- December 2013: New theses available for projects with both Google, Cisco, and Telecom Italia. Send me an email for a meeting.
- December 2013: Graduate Research Assistant, Research Associate, Post Doc Openings. I
am now seeking qualified and self-motivated graduate students and Post
Docs with background in networking, programming, statistical data
analysis, in at least one of the following areas: broadband monitoring
and censorship detection, traffic generation and classification, active
probing and network tracerouting and smart city and mobility, starting
Dec 2013/Jan 2014 and summer 2014. For those who are interested, please
send me an email with subject "Traffic Openings 2013/2014" and with a
copy of your resume, transcripts, publication list, and other closely
related credentials at pescape AT unina.it. Here a pdf with more information.
- May 2013: Progetto di Formazione Platino-Form - deadline presentazione delle domande di ammissione: 15 Giugno 2013
- March 2013:
Theses available on censorship detection (work in collaboration with
Google Inc.)
- October
2012: Positions
available for
Internships and
Thesis at CTTC
(Barcelona, Spain) for
working on self-organized networks
available for (self-funded) Internships and
Thesis at CAIDA
(San Diego,
USA) and for
Internships and
Thesis at FTW
(Vienna, Austria). Send me an e-mail if
you are interested in this opportunity (first come first
served policy will be applied).
- February
2012: Master
di II Livello - Innovazione ICT: progettazione e gestione di servizi di
nuova generazione e cloud computing - deadline 5 Aprile 2012.
- May 2010:
Internships and Thesis for Italian Students at the following
- University
Napoli Federico II
Research Group
- Traffic
Research Group
Teaching Website (Italian)