journal articles
  1. Semi-autonomous unmanned aerial manipulator teleoperation for push–and–slide inspection using parallel force/vision control
    S. D'Angelo, M. Selvaggio, V. Lippiello, F. Ruggiero
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, pp. 104912, 2025
    Performing inspection and maintenance tasks with aerial robots in complex industrial facilities require high levels of maneuverability and dexterity. As full autonomy still struggles to provide robust solutions due to limited adaptability and high development costs, this study explores the paradigm shift towards shared control teleoperation for tilting unmanned aerial manipulators (UAMs). The research initially focuses on integrating onboard camera measurements and interaction force feedback within a parallel force/vision controller for push–and–slide inspection tasks. The control loop lends itself to the development of a semi-autonomous operation architecture that enables a human operator to easily accomplish the task by means of a simple input device. The paper presents a user study evaluating task completion performance with human–in–the–loop control versus fully autonomous execution. Statistical analysis of 20 user experiences provides insights into the levels of autonomy necessary for effective task completion. Among the analyzed control modalities, statistically significant differences arise when the sliding feature is autonomous, denoting it as the most difficult to manually accomplish. The investigation is conducted within a simulated environment to ensure the safety of sensitive instruments and accommodate users with varying levels of expertise. By proposing shared control architectures, this research addresses the challenges of autonomous UAM operations in hazardous industrial environments, highlighting the benefits of human oversight and control in enhancing task efficiency and safety.
  2. A virtual reality-based dual-mode robot teleoperation architecture
    M. Gallipoli, S. Buonocore, M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, S. Grazioso, G. Di Gironimo
    Robotica, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 1935–1958, 2024
    This paper proposes a virtual reality-based dual-mode teleoperation architecture to assist human operators in remotely operating robotic manipulation systems in a safe and flexible way. The architecture, implemented via a finite state machine, enables the operator to switch between two operational modes: the Approach mode, where the operator indirectly controls the robotic system by specifying its target configuration via the immersive Virtual Reality (VR) interface, and the Telemanip mode, where the operator directly controls the robot end-effector motion via input devices. The two independent control modes have been tested along the task of reaching a glass on a table by a sample population of 18 participants. Two working groups have been considered, to distinguish users with previous experience with VR technologies from the novices. The results of the user study presented in this work show the potential of the proposed architecture in terms of usability, both physical and mental workload, and user’s satisfaction. Finally, a statistical analysis showed no significant differences along these three metrics between the two considered groups demonstrating ease of use of the proposed architecture by both people with and with no previous experience in VR.
  3. Robotics goes PRISMA
    M. Selvaggio, R. Moccia, P. Arpenti, R. Caccavale, F. Ruggiero, J. Cacace, F. Ficuciello, A. Finzi, V. Lippiello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    Robotica, in press
    In this article, we review the main results achieved by the research activities carried out at PRISMA Lab of the University of Naples Federico II where, for 35 years, an interdisciplinary team of experts developed robots that are ultimately useful to humans. We summarize the key contributions made in the last decade in the six research areas of dynamic manipulation and locomotion, aerial robotics, human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics, industrial robotics, and medical robotics. After a brief overview of each research field, the most significant methodologies and results are reported and discussed, highlighting their cross-disciplinary and translational aspects. Finally, the potential future research directions identified are discussed.
  4. Modelling and identification methods for simulation of cable-suspended dual-arm robotic systems
    G. D'Ago, M. Selvaggio, A. Suarez, F. J. Gañán, L. R. Buonocore, M. Di Castro, V. Lippiello, A. Ollero, F. Ruggiero
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 175, pp. 104643, 2024
    This paper proposes rigid-body modelling and identification procedures for long-reach dual-arm manipulators in a cable-suspended pendulum configuration. The proposed model relies on a virtually constrained open kinematic chain and lends itself to be simulated through the most commonly used robotic simulators without explicitly account for the cables constraints and flexibility. Moreover, a dynamic parameters identification procedure is devised to improve the simulation model fidelity and reduce the sim-to-real gap for controllers deployment. We show the capability of our model to handle different cable configurations and suspension mechanisms by customising it for two representative cable-suspended dual-arm manipulation systems: the LiCAS arms suspeded by a drone and the CRANEbot system, featuring two Pilz arms suspended by a crane. The identified dynamic models are validated by comparing their evolution with data acquired from the real systems showing a high (between 91.3% to 99.4%) correlation of the response signals. In a comparison performed with baseline pendulum models, our model increases the simulation accuracy from 64.4% to 85.9%. The simulation environment and the related controllers are released as open-source code.
  5. Shared-control teleoperation paradigms on a soft growing robot manipulator
    F. Stroppa, M. Selvaggio, N. Agharese, M. Luo, L. H. Blumenschein E. W. Hawkes, A. M. Okamura
    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 109, no. 2, p. 30, Sep. 2023
    Semi-autonomous telerobotic systems allow both humans and robots to exploit their strengths, while enabling personalized execution of a task. However, for new soft robots with degrees of freedom dissimilar to those of human operators, it is unknown how the control of a task should be divided between the human and robot. This work presents a set of interaction paradigms between a human and a soft growing robot manipulator, and demonstrates them in both real and simulated scenarios. The robot can grow and retract by eversion and inversion of its tubular body, a property we exploit to implement interaction paradigms. We implemented and tested six different paradigms of human-robot interaction, beginning with full teleoperation and gradually adding automation to various aspects of the task execution. All paradigms were demonstrated by two expert and two naive operators. Results show that humans and the soft robot manipulator can split control along degrees of freedom while acting simultaneously. In the simple pick-and-place task studied in this work, performance improves as the control is gradually given to the robot, because the robot can correct certain human errors. However, human engagement and enjoyment may be maximized when the task is at least partially shared. Finally, when the human operator is assisted by haptic feedback based on soft robot position errors, we observed that the improvement in performance is highly dependent on the expertise of the human operator.
  6. Non-prehensile object transportation via model predictive non-sliding manipulation control
    M. Selvaggio, A. Garg, F. Ruggiero, G. Oriolo, B. Siciliano
    IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 2231-2244, Sept. 2023
    This article proposes a Model Predictive Non-Sliding Manipulation (MPNSM) control approach to safely transport an object on a tray-like end-effector of a robotic manipulator. For the considered non-prehensile transportation task to succeed, both non-sliding manipulation and the robotic system constraints must always be satisfied. To tackle this problem, we devise a model predictive controller enforcing sticking contacts, i.e., preventing sliding between the object and the tray, and assuring that physical limits such as extreme joint positions, velocities, and input torques are never exceeded. The combined dynamic model of the physical system, comprising the manipulator and the object in contact, is derived in a compact form. The associated non-sliding manipulation constraint is formulated such that the parametrized contact forces belong to a conservatively approximated friction cone space. This constraint is enforced by the proposed MPNSM controller, formulated as an optimal control problem that optimises the objective of tracking the desired trajectory while always satisfying both manipulation and robotic system constraints. We validate our approach by show- ing extensive dynamic simulations using a torque-controlled 7-degree-of-freedom (DoF) KUKA LWR IIWA robotic manipulator. Finally, demonstrative results from real experiments conducted on a 21-DoF humanoid robotic platform are shown.
