Pescapè is a Full Professor at the Department
of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the University
of Napoli
Federico II (Italy) and Honorary Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the
School of Computing, Informatics and Media of the University of
Bradford (UK). He received the M.S. Laurea Degree in Computer
Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and Systems, both at
University of Napoli Federico II.
Antonio Pescapè teaches
courses in Computer Networks, Computer Architectures, Programming, and
Multimedia and he has also co-supervised/supervised and graduated more
than 180
among BS, MS, and PhD students.
His research interests are in
the networking field with focus on Internet Monitoring, Measurements
and Management and on Network Security. Antonio Pescapè has
coauthored over 170 journal (Communications of the ACM, IEEE
Communications Magazine, JSAC, IEEE
Wireless Communications Magazine, IEEE Networks, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TNSM,
Computer Networks, etc.) and conference
(SIGCOMM, Infocom, IMC, PAM, Globecom, ICC, etc.) publications and he is
co-author of several patents pending.
He has served and serves as
Chairs of workshops and conferences and on more
than 180 technical program committees of IEEE and ACM conferences. He
has served as Editorial Board Member of IEEE Survey and Tutorials
(2008-2011), he was guest editor for the special issue of Computer
Networks on ``Traffic classification and its applications to modern
networks'' for the special issue of the
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems on “Internet of
Things and Cloud Services” and for the special Issue of IEEE Computer on ``Communications and
Privacy under Surveillance''.
For his research activities he has received several awards.
In 2009 he was awarded the IET Communications Premium Award
in 2010 he was awarded the best local paper award at IEEE ISCC
2010; in november 2011 he was awarded the TEA (Technologybiz
Endorsement Award); in november 2011 he was awarded by Open Source
Software World Challenge 2011 for the D-ITG platform; in 2012 two of
his papers have been awarded the IRTF ANRP (Applied Networking Research
Prize), he was awarded the Best Poster award at SIGCOMM 2012, and he
was awarded by Open Source
Software World Challenge 2012 for the TIE platform;
in 2013 he was awarded the Google
Faculty Award for the UBICA
(User-Based Internet
Censorship Analysis) research project and the Best Student Paper Award at ACM Conext 2013.
He is
a Senior
Member of the IEEE.
Antonio Pescapè has served and
serves as independent reviewer/evaluator of research
and implementation projects
and project proposals co-funded by the
European Commision (FP7, Horizon2020), Swedish government, several
Italian local governments, Italian
Ministry for University and Research (MIUR), Italian Ministry of
Economic Development (MISE), Università Ca-Foscari,
Università di Verona.
Finally, Antonio Pescapè is the Scientific Coordinator and
Principal Investigator (PI) of several national and international
research projects and research grants funded by different third-party
private industries in the areas of computer and telecommunication
networks, network measurement and multimedia.
- University
Napoli Federico II
Research Group
- Traffic
Research Group
Teaching Website (Italian)