Journal Publications
Year | Number | Title | Journal | Authors |
2021 | 25 | Enhancing optimization capabilities using the AGILE collaborative MDO framework with application to wing and nacelle design | Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Lefebvre, T., Bartoli, N., Dubreuil, S., Panzeri, M., Lombardi, R., Della Vecchia, P. Stingo, L., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Ciampa, P.D., Anisimov, K, Savelyev, A., Mirzoyan, A., Isyanov, A. |
2021 | 24 | Wind Tunnel Model Design and Aeroelastic Measurements of the RIBES Wing | Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Cella, U. Della Vecchia, P., Groth, C., Porziani, S., Chiappa, A., Giorgetti, F., Nicolosi, F., Biancolini, M. |
2020 | 23 | Experimental analysis of aircraft directional control effectiveness | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S. |
2020 | 22 | Automatic modeling of aircraft external geometries for preliminary design workflows | Aerospace Science and Technology
De Marco, A., Di Stasio, M., Della Vecchia, P., Trifari, V., Nicolosi, F. |
2020 | 21 | Aeroelastic Wind Tunnel Tests of the RIBES Wing Model | Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft
Nicolosi, F., Cusati, V., Ciliberti, D.,Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S. |
2019 | 20 | An improved high-lift aerodynamic prediction method for transport aircraft | CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Della Vecchia, P. Nicolosi, F., Ruocco, M., Stingo, L., De Marco, A. |
2019 | 19 | Application of game theory and evolutionary algorithm to the regional turboprop aircraft wing optimization | Computational Methods in Applied Sciences
Della Vecchia, P. Stingo, L., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Daniele, E., D’Amato, E. |
2018 | 18 | Structural validation of a realistic wing structure: The RIBES test article | Procedia Structural Integrity
Groth, C., Porziani, S., Chiappa, A., Giorgetti, F., Cella, U., Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P. Mastroddi, F., Coppotelli, G., Biancolini, M.E. |
2018 | 17 | Roll performance assessment of a light aircraft: fight simulations and fight tests | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A.,Sabetta, V., Della Vecchia, P. |
2018 | 16 | Numerical analysis of propeller effects on wing aerodynamic: tip mounted and distributed propulsion | Trasportation Research Procoedia
Della Vecchia, P., Malgieri, D, Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A |
2018 | 15 | Aircraft directional stability and vertical tail design: A review of semi-empirical methods | Progress in Aerospace Sciences
Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P.,Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A |
2017 | 14 | A comprehensive review of vertical tail design | Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Corcione, S., Cusati, V. |
2017 | 13 | Design and integration sensitivity of a morphing trailing edge on a reference airfoil: The effect on high-altitude long-endurance aircraft performance | Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S., Pecora, R., Nicolosi, F., Concilio, A., Dimino, I. |
2016 | 12 | Development of a Java-Based Framework for Aircraft Preliminary Design and Optimization | Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A, Attanasio, L.,Della Vecchia, P. |
2016 | 11 | Fuselage aerodynamic prediction methods | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Cusati, V. |
2015 | 10 | Diffuser shape optimization for GEM, a tethered system based on two horizontal axis hydro turbines | International Journal of Marine Energy
Coiro, D.,P., Daniele, E., Della Vecchia, P. |
2015 | 9 | Commuter Aircraft Aerodynamic Characteristics through Wind Tunnel Tests | Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P. |
2014 | 8 | Design and Aerodynamic Analysis of a Twin-engine Commuter Aircraft | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P. |
2014 | 7 | Aerodynamic guidelines in the design and optimization of new regional turboprop aircraft | Aerospace Science and Technology
Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, F. |
2014 | 6 | An Airfoil Shape Optimization Technique coupling PARSEC Parameterization and Evolutionary Algorithm | Aerospace Science and Technology
Della Vecchia, P., Daniele, E., D'Amato, E. |
2013 | 5 | Aerodynamic interference issues in aircraft directional control | Journal of Aerospace Engineering
Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti, D. |
2013 | 4 | An investigation on vertical tailplane contribution to aircraft sideforce | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D. |
2013 | 3 | Conceptual adaptive wing-tip design for pollution reductions | Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Daniele, E., De Fenza, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2012 | 2 | Stability, flying qualities and longitudinal parameter estimation of a twin-engine CS-23 certified light aircraft | Aerospace Science and Technology
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2011 | 1 | Flight Tests, Performances and Flight Certification of a Twin-Engine Light Aircraft | Journal of Aircraft
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
Conference Publications
Year | Number | Title | Conferences | Authors |
2021 | 55 | Hybridization and Mission Analysis of a Regional Turboprop | AIAA 2021.