  7. A non-prehensile object transportation framework with adaptive tilting based on quadratic programming
    R. Subburaman, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 3581-3588, Apr. 2023
    This work proposes an operational space control framework for non-prehensile object transportation using a robot arm. The control actions for the manipulator are computed by solving a quadratic programming (QP) problem considering the object's and manipulator's kinematic and dynamic constraints. Given the desired transportation trajectory, the proposed controller generates control commands for the robot to achieve the desired motion whilst preventing object slippage. In particular, the controller minimizes the occurrence of object slippage by adaptively regulating the tray orientation. The proposed approach has been extensively evaluated numerically with a 7-degree-of-freedom manipulator, and it is also verified and validated with a real experimental setup.
  8. Autonomy in physical human-robot interaction: a brief survey
    M. Selvaggio, M. Cognetti, S. Nikolaidis, S. Ivaldi, B. Siciliano
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7989-7996, Oct. 2021
    Sharing the control of a robotic system with an autonomous controller allows a human to reduce his/her cognitive and physical workload during the execution of a task. In recent years, the development of inference and learning techniques has widened the spectrum of applications of shared control (SC) approaches, leading to robotic systems that are capable of seamless adaptation of their autonomy level. In this perspective, shared autonomy (SA) can be defined as the design paradigm that enables this adapting behavior of the robotic system. This letter collects the latest results achieved by the research community in the field of SC and SA with special emphasis on physical human-robot interaction (pHRI). Architectures and methods developed for SC and SA are discussed throughout the paper, highlighting the key aspects of each methodology. A discussion about open issues concludes this letter.
  9. A shared-control teleoperation architecture for nonprehensile object transportation
    M. Selvaggio, J. Cacace, C. Pacchierotti, F. Ruggiero, P. Robuffo Giordano
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 569-583, Feb. 2022
    This article proposes a shared-control teleoperation for robot manipulators transporting an object on a tray. Differently from many existing studies about remotely operated robots with firm grasping capabilities, we consider the case in which, in principle, the object can break its contact with the robot end-effector. The proposed shared-control approach automatically regulates the remote robot motion commanded by the user and the end-effector orientation to prevent the object from sliding over the tray. Furthermore, the human operator is provided with haptic cues informing about the discrepancy between the commanded and executed robot motion, which assist the operator throughout the task execution. We carried out trajectory tracking experiments employing an autonomous 7 degree-of-freedom (DoF) manipulator and compared the results obtained using the proposed approach with two different control schemes (i.e., constant tray orientation and no motion adjustment). We also carried out a human-subjects study involving eighteen participants, in which a 3-DoF haptic device was used to teleoperate the robot linear motion and display haptic cues to the operator. In all experiments, the results clearly show that our control approach outperforms the other solutions in terms of sliding prevention, robustness, commands tracking, and user’s preference.
  10. Towards the development of a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS): case study of a bioinspired soft growing robot for remote measurement and monitoring applications
    S. Grazioso, A. Tedesco, M. Selvaggio, S. Debei, S. Chiodini
    ACTA IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 2, article 15, June 2021
    The most effective expression of the 4.0 Era is represented by cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Historically, measurement and monitoring systems (MMSs) have been an essential part of CPSs; however, by introducing the 4.0 enabling technologies into MMSs, a MMS can evolve into a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS). Starting from this consideration, this work reports a preliminary case study of a CPMS, namely an innovative bioinspired robotic platform that can be used for measurement and monitoring applications in confined and constrained environments. The innovative system is a “soft growing” robot that can access a remote site through controlled lengthening and steering of its body via a pneumatic actuation mechanism. The system can be endowed with different sensors at the tip, or along its body, to enable remote measurement and monitoring tasks; as a result, the robot can be employed to effectively deploy sensors in remote locations. In this work, a digital twin of the system is developed for simulation of a practical measurement scenario. The ultimate goal is to achieve a self-adapting, fully/partially autonomous system for remote monitoring operations to be used reliably and safely for the inspection of unknown and/or constrained environments.
  11. Recurrent fuzzy wavelet neural network variable impedance control of robotic manipulators with fuzzy gain dynamic surface in an unknown varied environment
    M. H. Hamedani, M. Zekri, F. Sheikholeslam, M. Selvaggio, F. Ficuciello, B. Siciliano
    Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 416, pp. 1-26, July 2021
    In this paper, an intelligent variable impedance control combined with a fuzzy gain dynamic surface is proposed to improve the interaction of the robot manipulator with an unknown varied environment. The parameters of the proposed variable impedance are adapted by optimization an introduced cost function using a recurrent fuzzy wavelet network. The stability conditions for the varying inertial, stiffness and damping are presented to guarantee the stability of the variable impedance. Additionally, a fuzzy dynamic surface method is developed to tune the gains of the dynamic surface as a robust controller. The proposed fuzzy gain dynamic surface is used to force the end-effector of the manipulator to track the desired impedance profile in the presence of large disturbances. Using Lyapunov's method, the stability of the mentioned closed-loop system is proved. Finally, by using a designed simulator for IRB120 (ABB) robot, several simulations are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed method for the execution of various tasks in an unknown varied environment in the presence of large disturbances.
  12. The MUSHA hand II: a multi-functional hand for robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery
    H. Liu, M. Selvaggio, P. Ferrentino, R. Moccia, S. Pirozzi, U. Bracale, F. Ficuciello
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 393-404, Feb. 2021
    Although substantial progresses have been made in robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery, the graspers for existing sur- gical systems generally remain non-sensorized forceps design with limited functions. This paper presents the design, development and preliminary evaluation of the MUSHA Hand II, a multi- functional hand with force sensors for robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. The proposed hand has three snake-like underactuated fingers that can be folded into a φ12 mm cylindrical form. Each finger has a three-axis force sensor, to provide force information. After been deployed into an abdominal cavity, the hand can be configured to either grasper mode, retractor mode or palpation mode for different tasks. Underactuated finger design enhances the adaptivity in grasping and the compliance in interaction with the environment. In addition, fingertip force sensors can be utilized for palpation to obtain a real-time stiffness map of organs. Using the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) as a robotic testbed, the functionality of the hand has been demonstrated and experiments have been conducted, including robotic palpation and organ manipulation. The results suggest that the hand can effectively enhance the functionality of a robotic surgical system and overcome the limits on force sensing introduced by the use of robots in laparoscopic surgery.
