Let us now summarize the fundamental properties of LLG dynamics in
the normalized quantities introduced above.
The first property a) is expressed as
which can be easily derived as explained in
section 1.3.5. In the typical micromagnetic
problem it is assumed initially
which is
the normalized version of the micromagnetic constraint
The second fundamental property b) is related to the nature of the
energy balance in LLG dynamics:
which has very important implications. For constant applied field,
Eq. (4.14) reduces to
This equation reveals the role of the damping and shows that LLG
dynamics has a Lyapunov structure, namely, for constant external
field, the free energy is always a decreasing function of time. In
addition, it also demonstrates the nature of the Gilbert
phenomenological damping: the dissipation is proportional to the
square of the velocity of variation of magnetization. This is
connected to the fact that the Gilbert damping term can be
introduced by using the Rayleigh approach described in
section 1.3.5.
This property is very important because it guarantees that the
system tends toward minima of free energy (i.e. meta-stable
equilibrium points).
Third, for the LLG equation becomes an Hamiltonian
dynamical system for the vector field
defined as
The LLG hamiltonian form (4.16) is related
to the following LLG Poisson bracket
are two generic functionals of
. In Eq. (4.16), the role of the
hamiltonian is played by
a. It should be underlined
that, although the LLG dynamics is always dissipative, it is
interesting to consider the conservative case as in most
experimental situations the dissipative effect are quite small
). In other terms, the LLG
dynamics, on relatively short time scale, is a perturbation of the
conservative (hamiltonian) precessional dynamics. In this respect,
many interesting conclusions on the nature of dynamics can be also
derived from the conservative4.1
Eq. (4.16).
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Massimiliano d'Aquino