..::.. From observability to privacy and security in discrete event systems @ ITEE PhD UNINA ..::..
..::.. Course Schedule ..::..
- Lecture #1: Discrete Event Systems (DES), Languages and Automata (De Tommasi)
- Lecture #2: Petri nets (PNs) and their twofold representation to model DES (De Tommasi)
- Lecture #3: MILP and ILP formulations: logical conditions, binary variables “do everything", and variable connecting (Sterle)
- Lecture #4: Adding uncertainty: unobservable events and observers for finite state automata and PNs (De Tommasi)
- Lecture #5: Augmenting the observers: diagnosability of prefix-closed languages, diagnosers and the fault detection for finite state automata (Basile)
- Lecture #6: Diagnosability and fault detection in PNs - Part I: graph-based approaches (Basile)
- Lecture #7: Diagnosability and fault detection in PNs - Part II: algebraic approaches for bounded systems (De Tommasi)
- Lecture #8: Security issues in DES: non-interference and opacity (De Tommasi)
- Lecture #9: Non-interference and opacity enforcement (De Tommasi)
Last update ..::.. $Date: 2020/12/18 08:31:48 $