  13. Portable dVRK: an augmented V-REP simulator of the da Vinci Research Kit
    G. A. Fontanelli, M. Selvaggio, M. Ferro, F. Ficuciello, M. Vendittelli, B. Siciliano
    Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 79-98, 2019
    Special Issue on Platforms for Medical Robotics Research
    The da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) is a first generation da Vinci robot repurposed as a research platform and coupled with software and controllers developed by research users. An already quite wide community is currently sharing the dVRK (32 systems in 28 sites worldwide). The access to the robotic system for training surgeons and for developing new surgical procedures, tools and new control modalities is still difficult due to the limited availability and high maintenance costs. The development of simulation tools provides a low cost, easy and safe alternative to the use of the real platform for preliminary research and training activities. The Portable dVRK, which is described in this work, is based on a V-REP simulator of the dVRK patient side and endoscopic camera manipulators which are controlled through two haptic interfaces and a 3D viewer, respectively. The V-REP simulator is augmented with a physics engine allowing to render the interaction of new developed tools with soft objects. Full integration in the ROS control architecture makes the simulator flexible and easy to be interfaced with other possible devices. Several scenes have been implemented to illustrate performance and potentials of the developed simulator.
  14. The MUSHA underactuated hand for robot-aided minimally invasive surgery
    M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, V. R. Marrazzo, U. Bracale, A. Irace, G. Breglio, L. Villani, B. Siciliano F. Ficuciello
    International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, pp. 15:e1981, 2019
    Keyhole surgery is characterized by loss of dexterity of surgeon's movements because of the limited workspace, nonintuitive motor skills of the surgical systems, and loss of tactile sensation that may lead to tissue damage and bad execution of the tasks. In this paper, a three-fingered underactuated miniature tool for robot-aided laparoscopic surgery is presented. The design is conceived to realize a closed-hand configuration allowing the insertion of the tool into the abdominal cavity through the trocar in one step and to reach different grasping as well as pushing/holding configurations once in the cavity. Aiming to replicate human hand dexterity and versatility, different solutions for the kinematic structure of the hand are analyzed using quality indices to evaluate the manipulability and stability of the grasp. Furthermore, a first prototype of fingertip force sensor based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) technology has been realized and tested. The design choices of the prototype are described and discussed with the aid of experiments. The whole concept and the need for such anthropomorphic tool are discussed with surgeons to highlight constraints and potentials in surgical tasks. The feedback by expert surgeons is used to provide specifications and improvements to the kinematics and mechanical design. The investigations of different designs allow identifying the optimal solution to improve grasping and manipulation capabilities. The tests on FBG sensors led to the conclusion that this technology guarantees good performance and can be a good solution for applications in surgical robotics.
  15. Dexterous grasping by manipulability selection for mobile manipulator with visual guidance
    F. Chen, M. Selvaggio, D. G. Caldwell
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1202-1210, Feb. 2019
    Industry 4.0 demands the heavy usage of robotic mobile manipulators with high autonomy and intelligence. The goal is to accomplish dexterous manipulation tasks without prior knowledge of the object status in unstructured environments. It is important for the mobile manipulator to recognize and detect the objects, determine manipulation pose, and adjust its pose in the workspace fast and accurately. In this research, we developed a stereo vision algorithm for the object pose estimation using point cloud data from multiple stereo vision systems. An improved iterative closest point algorithm method is developed for the pose estimation. With the pose input, algorithms and several criteria are studied for the robot to select and adjust its pose by maximizing its manipulability on a given manipulation task. The performance of each technical module and the complete robotic system is finally shown by the virtual robot in the simulator and real robot in experiments. This study demonstrates a setup of autonomous mobile manipulator for various flexible manufacturing and logistical scenarios.
  16. Haptic-based shared-control methods for a dual-arm system
    M. Selvaggio, F. Abi-Farraj, C. Pacchierotti, P. Robuffo Giordano, B. Siciliano
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 4249-4256, Oct. 2018
    Also selected for presentation at 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
    We propose novel haptic guidance methods for a dual-arm telerobotic manipulation system, which are able to deal with several different constraints, such as collisions, joint limits, and singularities. We combine the haptic guidance with shared-control algorithms for autonomous orientation control and collision avoidance meant to further simplify the execution of grasping tasks. The stability of the overall system in various control modalities is presented and analyzed via passivity arguments. In addition, a human subject study is carried out to assess the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed control approaches both in simulated and real scenarios. Results show that the proposed haptic-enabled shared-control methods significantly improve the performance of grasping tasks with respect to the use of classic teleoperation with neither haptic guidance nor shared control.
  17. Passive virtual fixtures adaptation in minimally invasive robotic surgery
    M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, F. Ficuciello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 3129-3136, Oct. 2018
    Also selected for presentation at 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
    During robot-aided surgical interventions, the surgeon can be benefitted from the application of virtual fixtures (VFs). Though very effective, this technique is very often not practicable in unstructured surgical environments. In order to comply with the environmental deformation, both the VF geometry and the constraint enforcement parameters need to be online defined/adapted. This letter proposes a strategy for an effective use of VF assistance in minimally invasive robotic surgical tasks. An online VF generation technique based on the interaction force measurements is presented. Pose and geometry adaptations of the VF are considered. Passivity of the overall system is guaranteed by using energy tanks passivity-based control. The proposed method is validated through experiments on the da Vinci Research Kit.
  18. A new laparoscopic instrument with in-hand rolling capabilities for needle re-orientation
    G. A. Fontanelli, M. Selvaggio, L. R. Buonocore, F. Ficuciello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 2354-2361, July 2018
    Also selected for presentation at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
    In laparoscopic minimally invasive robotic surgery, a teleoperated robot is interposed between the patient and the surgeon. Despite the robot aid, the manipulation capabilities of surgical instruments are far from those of the human hand. In this letter, we want to make a step forward toward robotic solutions that can improve manipulation capabilities of the surgical instruments. A new concept of needle-driver tool is presented, which takes inspiration from the human hand model. The idea is to modify a standard laparoscopic tool by introducing an additional degree of freedom, which allows in-hand reorientation of the suturing needle. A 3D printed prototype has been built to validate the tool design. The improved manipulation capabilities have been assessed quantitatively by evaluating a weighted dexterity index along a single stitch trajectory. Moreover, a comparison between our tool and a standard needle driver has been done in terms of time required for the execution of a complete suturing sequence.
