
      3.11 K-diagnosability in bounded Petri nets via integer linear programming (from [7])
      3.12 Timed Petri nets: the server semantic

    4 Supervisory control (mainly from Chapter 3 in [1])

      4.1 Control requirements
      4.2 The concept of supervisor and supervisory control under complete controllability and observability
      4.3 Supervisory control in presence of uncontrollable events
      4.4 Controllability theorem
      4.5 Controllable languages
      4.6 Controllability test for regular languages
      4.7 Supremal controllable sublanguage and infimal prefix-closed superlanguage
      4.8 Controllability and non-conflicting
      4.9 Basic Supervisory Control Problem and Dual Basic Supervisory Control Problem
      4.10 Controllability and non-blocking theorem
      4.11 Observable languages
      4.12 Controllability and observability theorem
      4.13 Supervisory control in Petri nets using Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints (GMECs, from [8])


    C. G. Cassandras e S. Lafortune, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems.  Springer, 1999.
    M. Sampath et al., Diagnosability of Discrete-Event Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1555-1575, September 1995.
    S. Haar e T. Masopust, Control of Discrete-Event Systems.  Springer, 2013.   Chapter 2: Languages, Decidability, and Complexity.
    M. P. Cabasino, A. Giua, C. Seatzu, Control of Discrete-Event Systems.  Springer, 2013.   Chapter 10: Introduction to Petri nets.
    M. P. Cabasino, A. Giua, C. Seatzu, Control of Discrete-Event Systems.    Springer, 2013.   Chapter 11: Structural analysis of Petri nets.
    A. Giua, C. Seatzu, Observability of place/transition nets, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 1424-1437, September 2002.
    F. Basile, P. Chiacchio, G. De Tommasi, On K-diagnosability of Petri nets via integer linear programming, Automatica, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 2047-2058, September 2012.
    A. Giua, F. DiCesare, M. Silva Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints on Nets with Uncontrollable Transitions, Proc. of 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.

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