Orefice, F., Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Ruocco, M. |
2021 | 54 | Assessing the Integration of Electrified On-Board Systems in an MDAO framework for a small transport aircraft | AIAA 2021.
Fioriti, M., Della Vecchia, P., Donelli, G., Hansmann, P. |
2020 | 53 | Conceptual Design of Commuter Aircraft including Distributed Electric Propulsion | AIAA 2020.
Orefice, F., Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., D. Ciliberti |
2020 | 52 | Noise, Emissions and Costs trade factors for regional jet platforms using a new software for aircraft preliminary design | AIAA 2020.
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Trifari, V., Di Stasio, M., Marulo, F., De Marco, A., Marciello, V., Cusati, V. |
2019 | 51 | Powered wind tunnel tests setup of the IRON innovative turboprop aircraft | EASN Conferences 2019. |
Ciliberti, D., Cusati, V., Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S., Nicolosi, F. |
2019 | 50 | Feasibility study of innovative regional turboprop: an overview of the European project IRON | EASN Conferences 2019. |
Corcione, S., Trifari, V., Nicolosi, F., Cusati, V.,Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P. |
2019 | 49 | An approach to preliminary sizing of turboelectric aircraft with distributed propulsion | AIDAA 2019.
Ciliberti, D., Orefice, F. Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, F. |
2019 | 48 | Implementation of a noise prediction software for civil aircraft applications | AIDAA 2019.
Casale, C., Polito, T., Trifari, V., Di Stasio, M., Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, F., Marulo, F. |
2019 | 47 | Aircraft Conceptual Design and Optimization Including Powertrain Architecture and Distributed Propulsion | AIAA 2019.
Orefice, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Nicolosi, F. |
2019 | 46 | Longitudinal stability issues including propulsive effects on an innovative commercial propeller-driven aircraft | AIAA 2019.
Cusati, V., Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P. |
2019 | 45 | High Lift Aerodynamic characteristics of a Three Lifting Surfaces Turboprop Aircraft | AIAA 2019.
Corcione, S., Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Cusati, V. |
2019 | 44 | Streamlining Cross-Organizational Aircraft Development: Results from the AGILE Project | AIAA 2019.
Ciampa, P.,D., Prakasha,P., S., Torrigiani, F., Walther, J., Lefebvre, T., Bartoli, N., Timmermans, H., Della Vecchia, P., Stingo, L., Rajpal, D., van Gent, I, La Rocca, G., Fioriti, M., Cerino, G., Maierl, R., Charbonnier, D., Jungo, A., Aigner, B., Anisimov, K., Mirzoyan, A., Voskuijl, M., |
2019 | 43 | Design guidelines for high capacity innovative regional turboprop aircraft | AIAA 2019.
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Trifari, V., Della Vecchia, P., De Marco, A. |
2018 | 42 | Numerical high lift prediction on the JAXA standard model | ICAS 2018.
Cusati, V., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D., Corcione, S., Nicolosi, F. |
2018 | 41 | Aerodynamic design and analysis of an innovative regional turboprop configuration, | ICAS 2018.
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P., Trifari, V., Ruocco, M. |
2018 | 40 | MDO applications to conventional and novel turboprop aircraft within AGILE European project | ICAS 2018.