  19. Conceptual design and control strategy of a robotic cell for precision assembly in radar antenna systems
    R. Signore, S. Grazioso, A. Fariello, F. Murgia, M. Selvaggio, G. Di Gironimo
    Procedia Manufacturing, vol. 11, pp. 397-404, 2017
    Dip-Brazing is a metal-joining process in which two or more metal items are joined together using a low-temperature melting element as filler. In telecommunication field, this process is used to fabricate radar antenna systems. The process begins with the assembly of the parts constituting the antenna and the thin filler sheet used to join the parts. The mechanical deformations of the micro-pins of the parts allow to obtain a more compact mechanical assembly, before than the antenna system is subjected to an immersion cycle used for adjoining the parts. In this work, we present the design of the robotic cell to automate the assembly procedure in the aluminum dip-brazing of antenna in MBDA missile systems. In particular, we propose a robotic cell using two stations: i) assembly, using a SCARA manipulator; ii) riveting, using a three-axis cartesian robot designed for positioning a radial riveting unit. Motion control of the robots and scheduling of the operations is presented. Experiments simulated in a virtual environment show an almost perfect tracking of the designed trajectories. The standardization of the procedure as well as the reduction of its execution time is thus achieved for the industrial scenario.
  20. Design and development of a novel body scanning system for healthcare applications
    S. Grazioso, M. Selvaggio, G. Di Gironimo
    International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, vol. 12, pp. 611–620, 2018
    This paper presents a novel instant 3D whole body scanner for healthcare applications. It is based on photogrammetry, a digital technology which allows to reconstruct the surface of objects starting from multiple pictures. The motivation behind this work is the development of minimally invasive procedures for instant data acquisitions of anatomical structure. The scanner provides several features of interests in 3D body scanning technologies for the healthcare domains: (i) instant capture of human body models; (ii) magnitude of accuracy in the order of 1 mm; (iii) simplicity of use; (iv) possibility to scan using different settings; (v) possibility to reconstruct the texture. The system is built upon a modular and distributed architecture. In this paper we highlight its key concepts and the methodology which has led to the current product. We illustrate its potential through one of the most promising 3D scanning healthcare applications: the data acquisition and processing of human body models for the digital manufacturing process of prostheses and orthoses. We validate the overall system in terms of conformity with the the initial requirements.
  21. A fast airplane boarding strategy using online seat assignment based on passenger classification
    G. Notomista, M. Selvaggio, F. Sbrizzi, G. Di Maio, S. Grazioso, M. Botsch
    Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 53, pp. 140-149, June 2016
    The minimization of the turnaround time, the duration which an aircraft must remain parked at the gate, is an important goal of airlines to increase their profitability. This work introduces a procedure to minimize of the turnaround time by speeding up the boarding time in passenger aircrafts. This is realized by allocating the seat numbers adaptively to passengers when they pass the boarding gate and not before. Using optical sensors, an agility measure is assigned to each person and also a measure to characterize the size of her/his hand-luggage. Based on these two values per passenger and taking into account additional constraints, like reserved seats and the belonging to a group, a novel seat allocation algorithm is introduced to minimize the boarding time. Extensive simulations show that a mean reduction of the boarding time with approximately 15% is achieved compared to existing boarding strategies. The costs of introducing the proposed procedure are negligible, while the savings of reducing the turnaround time are enormous, considering that the costs generated by inactive planes on an airport are estimated to be about 30 $ per minute.
International conferences
  1. Robust nonprehensile dynamic object transportation: a closed-loop sensitivity approach
    A. Teimoorzadeh, A. Pupa, M. Selvaggio, S. Haddadin
    2025 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 19–23, Atlanta, USA
    In this paper, we propose a closed-loop sensitivity-based approach to enhance the robustness of robotic nonprehensile dynamic manipulation tasks.The proposed method aims at fulfilling the transportation of an object, that is free to move on a tray-shaped robot end–effector, in face of not perfectly known nominal dynamic parameters. The approach is built up on taking the parameterized reference trajectory to be tracked as the optimization variable minimizing a norm of the system closed-loop sensitivity. The resulting optimal reference trajectory is inherently more robust to the parametric variations of object dynamic properties compared to a baseline straight trajectory execution. The trajectory tracking performance is assessed and validated along hardware experiments and an extensive simulation campaign assessing the superior robustness of our approach.
  2. Oscillation suppression in cable-suspended robotic manipulation systems using nonlinear model predictive control
    M. Avagnale, G. D'Ago, M. Selvaggio, L. R. Buonocore, M. Di Castro, V. Lippiello, B. Siciliano, F. Ruggiero
    2024 International Symposium on Robotics Research, December 8-12, 2024, Long Beach, CA, USA
    This paper addresses the development of a model-based control strategy for suppressing oscillations in dual-arm cable-suspended long-reach robotic systems. The control leverages the robotic arms dynamics to dampen platform oscillations caused by the suspension point’s movement as it reaches the desired operating position. To manage the inherent system constraints and model nonlinearities, a nonlinear model predictive control approach has been devised. Experimental results validate the approach’s effectiveness, demonstrating that the proposed method reduces the time needed to eliminate oscillations during the approach phase by more than 75% compared to the uncontrolled case.
  3. Shared-control teleoperation methods for a cable-suspended dual-arm unmanned aerial manipulator
    M. Selvaggio, F. Esposito, V. Lippiello, F. Ruggiero
    2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Chania - Crete, Greece, 2024, pp. 1132-1139
    This paper introduces two shared-control teleoperation methods for remotely executing long-reach tasks with a cable-suspended dual-arm unmanned aerial manipulator. The proposed techniques aim to improve task performance and user experience during remote tasks involving interaction with the environment. Two application scenarios are envisioned: pushing against a flat surface to emulate in-contact inspection tasks of infrastructures, and object grasping to simulate debris removal in cluttered environments. The effectiveness of the two shared-control teleoperation methods is evaluated through a human subject study involving 10 participants commanding the simulated robot via a joystick interface. Statistical analysis demonstrates significant enhancements in task performance and system usability when using the proposed methods compared to standard teleoperation.
  4. A model-based oscillation suppression approach for a cable-suspended dual-arm aerial manipulator
    G. D'Ago, M. Selvaggio, C. Marzio, L. R. Buonocore, A. Suarez, A. Gonzalez-Morgado, J. Villanueva, A. Ollero, F. Ruggiero
    2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Chania - Crete, Greece, 2024, pp. 1140-1147
    In aerial manipulators, the presence of cables between the aerial platform and the articulated system is beneficial to increase the distance between rotors’ blades and the obstacles in the workspace and absorb unavoidable impacts arising during the interaction with the environment. However, cables also produce pendulum-like oscillatory behaviour due to dynamic coupling and to the effect of external forces when the robot navigates in free space through the environment. This paper presents a model-based control approach for the suppression of oscillations in cable-suspended dual-arm aerial manipulators. Contrary to many oscillation suppression techniques that act on the suspension platform, we exploit the dynamics of the articulated system to achieve the same scope. A linear controller is devised applying a partial feedback linearization technique for the unactuated variables of our system, i.e. the cables. Simulation and experimental tests are carried out using a quadrotor equipped with a cable-suspended dual-arm system to validate our proposed framework. With our control technique drone-induced oscillations were reduced by up to 89%, with a settling time of 2.5 seconds.
