An EssaY of Scientific notes


G. Romano, L. Rosati, F. Marotti de Sciarra,

A variational theory for finite-step elasto-plastic problems,

Int. J. Solids Structures, 30 (17) (1993) 2317-2334.

Download IJSS1993.pdf

G. Romano,

New Results in Subdifferential Calculus with Applications to Convex Optimization,

Appl. Math. Optim. 32, 3 (1995) 213-234. doi:10.1007/BF01187900.

Download AMO1995.pdf

G. Romano, M. Diaco,

A Functional Framework for Applied Continuum Mechanics,

New Trends in Mathematical Physics,

World Scientific, Singapore (2004) 193-204, ISBN 981-256-077-7.

Download RIONERO2004.pdf

G. Romano, F. Marotti de Sciarra, M. Diaco

Well-posedness and numerical performances of the strain gap method,

Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 51 (2001) 283-306

Download IJNME_2001.pdf

G. Romano, M. Diaco,

The Strain Gap Method Existence Uniqueness and Convergence Properties,

Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,

P.E. O Donoghue and J.N. Flavin (eds),

Elsevier, Paris (2000) 174-179, ISBN 2-84299-245-8.

Download SGM2000.pdf

G. Romano, R. Barretta and M. Diaco,

On the general form of the law of dynamics,

Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 44, 6 (2009) 689-695.


G. Romano, R. Barretta, A. Barretta,

On Maupertuis principle in dynamics,

Reports on Mathematical Physics 63, 3 (2009) 331-346.

DOI: 10.1016/S0034-4877(09)00015-9

G. Romano, R. Barretta and M. Diaco,

Basic issues in phase transition theory and fracture mechanics.

Variational Formulations in Mechanics: Theory and Applications,

  1. E.Taroco , E.A. de Souza Neto and A.A. Novotny (eds),

  2. F.CIMNE Barcelona (2007) 263-279, ISBN 978-84-96736-32-0.

Download RAF60.pdf

G. Romano, R. Barretta and M. Diaco,

On the theory of material inhomogeneities,

Mechanics Research Communications, 33, 6 (2006) 758-763.


G. Romano, C. Sellitto, R. Barretta,

Nonlinear shell theory: a duality approach,

Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2, 7 (2007) 1207-1230.

Download SHELL2007.pdf

G. Romano, R. Barretta and M. Diaco,

The general law of dynamics in nonlinear manifolds and Noether theorem,

Memorie Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche,

Mathematical Physics Models and Engineering Sciences,

Liguori, Napoli (2008) 439-453, ISBN-13978-88-207-4057-3.

Download RENNO2008.pdf

G. Romano, R. Barretta and M. Diaco,

On Continuum Dynamics,

Journal of Mathematical Physics 50, 102903 (2009) 1-26.


G. Romano, M. Diaco and R. Barretta,

Variational Formulation of the First Principle of Continuum Thermodynamics,

Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 22, 3 (2010) 177-187.


G. Romano, M. Diaco, C. Sellitto,

Tangent stiffness of elastic continua on manifolds,

Trends and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,

S. Rionero and G. Romano (eds),

Springer, Milan (2005) 155-184, ISBN 88-470-0269-9.

Download STIFF2005.pdf

G. Romano, A. Romano,

Basic issues in convex homogenization,

Trends and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,

S. Rionero and G. Romano (eds),

Springer, Milan (2005) 185-202, ISBN 88-470-0269-9.

Download HOMO2005.pdf

G. Romano, C. Sellitto,
Tangent stiffness of polar shells undergoing large displacements, 
Trends and Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,
S. Rionero and G. Romano (eds), 
Springer, Millan (2005) 203-214, ISBN 88-470-0269-9.
Download Polar_Shells.pdfPublications_files/Polar_Shells.pdf

Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta and Marina Diaco,

Algorithmic tangent stiffness in elastoplasticity and elastoviscoplasticity: A geometric insight.

Mechanics Research Communications, 37, 6 (2010) 289-292..


Giovanni Romano,

On the Laws of Electromagnetic Induction

67 pages, 3 figures, May 2011.


Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta,

Covariant Hypo-elasticity,

Eur. J. Mech. A-Solids, 30 (2011) 1012-1023.

DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2011.05.005

Giovanni Romano,

On natural derivatives and the curvature formula in fibre bundles,

13 pages, July 2011.


Giovanni Romano, Annalisa Barretta, Raffaele Barretta,

On Torsion and Shear of Saint-Venant Beams,

Eur. J. Mech. A-Solids, Volume 35, September-October 2012, Pages 47-60.

Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta,

Geometric Constitutive Theory and Frame Invariance.

Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. (2013) Volume 51, May 2013, Pages 75-86

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2012.12.006

G. Romano,

On the necessity of Korn's inequality,

Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics,

P.E. O Donoghue and J.N. Flavin (eds),

Elsevier, Paris (2000) 166-173, ISBN 2-84299-245-8.

Download KORN2000.pdf

Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta,

On Euler stretching formula in continuum mechanics.

Acta Mech. January 2013, Volume 224, Issue 1, pp 211-230

DOI: 10.1007/s00707-012-0746-5.2012.12.006

Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta, Marina Diaco,

Geometric Continuum Mechanics.

Meccanica: Volume 49, Issue 1 (2014), Page 111-133

DOI: 10.1007/s11012-013-9777-9

Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta, Marina Diaco,

Rate formulations in nonlinear continuum mechanics.


DOI: 10.1007/s00707-013-1002-3

Giovanni Romano,

On Electromagnetic Entanglements under Changes of Frame,

Atti Accademia Nazionale Scienza Lettere ed Arti,Napoli, 20 pages, February 2013.


Giovanni Romano, Raffaele Barretta, Marina Diaco,

The geometry of nonlinear elasticity.


DOI: 10.1007/s00707-014-1113-5

G. Romano, L. Rosati, F. Marotti de Sciarra,

An internal variable theory of inelastic behaviour

derived from the uniaxial rigid-perfectly plastic law,


Download IGES1993.pdf


G. Romano, L. Rosati, F. Marotti de Sciarra,

Variational principles for a class of finite-step elasto-plastic problems

with non-linear mixed hardening,

Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engng.109 (1993) 293-314.

Download CMAME1993.pdf

G. Romano,

Potential operators and conservative systems,

Meccanica 7, 3 (1972) 141-146. doi:10.1007/BF02128759.

Download Meccanica1972.pdf

G. Romano, L.Rosati, G. Ferro,

Shear deformability of thin-walled beams with arbitrary cross sections,

Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 35 (1992) 283-306. DOI: 10.1002/nme.1620350205

Download Shear.pdf

G. Romano,

On the minimum of the potential energy functional at a critical point,

Meccanica 9, 4 (1974) 198-202. doi:10.1007/BF02175805.

Download Meccanica1974.pdf

G. Romano,

Limiti di collasso rigido plastico di piastre rettangolari

soggette a carichi simmetrici rispetto alle mediane,

Ingegneria Civile, 30 (1969) 1-19.

Download Piastre1969.pdf

G. Romano,

On the energy criterion for the stability of continuous elastic structures,

Meccanica 10, 3 (1975) 198-202. doi:10.1007/BF02149034.

Download Meccanica1975.pdf

Giovanni Romano,
On Time and Length in Special Relativity,
Atti Accademia Nazionale Scienza Lettere ed Arti,Napoli, 26 pages, Maggio 2014.

Giovanni Romano,

Beyond Feynman troubles in Electromagnetics,

Atti Accademia Nazionale Scienza Lettere ed Arti,Napoli, 31 pages, Aprile 2014.