Stingo, L., Della Vecchia, P., Cerino, G., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A. |
2018 | 39 | Collaborative open source aircraft design framework for education - Agile academy initiatives and results | ICAS 2018.
Della Vecchia, P., Aigner, B., Gent, I.V., Ciampa, P.D., Prakasha, P.S. |
2018 | 38 | Comparative study of advanced turboprop aircraft with wing and rear mounted propulsion system in the AGILE EU project | AIAA 2018.
Mirzoyan, A., Isyanov, A., Cerino, G., Della Vecchia, P., Stingo, L., Fioriti, M., Boggero, L., Tomasella, F., Prakasha, P.S. |
2018 | 37 | Wind tunnel testing of a generic regional turboprop aircraft modular model and development of improved design Guidelines | AIAA 2018.
Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P., Salvatore Corcione |
2018 | 36 | MDO Framework for university research collaboration: AGILE Academy Initiatives & Outcomes | AIAA 2018.
Della Vecchia, P., Ciampa, Prakasha, Aigner, van Gent |
2018 | 35 | Model based collaborative Design & Optimization of Blended Wing Body Aircraft Configuration: AGILE EU Project | AIAA 2018.
Prakasha, Ciampa, Della Vecchia, P., Voskuij, Fioriti, Aigner, Anisimov, Mirzoyan |
2018 | 34 | Advanced turboprop multidisciplinary design and optimization within AGILE project | AIAA 2018.
Della Vecchia, P., Stingo,L., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, Cerino, Ciampa, Prakasha, Fioriti, Zhang, Mirzoyan, Aigner, Charbonnier |
2017 | 33 | Low Speed Take-Off Aerodynamic Analysis | CEAS 2017.
Charbonnier, D., Vos, J., Prakasha, P., Mirzoyan, A., Savelyev, A, Della Vecchia, P. |
2017 | 32 | A Java Toolchain of Programs for Aircraft Design | CEAS 2017.
De Marco, A., Cusati, V., Trifari, V., Ruocco, M., Nicolosi, F. Della Vecchia, P. |
2017 | 31 | Numerical analysis of propeller effects on wing aerodynamic: tip mounted and distributed propulsion | CEAS 2017.
Della Vecchia, P.,Malgieri, D., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A. |
2017 | 30 | Design and aerodynamic analysis of a regional turboprop innovative configuration | CEAS 2017.
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P., Trifari, V., Ruocco, M., De Marco, A. |
2017 | 29 | An improved method for transport aircraft for high lift aerodynamic prediction | CEAS 2017.
Della Vecchia, P.,Ruocco, M., Stingo, L., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A. |
2017 | 28 | Application of game theory and evolutionary algorithm to the regional turboprop aircraft wing optimization | EUROGEN 2017.
Della Vecchia, P.,Stingo, L., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Daniele, E., D'Amato, E. |
2017 | 27 | Game theory and evolutionary algorithms applied to MDO in the AGILE European project | AIAA Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference.
Della Vecchia, P.,Stingo, L., Corcione, S., Ciliberti, D., Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A. |
2017 | 26 | Methodological enhancements in MDO process investigated in the AGILE European project | AIAA Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference.
Lefebvre, Bartoli, Dubreuil, Panzeri, Lombardi, Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, Ciampa, Anisimov, Savelyev |
2016 | 25 | The AGILE method applied to aircraft design at University of Naples | EASN Conference. |
Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi,F., De Marco, A., Stingo, L., Nardone, G. |
2016 | 24 | Effects on flight performance of a morphing trailing edge wing for hale aircraft | Greener Aviation Conference. |
Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S., Nicolosi, F., Pecora, R., Dimino, I., Concilio, A. |
2016 | 23 | Aerodynamic Design Guidelines of Aircraft Dorsal Fin | AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.
Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti, D., Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S. |
2015 | 22 | Roll performances assessment of a light aircraft: flight tests and flight simulation | AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Sabetta, V., Della Vecchia, P. |
2015 | 21 | Fuselage aerodynamic prediction methods | AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti D., Cusati, V., Attanasio, L. |
2015 | 20 | Aircraft directional stability prediction method by CFD | AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Della Vecchia, P., Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti D. |
2015 | 19 | A Java desktop application for Aircraft Preliminary Design | ICPT |
De Marco, A., Nicolosi, F., Attanasio, L.,Della Vecchia, P. |
2015 | 18 | Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of a New Twin Engine Commuter Aircraft | MAE |
Nicolosi, F., Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P., De Marco, A. |
2014 | 17 | Development of new preliminary design methodologies for regional turboprop aircraft by CFD analyses | ICAS
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D, Cusati, V |
2014 | 16 | Commuter aircraft aerodynamic design: wind-tunnel tests and CFD analysis | ICAS
Nicolosi, F.,Corcione, S., Della Vecchia, P. |
2014 | 15 | Diffuser shape optimization for GEM, a tethered system based on two horizontal axis hydro turbines | AWTEC
Coiro, D., P., Daniele, E., Della Vecchia, P. |
2013 | 14 | Wind Tunnel Tests of a New Commuter Aircraft | CEAS
Corcione, S., Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P. |
2013 | 13 | CFD sensitivity analysis on bumped airfoil characteristics for inflatable winglet | CEAS
Caso, P., Daniele, E., Della Vecchia, P., De Fenza, A. |
2013 | 12 | A new approach in the aircraft vertical tailplane design | AIDAA
Nicolosi, F., Ciliberti, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2013 | 11 | Numerical aerodynamic analysis on a trapezoidal wing with high lift devices: a comparison with experimental data | AIDAA
Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti D. |
2012 | 10 | Adaptive wing-tip design for pollution reduction | Business improvement by performance simulation in A & D
Daniele, E., De Fenza, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2012 | 9 | An investigation on vertical tail plane design | READ
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Ciliberti, D. |
2012 | 8 | Aerodynamic analysis and Design of a twin engine commuter aircraft | ICAS
Nicolosi, F., Della Vecchia, P., Corcione, S. |
2012 | 7 | Aerodynamic guidelines in the design and optimization of new regional turboprop aircraft | CEAS - AIDAA
Nicolosi, F. and Della Vecchia, P. |
2011 | 6 | The role of flight tests and flight simulation in aircraft design | EWADE
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2011 | 5 | A Nash Equilibrium-Genetic Algorithm optimization code for structural problems. Test case: an aluminum plate subjected to low velocity impact events | CAE
Tancredi, S., D’Amato, E., Daniele, E., Della Vecchia, P., Petrone, G. |
2010 | 4 | Stability, Flying Qualities and Parameter Estimation of a Twin-Engine CS-23/FAR 23 Certified Light Aircraft | AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2010 | 3 | Flight Tests, Performances and Flight Certification of a Twin-Engine Light Aircraft | AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
2010 | 2 | Aerodynamic Analysis and optimization of regional transport aircraft | PEGASUS AIAA
Della Vecchia, P. and Serino, G. |
2009 | 1 | Flight Tests of a Twin-Engine Aircraft: Performances, Stability and Parameter Estimation | AIDAA
Nicolosi, F., De Marco, A., Della Vecchia, P. |
Year | Title | Degree | Authors | |
2006 | 1 | Definizione dell'architettura di un sistema di spoiler per velivoli da trasporto attivato con logica FLY-BY-WIRE | Bachelor
Della Vecchia, P. |
2008 | 2 | Prove di volo di un velivolo bimotore: determinazione delle Prestazioni e Identificazione parametrica | Master
Della Vecchia, P., Di Maso, C. |
2013 | 3 | Development of Methodologies for the Aerodynamic Design and Optimization of New Regional Turboprop Aircraft | Ph.D
Della Vecchia, P. |