  5. Visual and haptic cues for human-robot handover
    M. Costanzo, C. Natale, M. Selvaggio
    32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Busan, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 2677-2682
    The adoption of robots outside their cages in conventional industrial scenarios requires not only safe human-robot interaction but also intuitive human-robot interactive communication. In human-robot collaborative tasks, the objective is to help humans in performing their job with less physical and cognitive effort. A collaborative task can involve the exchange of objects between the robot and the operator. However, the handover operation should be sufficiently intuitive, fluid, and natural for being accepted by the involved humans. Naturalness strongly depends on the speed of the object exchange and the way of communication. For the latter aspect, this paper proposes a multi-modal communication based on visual and haptic cues. Concerning the handover speed requirement, the paper proposes a high-performance visual servoing based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) estimating object speed during the handover and a homography-based object tracking. The object safety is ensured by proper control of the robot grasp force based on a model-based approach exploiting tactile measurements. The same perception modality is also used as a source of haptic cues that make the handover intuitive and natural. Experiments of human-robot handovers through haptic and visual cues communication demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
  6. Task-oriented contact optimization for pushing manipulation with mobile robots
    F. Bertoncelli, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero, L. Sabattini
    2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1639-1646, 2022
    This work addresses the problem of transporting an object along a desired planar trajectory by pushing with mobile robots. More specifically, we concentrate on establishing optimal contacts between the object and the robots to execute the given task with minimum effort. We present a task-oriented contact placement optimization strategy for object pushing that allows calculating optimal contact points minimizing the amplitude of forces required to execute the task. Exploiting the optimized contact configuration, a motion controller uses the computed contact forces in feed-forward and position error feedback terms to realize the desired trajectory tracking task. Simulations and real experiments results confirm the validity of our approach.
  7. Dual-arm object transportation via model predictive control and external disturbance estimation
    M. Lei, M. Selvaggio, T. Wang, F. Ruggiero, C. Zhou, C. Yao, Y. Zheng
    2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 2328-2334, 2022
    This paper addresses the problem of transporting a rigid box filled with unknown objects with a dual-arm robotic system. Enforcing non-sliding contact behavior, which guarantees the transportation of the box despite the unknown load's action, is the main difficulty in this setting. To solve this problem, we propose a high-level model-predictive controller, which uses a nonlinear extended state observer to estimate the external disturbance, and determine the wrench required to the box for tracking a trajectory. A quadratic program transforms the calculated wrench into optimal desired contact forces on the two end-effectors. Finally, a low-level admittance control framework with an inner velocity loop is established to indirectly control the actual contact forces. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed control method with experiments carried out on a real dual-arm robotic system.
  8. Using a soft growing robot as a sensor delivery system in remote environments: a practical case study
    S.Grazioso, A. Tedesco, R. Sabella, S. Fusco, M. Selvaggio, L. Duraccio, E. De Benedetto, A. Lanzotti, L. Angrisani
    2022 IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking, Padua, Italy, pp. 1-5, 2022
    Soft continuum robots are a new class of robotic devices, which are very promising for enabling measurement applications especially in remote, difficult-to-reach environments. In this work, we propose the use of a particular soft robot, which is able to evert and steer from the tip, as a sensor delivery system. The measurement system consists of two major sections: i) the robotic platform for movement purposes; and ii) the sensing part (i.e., a sensor attached to its tip to enable the measurement). As a case study of the use of the soft-growing robot as a sensor-delivery system, the transportation of a wired thermocouple towards a remote hot source was considered. The preliminary results anticipate the suitability of soft continuum robotic platforms for remote applications in confined and constrained environments.
  9. Effects of design parameters on the tip steering capabilities of fabric pneumatic artificial muscle-actuated soft growing robots
    M. Selvaggio, S. Grazioso, S. Fusco, R. Sabella, G. A. Fontanelli, G. Di Gironimo, B. Siciliano, A. Lanzotti
    2022 International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, Ischia, Italy, pp. 1215-1226, 2022
    Tip steering by induced deformation constitutes one of the most prominent feature to effectively navigate constrained environments with soft growing robots. In this work, we analyze the effects of design parameters on the tip steering capabilities of pneumatically-actuated soft growing robots built from fabric. More specifically, we consider the variability of material, fabric Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (fPAM) diameter, and backbone internal pressure and statistically quantify the effect on the maximum curvature achieved by the robot when a constant fPAM input pressure is applied. In our considered settings, we found a statistically significant main effect (p<0.05 ) of the fPAM diameter and a relevant interaction effect between this and the material factor. These findings provide useful guidelines for the design of fabric-based PAM-actuated soft growing robots with enhanced tip steering capabilities.
  10. Nonprehensile object transportation with a legged manipulator
    V. Morlando, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero
    2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 6628-6634, 2022
    This paper tackles the problem of nonprehensile object transportation through a legged manipulator. A whole- body control architecture is devised to prevent sliding of the object placed on the tray at the manipulator’s end-effector and retain the legged robot balance during walking. The controller solves a quadratic optimization problem to realize the sought transportation task while maintaining the contact forces between the tray and the object and between the legs and the ground within their respective friction cones, also considering limits on the input torques. An extensive simulation campaign confirmed the feasibility of the approach and evaluated the control performance through a thorough statistical analysis conducted varying mass, friction, and the dimension of the transported object.
  11. A hardware-in-the-loop simulator for physical human-aerial manipulator cooperation
    E. Cuniato, J. Cacace, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero, V. Lippiello
    2021 20th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 830-835, 2021
    A hardware-in-the-loop simulator for human co- operation with an aerial manipulator is presented in this paper. The simulator provides the user with realistic haptic feedback proper of a human-aerial manipulator interaction activity. The forces exchanged between the hardware interface and the hu- man/environment are measured and supplied to a dynamically simulated aerial manipulator. In turn, the simulated aerial platform feeds back its position to the hardware allowing the human to feel and evaluate the interaction effects. Besides human-aerial manipulator cooperation, the simulator lends itself to developing and testing autonomous control strategies in aerial manipulation. Therefore, the effectiveness of the proposed system is evaluated along with two case studies: a collaborative task where the human operator attaches a tool to the robot end-effector and an autonomous bird diverter installation task.
