Robotics Lab 2024/2025
Master's Course in Automation Engineering and Robotics
Academic Year 2024/2025
Instructor: Prof. Mario Selvaggio

Class Schedule

Lectures are taught in person. Microsoft Teams (MT) platform will be used in case of attendance issues, to share class material, and general course's organization. Students are kindly invited to join the MT class with code ag6cvf0.

Teaching Assistantship

Send an e-mail (using the tag [RL2024] in subject) to the instructor or to the assistant(s) to communicate with us. You can book a 1-hour meeting via the appointment scheduling feature provided by google calendar. The assistantship will be provided in person and/or via the MT platform.

Aim of the Course

In this course you will learn how to efficiently build robotic applications using the Robot Operating System (ROS), that provides you access to a large set of open-source software and tools. Students will learn from partaking in practical activities.

Student learning objectives

Syllabus (updated frequently)

The exam consists of an oral discussion of a technical project developed along the course. For course attenders, classwork and homeworks will be used to assess the student's knowledge. Homeworks assigned during classdays must be completed within one week. A template for the report can be found here. Students not attending are required to contact the instructor to define the technical project to be developed in simulation.

Detailed schedule (updated frequently)

Here is a tentative schedule of lectures. Readings and assignments will be added as they become available.

Days Topic Homeworks
WEEK 1 Monday 16/09 Wednesday 18/09 Introduction and

Introduction Setup your PC
WEEK 2 Monday 23/09 Wednesday 25/09 ROS essentials
ROS – Introduction Hands-on class
WEEK 3 Monday 30/10 Wednesday 02/10
ROS 2 – Basics ROS 2 – Packages and workspace
WEEK 4 Monday 07/10 Wednesday 09/10
ROS 2 – Launch Hands-on class
WEEK 5 Monday 14/10 Wednesday 16/10
ROS 2 – Tools ROS 2 – Simulation
WEEK 6 Monday 21/10 Wednesday 23/10
ROS 2 – Sensors & controllers Hands-on class HW 1: Bring up your robot manipulator 
WEEK 7 Monday 28/10 Wednesday 30/11 Manipulation

Kinematics & dynamics – KDL
WEEK 8 Monday 04/11 Wednesday 06/11
Kinematics & dynamics – KDL Hands-on class
WEEK 9 Monday 11/11 Wednesday 13/11
Trajectory tracking – KDL Hands-on class HW 2: Control a manipulator to follow a trajectory
WEEK 10 Monday 18/11 Wednesday 20/11 Robotic vision
Vision sensors Computer vision - Open CV
WEEK 11 Monday 25/11 Wednesday 27/11
Hands-on class Hands-on class HW 3: Implement a vision-based task
WEEK 12 Monday 02/12 Wednesday 04/12 Autonomous navigation
Differential drive mobile robot Autonomous navigation & path planning
WEEK 13 Monday 09/12 Wednesday 11/12
SLAM Hands-on class HW 4: Control a mobile robot to follow a trajectory
WEEK 14 Monday 16/12 Wednesday 18/12

Lecture notes

Click here for the Slides PDF file
Click here for the Setup your PC PDF file


Click here for the Homework 0 PDF file
Click here for the Homework 1 PDF file
Click here for the Homework 2 PDF file
Click here for the Homework 3 PDF file