  12. Design of a soft growing robot as a practical example of cyberphysical measurement systems
    S. Grazioso, A. Tedesco, M. Selvaggio, S. Debei, S. Chiodini, E. De Benedetto, G. Di Gironimo, A. Lanzotti
    2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT, Rome, Italy, pp. 23-26, 2021
    Measurement and monitoring systems (MMSs) are intrinsically part of 4.0 and, in particular, of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). However, by introducing the 4.0 enabling tech- nologies into MMSs, also the vice versa can be accomplished, and MMSs can evolve into a cyber-physical measurement system (CPMS). Starting from this consideration, in the present work, a preliminary case study of a CPMS is presented: an innovative robotic platform to be used for measurement systems in confined and constrained remote environments. The proposed system is a soft growing robot that includes a robot base, to be placed outside the remote environments, and a robot body that accesses the site through growth. A pneumatic actuation mechanism enables the controllable growth of the system (through lengthening at its tip), as well as its controllable steering. The system can be equipped with sensors to enable remote monitoring tasks, or can be used to transport sensors in remote locations. The ultimate goal is to achieve a self-adapting, fully-autonomous, reliable and safe system for monitoring applications, particularly useful for the remote inspection of unknown and/or constrained environments.
  13. A set-theoretic approach to multi-task execution and prioritization
    G. Notomista, S. Mayya, M. Selvaggio, M. Santos, C. Secchi
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Paris, France, pp. 9873-9879, 2020
    Executing multiple tasks concurrently is important in many robotic applications. Moreover, the prioritization of tasks is essential in applications where safety-critical tasks need to precede application-related objectives, in order to protect both the robot from its surroundings and vice versa. Furthermore, the possibility of switching the priority of tasks during their execution gives the robotic system the flexibility of changing its objectives over time. In this paper, we present an optimization-based task execution and prioritization framework that lends itself to the case of time-varying priorities as well as variable number of tasks. We introduce the concept of extended set-based tasks, encode them using control barrier functions, and execute them by means of a constrained-optimization problem, which can be efficiently solved in an online fashion. Finally, we show the application of the proposed approach to the case of a redundant robotic manipulator.
  14. An obstacle-interaction planning method for navigation of actuated vine robots
    M. Selvaggio, L. A. Ramirez, N. D. Naclerio, B. Siciliano, E. W. Hawkes
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Paris, France, pp. 3227-3233, 2020
    The field of soft robotics is grounded on the idea that, due to their inherent compliance, soft robots can safely interact with the environment. Thus, the development of effective planning and control pipelines for soft robots should incorporate reliable robot-environment interaction models. This strategy enables soft robots to effectively exploit contacts to autonomously navigate and accomplish tasks in the environment. However, for a class of soft robots, namely vine-inspired, tip-extending or "vine" robots, such interaction models and the resulting planning and control strategies do not exist. In this paper, we analyze the behavior of vine robots interacting with their environment and propose an obstacle-interaction model that characterizes the bending and wrinkling deformation induced by the environment. Starting from this, we devise a novel obstacle-interaction planning method for these robots. We show how obstacle interactions can be effectively leveraged to enlarge the set of reachable workspace for the robot tip, and verify our findings with both simulated and real experiments. Our work improves the capabilities of this new class of soft robot, helping to advance the field of soft robotics.
  15. Robust dynamic surface control of da Vinci robot manipulator considering uncertatineies: a fuzzy-based approach
    M. H. Hamedani, M. Selvaggio, M. Rahimkhani, F. Ficuciello, H. Sadeghian, M. Zekri, F. Sheikholeslam
    2019 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, Tehran, Iran, pp. 418-423, 2019
    da Vinci is a robotic platform used to perform surgical tasks. The use of this robotic platform can have a significant effect on the reduction of operation time and improvement of the surgical task outcomes. However, the dynamic model of the da Vinci robot especially the friction model of the prismatic joint is unknown. Therefore, the design of an adaptive torque controller for da Vinci system can be the optimal solution for autonomous control strategies. In this work, we propose a fuzzy dynamic surface controller as a suitable application of the fuzzy method to tune the gain of the dynamic surface as an adaptive and robust controller for the da Vinci robot. The proposed controller is able to observe and eliminate the uncertainties. Lyaponuv method is used to guarantee the stability of the closed loop system. Finally, experiments are conducted to verify the proper performance of the proposed approach. It is worth noting that the experimental results indicate the robustness of the controller against uncertainties of the system.
  16. Haptic-guided shared control for needle grasping optimization in minimally invasive robotic surgery
    M. Selvaggio, A. M. Ghalamzan E., R. Moccia, F. Ficuciello, B. Siciliano
    2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Macau, China, pp. 3617-3623, 2019
    During suturing tasks performed with minimally invasive surgical robots, configuration singularities and joint limits often force surgeons to interrupt the task and re-grasp the needle using dual-arm movements. This yields an increased operator's cognitive load, time-to-completion and performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a haptic-guided shared control method for grasping the needle with the Patient Side Manipulator (PSM) of the da Vinci robot avoiding such issues. We suggest a cost function consisting of (i) the distance from robot joint limits and (ii) the task-oriented manipulability along the suturing trajectory. Evaluating the cost and its gradient on the needle grasping manifold allows us to obtain the optimal grasping pose for joint-limit and singularity free robot movements during suturing. We compute force cues and display them through the Master Tool Manipulator (MTM) to guide the surgeon towards the optimal grasp. As such, our system helps the operator to choose a grasping configuration that allows the robot to avoid joint limits and singularities during post-grasp suturing movements. We show the effectiveness of the proposed haptic-guided shared control method during suturing using both simulated and real experiments. The results illustrate that our approach significantly improves the performance in terms of needle re-grasping.
  17. Vision-based virtual fixtures generation for robotic-assisted polyp dissection procedures
    R. Moccia, M. Selvaggio, L. Villani, B. Siciliano, F. Ficuciello
    2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Macau, China, pp. 7934-7939, 2019
    Polyp dissection requires very accurate detection of the region of interest and high-precision cutting with adequate safety margins. Robot-assisted polyp dissection is a solution to accomplish high-quality intervention. This paper proposes a method to constrain the robot to follow an accurate dissection path based on Virtual Fixtures (VF). The VFs are created via specific control points obtained directly from images of the surgical scene and are updated by the vision algorithm. The VF constraints can autonomously adapt themselves to environment changing during the surgical intervention. The entire pipeline is validated through experiments on the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) robot.
  18. Using photogrammetric 3D body reconstruction for the design of patient–tailored assistive devices
    S. Grazioso, T. Caporaso, M. Selvaggio, D. Panariello, R. Ruggiero, G. Di Gironimo
    2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT, Naples, Italy, pp. 240-242
    The use of fast and accurate scanning systems for human body digitization might pave the way towards the development of less invasive processes for medical manufacturing. In this work, an advanced measurement system for human body 3D reconstruction is used to design tailored assistive devices. The system is a photogrammetric 3D body scanner developed by the authors.
  19. Passive task-prioritized shared-control teleoperation with haptic guidance
    M. Selvaggio, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Ficuciello, B. Siciliano
    2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Montreal, QC, Canada, pp. 430-436, 2019
    Robot teleoperation is widely used for several hazardous applications. To increase teleoperator capabilities shared-control methods can be employed. In this paper, we present a passive task-prioritized shared-control method for remote telemanipulation of redundant robots. The proposed method fuses the task-prioritized control architecture with haptic guidance techniques to realize a shared-control framework for teleoperation systems. To preserve the semi-autonomous telerobotic system safety, passivity is analyzed and an energy-tanks passivity-based controller is developed. The proposed theoretical results are validated through experiments involving a real haptic device and a simulated slave robot.
  20. A portable da Vinci simulator in virtual reality
    M. Ferro, D. Brunori, F. Magistri, L. Saiella, M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli
    2019 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, Naples, Italy, pp. 447-448, 2019
    Research activity in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery (MIRS) has gained a considerable momentum in the last years, due to the availability of reliable and clinically relevant research platforms like the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK). However, despite the wide sharing of the dVRK in the research community, access to the platform remains limited because of high maintenance costs and difficulty in replacing components. In this work we complete a robotic simulator of the dVRK, previously developed by our group, with cheap haptic interfaces and an Oculus Rift to replicate and extend the functionalities of the Master console. The complete system represents an efficient, safe and low-cost tool, useful to design and validate new surgical instruments and control strategies, as well as provide an easy-to-access educational tool to students.
  21. A V-REP simulator for the da Vinci Research Kit robotic platform
    G. A. Fontanelli, M. Selvaggio, M. Ferro, F. Ficuciello, M. Vendittelli, B. Siciliano
    2018 7th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Enschede, Netherlands, pp. 1056-1061, 2019
    In this work we present a V-REP simulator for the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK). The simulator contains a full robot kinematic model and integrated sensors. A robot operating system (ROS) interface has been created for easy use and development of common software components. Moreover, several scenes have been implemented to illustrate the performance and potentiality of the developed simulator. Both the simulator and the example scenes are available to the community as an open source software.
  22. Eligere: a fuzzy AHP distributed software platform for group decision making in engineering design
    S. Grazioso, M. Gospodarczyk, M. Selvaggio, D. Marzullo, G. Di Gironimo
    2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Naples, Italy, pp. 1-6, 2017
    This paper presents eligere, a new open-source distributed software platform for group decision making in engineering design. It is based on the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), a multiple criteria decision making method used in group selection processes to rank a discrete set of alternatives with respect to some evaluation criteria. eligere is built following the paradigm of distributed cyber-physical systems. It provides several features of interest in group decision making problems: a web-application where experts express their opinion on the alternatives using the natural language, a fuzzy AHP calculation module for transforming qualitative into quantitative data, a database for collecting both the experts' answers and the results of the calculations. The resulting software platform is: distributed, interactive, multi-platform, multi-language and open-source. Eligere is a flexible cyber-physical information system useful in various multiple criteria decision making problems: in this paper we highlight its key concepts and illustrate its potential through a case study, i.e., the optimum selection of design alternatives in a robotic product design.
  23. Towards a self-collision aware teleoperation framework for compound robots
    M. Selvaggio, S. Grazioso, G. Notomista, F. Chen
    2017 IEEE World Haptics Conference, Munich, Germany, pp. 460-465, 2017
    This work lays the foundations of a self-collision aware teleoperation framework for compound robots. The need of an haptic enabled system which guarantees self-collision and joint limits avoidance for complex robots is the main motivation behind this paper. The objective of the proposed system is to constrain the user to teleoperate a slave robot inside its safe workspace region through the application of force cues on the master side of the bilateral teleoperation system. A series of simulated experiments have been performed on the Kuka KMRiiwa mobile robot; however, due to its generality, the framework is prone to be easily extended to other robots. The experiments have shown the applicability of the proposed approach to ordinary teleoperation systems without altering their stability properties. The benefits introduced by this framework enable the user to safely teleoperate whichever complex robotic system without worrying about self-collision and joint limitations.
  24. Enhancing airplane boarding procedure using vision based passenger classification
    F. Sbrizzi, S. Grazioso, M. Selvaggio, G. Di Maio, G. Notomista
    2016 19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 772-777, 2016
    This paper presents the implementation of a new boarding strategy that exploits passenger and hand-luggage detection and classification to reduce the boarding time onto an airplane. A vision system has the main purpose of providing passengers data, in terms of agility coefficient and hand-luggage size to a seat assignment algorithm. The software is able to dynamically generate the passenger seat that reduces the overall boarding time while taking into account the current airplane boarding state. The motivation behind this work is to speed up of the passenger boarding using the proposed online procedure of seat assignment based on passenger and luggage classification. This method results in an enhancement of the boarding phase, in terms of both time and passenger experience. The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the usability of the proposed system in real conditions proving its performances in terms of reliability. Using a simple hardware and software setup, we performed several experiments recreating a gate entrance mock up and comparing the measurements with ground truth data to assess the reliability of the system.
  25. Enhancing bilateral teleoperation using camera-based online virtual fixtures generation
    M. Selvaggio, G. Notomista, F. Chen, B. Gao, F. Trapani, D. G. Caldwell
    2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, Korea (South), pp. 1483-1488, 2016
    In this paper we present an interactive system to enhance bilateral teleoperation through online virtual fixtures generation and task switching. This is achieved using a stereo camera system which provides accurate information of the surrounding environment of the robot and of the tasks that have to be performed in it. The use of the proposed approach aims at improving the performances of bilateral teleoperation systems by reducing the human operator workload and increasing both the implementation and the execution efficiency. In fact, using our method virtual guidances do not need to be programmed a priori but they can be instead automatically generated and updated making the system suitable for unstructured environments. We strengthen the proposed method using passivity control in order to safely switch between different tasks while teleoperating under active constraints. A series of experiments emulating real industrial scenarios are used to show that the switch between multiple tasks can be passively and safely achieved and handled by the system.
  26. A framework of teleoperated and stereo vision guided mobile manipulation for industrial automation
    F. Chen, B. Gao, M. Selvaggio, Z. Li, D. G. Caldwell, K. Kershaw, A. Masi, M. Di Castro, R. Losito
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, pp. 1641-1648, 2016
    In this paper we present an interactive system to enhance bilateral teleoperation through online virtual fixtures generation and task switching. This is achieved using a stereo camera system which provides accurate information of the surrounding environment of the robot and of the tasks that have to be performed in it. The use of the proposed approach aims at improving the performances of bilateral teleoperation systems by reducing the human operator workload and increasing both the implementation and the execution efficiency. In fact, using our method virtual guidances do not need to be programmed a priori but they can be instead automatically generated and updated making the system suitable for unstructured environments. We strengthen the proposed method using passivity control in order to safely switch between different tasks while teleoperating under active constraints. A series of experiments emulating real industrial scenarios are used to show that the switch between multiple tasks can be passively and safely achieved and handled by the system.
  27. Robust object localization based on error patterns learning for dexterous mobile manipulation
    B. Gao, F. Chen, F. Trapani, M. Selvaggio, D. G. Caldwell
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, Macau, China, pp. 213-218, 2016
    In this article we describe an approach for object detection and pose estimation from stereo RGB frames for robot manipulation in manufacturing scenarios. This solution was developed in the framework of the second challenge of the EuRoC project, and meets the need of a registration method invariant to the view perspective and robust to the structural symmetries and ambiguities of the target objects. Our contribution consists of automatic correction of sub-optimal results of registration algorithms. As most registration algorithms only converge on local optima, a tool for recognizing and correcting wrong alignments is highly desirable. Our insight is that, for a given target point cloud, it is important to study the alignment space offline and identify sub-optimal solutions before the registration. The convergence of the algorithm leads to the error pattern knowledge that can be used to discard the wrong solutions, and recover the correct alignment. Experiments on synthesized and real data show that exploiting the known information about the spatial properties of the objects, together with appropriate pre-processing and refining of the data, we can have a substantial improvement in discarding wrong hypothesis for geometrically ambiguous items.
  28. Vision based virtual fixture generation for teleoperated robotic manipulation
    M. Selvaggio, F. Chen, B. Gao, G. Notomista, F. Trapani, D. G. Caldwell
    2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, Macau, China, pp. 190-195, 2016
    In this paper we present a vision-based system for online virtual fixture generation suitable for manipulation tasks using remote controlled robots. This system makes use of a stereo camera system which provides accurate pose estimation of parts within the surrounding environment of the robot using features detection algorithms. The proposed approach is suitable for fast adaptation of the teleoperation system to different manipulation tasks without the need of tedious reimplementation of virtual constraints. Our main goal is to improve the efficiency of bilateral teleoperation systems by reducing the human operator effort in programming the system. In fact, using this method virtual guidances do not need to be programmed a priori but they can be instead dynamically generated on-the-fly and updated at any time making, in the end, the system suitable for any unstructured environment. In addition, this methodology is easily adaptable to any kind of teleoperation system since it is independent from the used master/slave robots. In order to validate our approach we performed a series of experiments in an emulated industrial scenario. We show how through the use of our approach a generic telemanipulation task can be easily accomplished without influencing the transparency of the system.
  29. Relative motion estimation based on sensor eigenfusion using a stereo-scopic vision system and adaptive statistical filtering
    G. Notomista, A. Kammenhuber, P. Nadarajan, M. Botsch, M. Selvaggio
    2016 47st International Symposium on Robotics, Munich, Germany, pp. 1-6, 2016
    This paper presents a method to estimate the relative motion between two vehicles with high accuracy. The estimated quantities are intended to be used as a reference system for automotive sensing techniques and online embedded motion-estimation algorithms. We propose the sensor eigenfusion which makes use of a stereoscopic vision system mounted on-board of a host vehicle. Highly reliable markers, i. e., QR-codes, mounted on a remote vehicle are used for robust features detection and tracking. In the case of the mentioned camera system, the proposed method uses the 3D reconstruction capabilities of stereoscopic vision and optical flow techniques usually used in monocular vision systems. The measurements are then shaped, smoothed and fused using a Kalman filter. To achieve the required high accuracy the characteristic statistical parameters of the filter are adapted online according to confidence measures which depend both on the 3D reconstruction and on the optical flow analysis.
  1. Robotic non-prehensile object transportation
    V. Morlando, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero
    4th Italian Conference for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Rome, Italy
  2. Using a legged manipulator for nonprehensile object transportation
    V. Morlando, M. Selvaggio, F. Ruggiero
    2022 IEEE ICRA 6th Workshop on Legged Robots, Philadelphia, PA, US
  3. Haptic-guided needle grasping in minimally invasive robotic surgery
    M. Selvaggio, A. M. Ghalamzan E., R. Moccia, F. Ficuciello, B. Siciliano
    2019 IEEE ICRA Workshop - Next Generation Surgery:
    Seamless Integration of Robotics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation within the Operating Rooms, Montreal, QC, Canada
  4. Vision-based virtual fixtures generation for MIRS dissection tasks
    R. Moccia, M. Selvaggio, B. Siciliano, A. Arezzo, F. Ficuciello
    2019 9th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, Genoa, Italy
  5. Suturing needle tracking for grasping optimization in minimally invasive surgery
    R. Moccia, M. Selvaggio, F. Ficuciello
    2019 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, England
  6. Design of the MUSHA hand II for robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery
    H. Liu, P. Ferrentino, M. Selvaggio, S. Pirozzi, F. Ficuciello
    2019 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, England
  7. A virtual fixture adaptation strategy for MIRS dissection tasks
    M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, F. Ficuciello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    2018 8th Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, London, England
  8. Enhancing dexterity with a 7-DoF laparoscopic suturing tool
    M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, F. Ficuciello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    2018 Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, England
  9. Physics-based task classification of da Vinci robot surgical procedures
    M. Selvaggio, L. Villani, B. Siciliano, F. Ficuciello
    2018 6th National Congress of Bioengineering, Milan, Italy
  10. Towards natural human-swarm teleoperation using hand synergies
    M. Selvaggio, G. Notomista
    2018 IEEE ICRA Workshop - Swarms: From Biology to Robotics and Back, Brisbane, Australia
  11. Task classification of robotic surgical reconstructive procedures using force measurements
    M. Selvaggio, G. A. Fontanelli, F. Ficuciello, L. Villani, B. Siciliano
    2017 7th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, Montpellier, France
  12. INBODY: instant photogrammetric 3D body scanner
    S. Grazioso, M. Selvaggio, G. Di Gironimo, R. Ruggiero
    7th International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland
Phd thesis
Shared control telerobotic methods for industrial and surgical robotic systems
M. Selvaggio